Lets Talk Golf now. The 19th SolheIm Cup Is underway In VIrgInIa Usa versus europe. And one thIng people are TalkIng About Is. Charley Hull SmokIng on the course. European CaptaIn Suzann Pettersen shrugged It off when asked About It sayIng charley s old enough to make those decIsIons. Shes been pIctured smokIng at other events before and saId Its a habIt and That It helps her relax on the course. WerejoIned now by mIchael mcewan, Deputy EdItor of Golf MagazIne bunkered. Its not the fIrst tIme Is It That she has done thIs as I saId but It Is stIll quIte surprIsIng Isnt It In a professIonal SportIng CompetItIon . Although That Is another debate for another tIme when people say you can smoke doIng It perhaps Its not a sport but anyway. Very shockIng to see It, actually. Sport but anyway. Very shockIng to see It, actually. Comletel understand. Sport but anyway. Very shockIng to see It, actually. Comletel understand. There sport but anyway. Very shockIng to see It, actually. Comletel unders