New york cIty. On thIs monday, September 30th, 2024. And thIs Is Fox FrIends. From y new and Improved and just refreshed StudIo M. BrIan took me forever to get thIs ready. Steve Its really somethIng. New coat of paInt. Anyway, we start wIth very serIous news. A Fox Weather alert. Rescue and recovery efforts are underway after helene leaves unImagInable destructIon across towns throughout the eastern thIrd of the UnIted States. Its been an IncredIbly apocalyptIc weekend for all of us here. Carley as nearly 100 people are confIrmed dead, we talk to resIdence, local offIcIals, and reporters on the ground all mornIng long. Lawrence plus, VIce PresIdent Kamala HarrIs says she wIll do a better job fIxIng the border than former PresIdent Trump. BrIan yeah. Lawrence Dhs Down Plays Thousands of Illegal crImInals roamIng our country. These are serIous problems. And we know donald Trump Wont solve them. BrIan all rIght. And some News Outlets paIntIng a posItIve pIcture of the murdered Hezbollah L
LIve televIsIon. It Is tales, would you lIke to go fIrst or second, robertjenrIck . I you lIke to go fIrst or second, Robert JenrIck . You lIke to go fIrst or second, Robert JenrIck . And Robert JenrIck . I wIll go fIrst. And tell us somethIng Robert JenrIck . I wIll go fIrst. And tell us somethIng you Robert JenrIck . I wIll go fIrst. And tell us somethIng you lIke Robert JenrIck . I wIll go fIrst. And tell us somethIng you lIke about l tell us somethIng you lIke about Each Other. KemI, what Is somethIng you lIke about robert . I lIke Each Other. KemI, what Is somethIng you lIke about robert . You lIke about robert . I lIke the fact he Is a you lIke about robert . I lIke the fact he Is a good you lIke about robert . I lIke the fact he Is a good famIly man. You lIke about robert . I lIke the L Fact he Is a good famIly man. And what Is fact he Is a good famIly man. fifIc what Is somethIng you fact he Is a good famIly man. fifIc what Is somethIng you lIke fact he Is a good famIly man.
Manager erIk ten haag. Tom Lawrence Scores a Wonder Goal as rangers grInd out a narrow scottIsh PremIershIp WIn over hIbernIan. Also comIng up on sportsday. Its trIple Crown Taday as pogarcher becomes only the thIrd man to wIn cyclIngs BIg Three prIzes, the Tour De France, GIro DItalIa and World TItle In the same Year England contInue theIr Netball SerIes Down Under wIth a one Goal WIn agaInst New Zealand In auckland. Welcome along. All the Days Football In a moment but lets start In brIstol where the one Day SerIes between AustralIa And England has come to a rather damp and dIsappoIntIng end. WIth the serIes tIed at 2 each, todays match the decIders, but the EnglIsh Weather has once agaIn done for england. HavIng posted a target of 310 for the tourIsts to wIn, australIa reached 165 for two before The RaIn arrIved. AustralIa awarded the wIn, and the SerIes Courtesy of a hIgher run rate. Our Correspondentjoe WIlson Is watchIng. Yes, the summers fInal countdown. CrIcket s conclusIon, eng
The body of the hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah, Is reported to have been recovered from the sIte of frIdays IsraelI aIrstrIke IN BeIrut. AccordIng to Israel, more than 20 members of the IranIaN Backed group were kIlled alongsIde hIm. And hezbollah has also confIrmed that two other senIorfIgures have been kIlled In aIrstrIkes. Israels Defence MInIster praIsed the IsraelI attacks on houthI targets In yemen. TranslatIon we see | the Attack Today 2,000 kIlometres away In hodeIdah and Its surroundIngs, and the achIevements as they are reflected are very ImpressIve, and the meanIng Is very clear those who try to attack us or harm the cItIzens of Israel wIll pay a very heavy prIce. Our SecurIty Correspondent frank GardnerjoIns Me now. Just talk us through what we know about these attacks agaIn. So, the houthIs are a rebel group, backed by Iran. They took over most of the populated parts of yemeN Back In 2014 15 and InherIted an arsenal of long range mIssIles, and wIth IranIan help, they h
WIll Its the 8 a. M. Hour of fox FrIends Weekend dhs tryIng to down Play Data revealIng Tens Of Thousands of Illegal crImInals roomIng free across the Country And Trump says VIce PresIdent s harrIs Is to blame. They werent checked vetted It Is so sad to see and you know what thIs Is a dIsqualIfIer for her. ThIs Is just a dIsqualIfIer for harrIs. WIll Shannon Bream reacts lIve ahead. Jonathon dIllard joIned us for the fIrst Tv IntervIew sInce her husband was kIlled In the lIne of duty. Im not a polItIcIan but I can only plug my crIes out there tell my husbands story. Beg them not to let It happen to Anybody Else. Pete she joIned us ahead of the 23rd annual tun to towers 5k Run And Walk and so wIll DennIs QuaId the thIrd hour of fox FrIends Weekend starts rIght now. Rachel good MornIng Everybody 8 00 here In new York CIty. We hope youre havIng a good as mornIng youre havIng at 10 hours of sleep hes stIll goIng and lots of coffee. Back on caffeIne but natIonal CaffeIne Day and FIre House