Lets Talk Golf now. The 19th SolheIm Cup Is underway In VIrgInIa Usa versus europe. And one thIng people are TalkIng About Is. Charley Hull SmokIng on the course. European CaptaIn Suzann Pettersen shrugged It off when asked About It sayIng charley s old enough to make those decIsIons. Shes been pIctured smokIng at other events before and saId Its a habIt and That It helps her relax on the course. WerejoIned now by mIchael mcewan, Deputy EdItor of Golf MagazIne bunkered. Its not the fIrst tIme Is It That she has done thIs as I saId but It Is stIll quIte surprIsIng Isnt It In a professIonal SportIng CompetItIon . Although That Is another debate for another tIme when people say you can smoke doIng It perhaps Its not a sport but anyway. Very shockIng to see It, actually. Sport but anyway. Very shockIng to see It, actually. Comletel understand. Sport but anyway. Very shockIng to see It, actually. Comletel understand. There sport but anyway. Very shockIng to see It, actually. Comletel understand. There Is a professIonal SportIng Event takIng place and mIght I add a fantastIc one at That. It Is unfortunate the people was shadowed by thIs furor around her smokIng. You could argue That a cloud had been passed over It. Yeah, Its IrreconcIlable. Someone smokIng whIle playIng a sport. I can fIgure Is partIcularly good luck and not In favour of It. I thInk most people who are rIght mInded but not be In favour of thIs Idea That somebody should be goIng About theIr busIness In such a Platform SmokIng lIke That but there are no role StoppIng Herfrom doIng It. Hot stoppIng her from doIng It. Not at thIs one stoppIng her from doIng It. Not at thIs one. Its stoppIng her from doIng It. Not at thIs one. Its not any rules of thIs one About It. But they were the olympIcs went there . If you went to lead to smoke on the course there. The course there. Thats rIght, and she dId the course there. Thats rIght, and she dId so the course there. Thats rIght, and she dId so before the course there. Thats rIght, and she dId so before That the course there. Thats rIght, and she dId so before That In l and she dId so before That In partIcular That she was concerned It would have a negatIve Impact on her not beIng able to smoke. CertaInly on the pItch where she plays most of her golf such as the womens open when It fIrst came to lIght That It Is run by the unIted States Golf AssocIatIon That there are no rules prohIbItIng players from smokIng, Mens TennIs Is great hope arrIved wIth hIs team were much behInd on theIr DavIs Cup TIe agaInst argentIna. FacIng francIsco In lIght blue InspIred. RIght from the fIrst poInt, he hunted hIm. Mc Is the set In a tIe breaker. Draper had worked hard to be fIt after hIs run to the Us Open semIfInals, there were glImpses of what he showed the world In New York but Is lIght only for good. The racket when moment an Instrument of despaIr, the next of almost lovIng care. But he was waItIng. Im worrIed by beIng unpopular, and the 12 game he sensed hIs moment to conquer draper. Hes done It. LIterally. For argentIna over the brItIsh. He was argentIna over the brItIsh. He was trumped. HIs homecomIng turned Into someone else s. Great brItaIn dId Salvage A vIctory In the doubles the team of Dan Evans and neal skupskI beatIng the argentIne paIr of andres moltenI and maxImo gonzalez In straIght sets. The usa have Increased theIr advantage on Day Ion the solheIm cup. Already leadIng europe 3 1 from the mornIngs foursomes. Theyre now a 2 up In the fourballs and headIng for a 6 2 lead at the close In vIrgInIa. World number one nelly korda and Megan Khang comfortably won theIr match agaInst brItaIns georgIa Hall And Leona maguIre. The us are the favourItes thIs Year But Europe are the cup holders and only need to tIe Ia all to retaIn the cup for a Record Ath successIve tIme. MeanwhIle, rory mcIlroy Is stIll In contentIon at the IrIsh open at royal county down. ThIs eagle was the hIghlIght of the northern IrIshmans second round whIch left hIm on four under par, two shots behInd the leader Italys matteo manassero. It looks lIke Lando NorrIs mIght need to fInd more than just support from hIs Mclaren Team Mate If hes to keep up hIs fIght for the formula one World TItle In azerbaIjan thIs weekend. The brIton, whos 62 poInts behInd ChampIonshIp Leader Max verstappen, struggled In frIday practIce. He could only manage seventeenth after gettIng held up by another drIver on hIs fastest lap. Way ahead of hIm was ferrarIs Charles Leclerc who pIpped SergIo Perez and LewIs HamIlton to top the tImesheets In baku. Im havIng to push way too much to try and get a lap tIme out of It. Clearly, yeah. Not well we more. 0h, of It. Clearly, yeah. Not well we more. Oh, I thInk of the nearly ten but were not even close to namIng It so weve got quIte a lot to fInd. ComparIng to mercedes, ferrarI and red bull, they are all very sImIlar and theres a good Gap Back to us. There was a SurprIse VIctory for brItaIns charlIe dobson In the DIamond League FInale In brussels as he took the a00 metres crown. The pre Race FavourIte had been another BrIton Matthew hudson smIth, but the olympIc SIlver MedallIst pulled up around the 100 Metre Mark and It was dobsOn Who surged through late on to snatch the tItle In a tIme of aa. A9 seconds. DIna Asher SmIth was just edged out for the womens 100 metre tItle by olympIc champIonjulIen alfred, the saInt lucIan holdIng off a late charge from Asher SmIth to wIn In a tIme of 10. 88 seconds. And Thats all the sport for now. WIth A Touch Of Frost for some but not a Blue Sky throughout the day. Where we had a pInch of frost quIte wIdely, temperatures as low as mInus three celsIus unusually cold for thIs brIng outbreaks of raIn across northern Ireland and Western Scotland more cloud here too. Some club wIll sIt down. One Is not quIte as cold as It was last nIght here, temperatures stIll drop perhaps as low as three or four celsIus. Then, on saturday, we are set to keep a lot of the sunshIne across sIng england and wales and It wIll stay dry here more clouds through the Afternoon And SunshIne Is hazy. MeanwhIle across northern Ireland Western Scotland, we wIll see outbreaks of RaIn Push eastwards takIng the tIme to reach Eastern Scotland and wIll be drIve much of the day. Wendy wIth wendy. Alfred contInues through wales, the mIdlands, and eventually Into South East England but there wIll be some tensIon ahead of our branch wIth 20 degrees and sunshIne developIng behInd the front two wIth some shower scattered Into northern and Western Scotland. He Is out area of hIgh pressure, Thats goIng to keep Is largely dry and settled Into the next week gradually pushIng further eastwards. But on monday, we could start off the day wIth those lIghter wInds wIth areas of MIst And Fog That could take a lIttle tIme perhaps to clear through the mornIng but they wIll do so and sunshIne wIll be emergIng. Tempers wIll be hIgher so were lookIng at 2 degrees. Those cabbages could rIse even further to mId 20s potentIally especIally In the south as we head through the mIddle of the next week. There Is more sunshIne to come. MIssIles InsIde russIa. Yes, good evenIng from the whIte house. Those Talks got under way here In the last few mInutes. We wIll brIng you the latest, shortly. Well have a specIal report from russIa, on how cItIzens are turnIng on each other over ukraIne. Also tonIght seven men are jaIled for a total of more than 100 years for the repeated Abuse And Rape of two gIrls In rotherham In south yorkshIre. Northern Irelands chances of hostIng matches at euro 2028 appear to have gone as the government wIthdraws fundIng to redevelop casement park stadIum. And whats It lIke beIng stranded In space . SunIta wIllIams and Butch WIlmore are upbeat, on board the InternatIonal space statIon. Of course the thIngs That we always mIss, ourfamIlIes, I mIss my two dogs, I mIss my frIends. On bbc london, a teenager has been arrested as part of a trIple Murder InvestIgatIon In luton. PolIce say there Is no threat to the wIder communIty

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