New york cIty. On thIs monday,'>September 30th, 2024. And thIs Is'>Fox FrIends. From y new and Improved and just refreshed'>StudIo M. BrIan took me forever to get thIs ready. Steve Its really somethIng. New coat of paInt. Anyway, we start wIth very serIous news. A'>Fox Weather alert. Rescue and recovery efforts are underway after helene leaves unImagInable destructIon across towns throughout the eastern thIrd of the'>UnIted States. Its been an IncredIbly apocalyptIc weekend for all of us here. Carley as nearly 100 people are confIrmed dead, we talk to resIdence, local offIcIals, and reporters on the ground all mornIng long. Lawrence plus,'>VIce PresIdent'>Kamala HarrIs says she wIll do a better job fIxIng the border than former'>PresIdent Trump. BrIan yeah. Lawrence'>Dhs Down Plays Thousands of Illegal crImInals roamIng our country. These are serIous problems. And we know donald'>Trump Wont solve them. BrIan all rIght. And some'>News Outlets paIntIng a posItIve pIcture of the murdered'>Hezbollah Leader whIle IgnorIng the fact that he Is a'>TerrorIst And Leader of terrorIst who has kIlled amerIcans . Well put that In perspectIve because fox and frIends starts rIght now. Steve'>Fox Weather alert. Nearly 100 are dead as mass destructIon across the southeast and mIdatlantIc. BrIan mIllIons contInue to wake up wIthout power as rescues operatIons are underway across the regIon. AInsley'>PresIdent BIden,'>VIce PresIdent harrIs, and former'>PresIdent Donald Trump are all addressIng the devastatIon. Lawrence'>MadeleIne RIvera Is lIve In washIngton wIth the federal response. But fIrst we go to'>Robert Ray he Is In ashevIlle,'>North CarolIna whIch has been hIt wIth hIstorIc floodIng. Robert . Robert robert good mornIng. AmId the mud and the water recedIng here . AshevIlle, It has been 27 hours of 4e8 30 people have lost theIr lIves In thIs county alone whIch seats ashevIlle. There Is lack of power. Although It Is comIng back. Cell'>Phone ServIce Is sporadIc. And people are In dIre need. All you got to do Is look at the vIdeo from above and from the ground to realIze the magnItude of'>HurrIcane Helenes wrath as It made Its way up Into states lIke georgIa,'>South CarolIna, and'>North CarolIna on frIday. Nearly 3 feet of raIn has fallen In some areas. And there are stIll search and rescue operatIons goIng on In the hIlls surroundIng thIs town of ashevIlle. There are many roads that are compromIsed. SIgnIfIcant roads. Though, you can get Into ashevIlle. And many people are wonderIng If thIs Is the day where thIngs begIn to pIvot. Where more aId comes In. Where the electrIcIty begIns to come on. Where'>Cell Phone ServIce starts and where water gets turned back on and Is safe. We have been talkIng to resIdents. In fact, we just talked to one'>Greg HarrIson last hour. Lets lIsten. Its been an IncredIbly apocalyptIc weekend for all of us here. Almost no gas. There Is almost no cell servIce. There Is lImIted power. There Is lImIted food. There are people who are tryIng to fInd potable water to feed theIr famIlIes to have water for theIr kIds. There are nearly 5500'>NatIonal Guard troops that have been sent In from multIple states, IncludIng'>Ron DesantIs FlorIda amId what Is he goIng through, he sent troops up here. Fema Is on the ground. We are expectIng the presIdent and'>VIce PresIdent to make theIr way Into thIs regIon at some poInt thIs week. Former'>PresIdent Donald Trump vIsItIng valdosta, georgIa. And thIs Is stIll a very fluId scenarIo here as helIcopters are goIng to be cIrclIng the hIlls as the lIght comes up lookIng for survIvors and hopefully more aId makes Its way Into thIs part of'>North CarolIna. Back to you. BrIan robert, I thought It was kInd of strange. Is he tryIng to tell people through you Its not hard to get to us. We are not In the hIll country. Just try. RIght . Frustrated. He feels as though no one Is tryIng to get hIm aId. Robert well, thats a great poInt. I have to say I mean last nIght we were down coverIng the I wal. Made our way to ashvIlle yesterday. We made our way In here. You know, yeah,'>Interstate 40 Is compromIsed In one area because It just collapsed. That doesnt mean that there are'>Nod Roadways to make your way Into these pockets. Where there Is a wIll there Is a way, rIght . We know that can you do It from the ground and can do It from aIr and people need the help. Back to you. Lawrence robert, can you gIve us some detaIls . It looks lIke the response to what Is happenIng In'>North CarolIna Is much dIfferent than florIda. Were they not antIcIpatIng beIng hIt thIs hard . Thats a good questIon. Look, the forecasts were there. Fox weather, the natIonal'>HurrIcane Center was forecastIng potentIal for up to 3 feet of partIcIpatIon to fall the problem Is that when you are In a hIlly, mountaInous terraIn lIke thIs. I mean, often and by the way when you havent experIenced anythIng lIke thIs In well over 100 years. The human'>Memory KInd of fades. So, they knew they were goIng to get hIt. But what they dIdnt realIze how'>Fast And FurIous It was all goIng to happen and how wIdespread. HavIng saId that, Indeed, I thInk thIs Is a lesson to be learned, goIng forward. As thIs beIng, you know, at thIs poInt about 100'>100 BIllIon dIsaster Is what It Is estImated to be. And we are stIll goIng through It here three days after Impact. So I thInk there Is a lot of thIngs that need to be looked at In the comIng days. I hope thIs Is a pIvot day. Lawrence thanks, robert. AInsley Its a beautIful area. If you have ever been to ashevIlle, buIlt more. Summer camps there thankfully the chIldren arent In camp now they are In school. Gorgeous area, about an'>Hour Northwest of charlotte just above greenvIlle,'>North CarolIna. Steve hundreds of mIles from where the hurrIcane came from shore. AInsley exactly. Thats why they were not antIcIpatIng It. Steve we were talkIng about thIs on frIday. More people dIe from'>Sturgeon Or FloodIng than from the wInd. That area, you can see how hIlly It Is, Its not just floodIng. Its'>Mud SlIdes. It Is a storm of epIc proportIons. The governor,'>Roy Cooper there saId It was unprecedented tragedy. And, brIan, you were talkIng about how hard It Is or Is It hard to get to stuff to the people Impacted . There are over 200 roads that have been closed. And as robert just saId,'>Interstate 40 out of commIssIon for a whIle. Its just. AInsley In the carolInas, we were used to It hIttIng charleston,'>South CarolIna or some of the beaches In'>North CarolIna. You dont expect the mountaInous area. Steve thIs Is western portIons of'>North CarolIna. More conch today. AInsley'>MadeleIne A RIver Is In washIngton wIth the federal response. MadeleIne good mornIng, folks throughout the southeastIng are go to need all the help they can get. AssessIng the damage and needs. She Is not mIncIng words. We are hearIng sIgnIfIcant'>Infrastructure Damage to water systems, communIcatIon, roads. CrItIcal transportatIon routes. As well as several homes that have been just destroyed by thIs. So, thIs Is goIng to be a really complIcated recovery. MadeleIne'>PresIdent BIden Is receIvIng multIple brIefIngs. On sunday he spoke wIth the governors of georgIa and'>North CarolIna. There are'>DIsaster DeclaratIon for several states In the southeast. AllowIng survIvors to access funds and resources to help wIth theIr recovery. More than 3,000 federal workers are on the ground supplementIng response efforts. Were stIll waItIng to hear more about hIs plan to vIsIt the area. The presIdent says he wants to make sure It doesnt dIsrupt emergency operatIons. You saw the photographs, Its stunnIng, gettIng all everythIng we have on the ground ahead of tIme, so were workIng hard. MadeleIne former'>PresIdent Trump and'>VIce PresIdent'>Kamala HarrIs addressed the damages from helene whIle campaIgnIng over the weekend. Its been a rough Its been a rough one. That was a bIg monster hurrIcane. And was a lot hIt a lot harder than anyone ever thought possIble. We want to extend our best wIshes to everybody, rIght . I receIved an operatIonal brIefIng from'>Fema DIrector chrIs well, more than 3300 federal personnel have been mobIlIzed. We are deployIng food, water and generators and workIng to restore water and power. And the presIdent and I have told state and local leaders we wIll provIde whatever help they need In the days and weeks ahead. MadeleIne trump Is expected to delIver remarks and gIve out'>RelIef SupplIes In georgIa. MeantIme harrIs Is cuttIng her trIp In nevada short headIng to d. C. ThIs mornIng to get federal brIefIngs on helene. She too wants to vIsIt the affected areas as soon as possIble. Lawrence, steve, aInsley and brIan. BrIan trump wIll be there today. Thanks, maddy. Trump Is goIng to be there today. They say well, why Is he electIon nearIng. No, If there Is a problem In the country, I was presIdent. I want to be presIdent. I could be presIdent In 36 days. I would lIke to fInd out what Is goIng on personally. So, I thInk Its up to hIm. Steve meanwhIle, for everybody watchIng rIght now, the famIlIes affected by'>HurrIcane Helene, urgently need support. You can help the'>AmerIcan Red Cross provIde meals and shelter to those famIlIes. Donated today to'>HurrIcane Helene recovery efforts by goIng to and thIs Is the websIte, red cross. Org fox forward or take your phone out, open up the camera, and scan that qr code, then you wIll see a lIttle yellow button. Push the button take you rIght there to help the people who are Impacted by thIs awful storm. AInsley meanwhIle, only a few weeks untIl the electIon. The candIdates are out and about. They are campaIgnIng all over the country. Kamala Is In ned over the weekend. TalkIng about the border. She saId she wIll be the one to solve the border problem. LIsten to thIs. We must have comprehensIve ImmIgratIon reform. [cheers] wIth strong'>Border SecurIty and an earned pathway to cItIzenshIp. [cheers] IncludIng for hardworkIng ImmIgrants who have been here for years, IncludIng our dreamers. And I was'>Attorney General of a border state. I prosecuted transnatIonal'>CrImInal OrganIzatIons'>Who Trasked In guns drugs and human beIngs. As presIdent , I wIll double the resources for the'>Department Of JustIce to go after those transnatIonal cartels. [cheers] and take actIon to stop the flow of fentanyl comIng Into our country, whIch Is destroyIng entIre communItIes. [cheers] these are serIous problems. And we know donald'>Trump Wont solve them. Lawrence were not dealIng wIth serIous people rIght now. She says she Is goIng to stop the fentanyl as Is If she doesnt have hour to do so rIght now. They here to rIght behInd her. Look at the numbers when It comes to'>BIden And HarrIs and theIr record. 8. 3 mIllIon people, thats mIgrant encounters people comIng across the border. When you look at the fentanyl seIzures, 66,000 pounds of fentanyl comIng across the border. And thats just the fentanyl that they seIze. That doesnt count the gotaways, a, and, number two, the drugs that come across the border thats undetected, aInsley. AInsley you are rIght. Those numbers, what Is It 8. 3 mIllIon, under trump It was 2. 4 mIllIon, and those are the ones we know about. How many are here we dont know about . Steve we have been talkIng about those numbers for a whIle. The former presIdent was on truth socIal over the weekend. And made speeches as well. And he referred to how there were lIke 13 or 14,000 convIcted murderers In the country. And that got pushback from the socIal not detaIned noncItIzen convIcted crImInals. These are people who were convIcted of homIcIde who are or were currently are In the'>UnIted States. As you can see rIght there, accordIng to Ice, the number Is 13,000 convIcted of homIcIde. 15,000 convIcted of sexual assault. The total Illegal crImInals In the'>UnIted States Is at 425,000. Lawrence convIcted of crImes. Steve rIght. Exactly. When I saw that number, I thought how Is that possIble . Well, as It turns out. A lot of the people have been In the country for decades. And a lot of the people who have were convIcted of murder commItted It here In the'>UnIted States. The problem Is because they are stIll In the'>UnIted States, Is a lot of them are from countrIes where Its lIke, okay, the person Is from russIa, we are goIng to send them back to russIa. Oh,'>RussIa Wont take them. Theyre stuck here. Thats why that Is such a bIg jaw droppIng number. BrIan took decades. Numbers are stunnIng but happened over decades. Dhs wanted to quantIfy It after they gave'>Congressman Gonzalez on frIday. The data In the letter mIsInterpreted. Ghost back decades. IndIvIduals went country last 40 years. Custody, determInatIon was made long before bIden took over. Also Includes many under the jurIsdIctIon of currently Incarcerated federal or local partners. Also keep In mInd, too, 3. 2 mIllIon. If you look at the percentages, obvIously Its a lot less, lIt alone the gotaways. Few other thIngs to keep In mInd when It comes to the border. How unbelIevable was It that you seen'>Kamala HarrIs walk the'>Border Wall. MedIeval'>Border Wall that was a vanIty project. She was smart enough not to go through the trump wall. How bad Is the'>Obama World even looks worse. She mentored hIm. So he had to buIld a wall. She thought It was a vanIty project. So trump fInIshed the wall. She voted agaInst It every sIngle step of the way. She has never proenforcIng the border. And agaInst Illegal ImmIgratIon. And she always caveats wIth and we need a pathway to cItIzenshIp. Lawrence thats her goal. BrIan that traIn has left the statIon. The amerIcan people are no longer at that place. So she goes yeah, we are goIng to get a pathway to cItIzenshIp. That pathway to cItIzenshIp Is not on the docket of the average amerIcan household. Thats why she Is traIlIng between 14 and 17 poInts. And 14 poInts In the arIzona alone. Lawrence can I say somethIng about these numbers . I thInk they are beIng'>IntensIon Nally deceptIve. The admInIstratIon Is pushIng back as steve noted and sayIng thIs Is over 30 or 40 year perIod. ThIs Is decades. But, all they have to do Is release yearbyyear and gIve us the numbers. Heres the problem. Can you look at the known terrorIsts that have been caught at the border under thIs admInIstratIon. Its over 100 compared to lIke 6 or 8 under the trump admInIstratIon. So, when you look at the border, Its just a numbers game. The more crossIngs you get, the more people that have commItted crImes are goIng to get. The more terrorIsts that you are goIng to get. To pretend lIke okay, we just gave you the bIg pIle of numbers. GIve us year by year then. We know we compare to all the other numbers when It comes to rapIst as well as terrorIst fIgures people that we know have commItted rape. That theres a large number there. Just take the l. Dont try to go back and forth on thIs as If we dont know. I would lIke to add two the common refraIn she Is sayIng Is about the'>CompromIse Border Reform that'>Senator Lankford put forward. On that compromIse bIll, I thInk people need to understand what It was goIng on. They offered It up there and wIthout amendments and they dId a test vote. On the test secret, they lost a lot of republIcans except for the people that vote for It were murkowskI. PadIlla and menendez on the test vote. And booker. Butler dropped off. Then every republIcan voted agaInst It except murkowskI. Where Is the'>Name Trump In that . Because as hard as they worked In a matter of weeks to put somethIng together, It wasnt close to what they needed. UnaccompanIed mInors stIll came,'>Mostth Money was goIng to'>CatholIc CharItIes and ngos that were just goIng to house people. And most of the people went to expedItIng Into small aIrports around the country. ThIs was never goIng to be accepted. Steve so 37 days untIl Its electIon day. And thIs, the border, ImmIgratIon, mIgratIon, certaInly a bIg topIc at tomorrow nIghts bIg'>VIce PresIdent debate that you can see here on fox. AInsley we wIll be here at 5 00 on'>Wednesday MornIng to all the coverage. Steve well be. No tax on overtIme. AInsley we start wIth, begIn contInue wIth a'>Fox News alert. ThIs Is a lIve look at beIrut as the Idf confIrmIng they kIlled the head of hamas lebanon branch. And n. An overnIght strIke In the country. Lawrence It comes as IsraelI forces contInue strIkIng hezbollah'>Terror Targets In yemen and lebanon. BrIan'>Nate Foy Is In'>Tel AvIv wIth the latest. Just mommys ago hezbollahs'>Deputy ChIef saId If a'>Ground InvasIon happens In'>Southern Lebanon, then hezbollah wIll be ready for It. ThIs as IsraelI aIrstrIkes contInue causIng massIve damage not only to hezbollah but also hamas and the lIaIson between the two organIzatIons. The head of hamas In lebanon, sharIf was taken out overnIght In aIrstrIke In lebanon and so were mIlItants from a dIfferent organIzatIon. Three of them In cen central be. An area not hIt untIl thIs poInt In the conflIct. Take a look at the damage In central beIrut. As you can see the'>Popular Front For The LIberatIon Of PalestIne says the strIke hIt the'>Top Floor of an apartment buIldIng. But another strIke from'>Israel Yesterday sent an even bIgger message to Iran. Take a look at next vIdeo. Israel hIt ha data. HouthI fIred two mIssIles at'>Tel AvIv. Israel hIt Its target from over 1100 mIles away and thats roughly the same dIstance from Israel to Iran. OvernIght an'>Navy Body'>AIrstrIke Hassan Nasrallah and 20 others on frIday. Irans parlIament met yesterday and chanted death to Israel and here I am nasrallah. Take a look at thIs. So'>Irans ParlIament speaker vowed to contInue'>FIghtIng Israel and says the u. S. Must accept the consequences of supportIng Israel. So, now we contInue to awaIt'>Irans Response after the kIllIng of nasrallah there are reports from several dIfferent organIzatIons that small IsraelI groups,'>SpecIal Forces are goIng Into'>Southern Lebanon to gather IntellIgence ahead of a possIble'>Ground InvasIon. Yoav gallant met wIth troops a moment ago told them kIllIng nasrallah only part of the plan and them goIng Into lebanon may be the next part. We wIll send It back to you. Steve stay tuned for that nate, thank you very much, a lIve report from'>Tel AvIv 1 20 In the afternoon. BrIan frIday we get word that nasrallahs bunker has been hIt and no way he could survIve. IsraelIs dId not confIrm It untIl saturday. What does It mean . So sInce 1992 thIs guy has been In charged. He has been looked at as a hero and IndestructIble and InvIncIble maInly because when the IsraelIs trIed to go n the 1980s and agaIn In 2006, they are unable to destroy the lebanese excuse me, the hezbollah army. But, they took tremendous losses. And they had to back out and sInce that tIme, hezbollah has been reInforced and reInforced to the poInt where they have 150,000 rockets over the last year. They aImed 80,000 rockets Into Israel. And they saId no way, nothIng Is goIng to happen to me. Last october, netanyahu knew where he was. And he told the u. S. Im goIng to take hIm out. Last october the u. S. Says you better not. So they dIdnt. And guess what happened over the weekends . On frIday they took hIm out whIle the planes were In the aIr wIth the'>Bunker Busters were on board 80 tons they saId we are about to kIll nasrallah. EssentIally we dIdnt ask your permIssIon thIs tIme. Steve exactly. The thIng to keep In'>MInd Hezbollah Is a terrorIst outfIt. They have kIlled so many people. Lawrence amerIcans. Steve Its curIous In the 72 hours sInce the announcement of hIs death, what some of the coverage has been. So we are goIng to hIghlIght some of that the'>AssocIated Press saId that he was consIdered a magna tIs. But amIdst the fact that hezbollah murdered a lot of amerIcans. AInsley'>Hundreds Of AmerIcans, a bombIng of u. S. MarIne baraks In beIrut In 19 3. In addItIon to'>Hundreds Of AmerIcans dyIng. 48 french soldIers dIed as well. Look at the next one. Seen as a father fIgure. Nasrallah,'>Hezbollah Leader and force In the'>MIddle East Is kIlled. Lawrence the'>New York TImes sayIng he had the propensIty to crack jokes. I mean are they moronIc . These. AInsley Is that a joke . Lawrence Its just crazy. Steve I dont remember them talkIng about'>BIn Laden as a jokester. Lawrence unbelIevable. EquIvalent to'>BIn Laden the IsraelI people and to us as well. There Is r. T. StatIon, of course, russIan televIsIon, and they brIng on thIs supposedly journalIst and she breaks out cryIng when thIs happened. Do we not understand the terror that he has brought to famIlIes all over the world. AInsley terrorIst organIzatIons. BrIan hezbollah alIenated the arab world. Gulf stays buryIng people In syrIa. CheerIng In many factIons throughout the'>MIddle East. All the pressure on Iran rIght now. Now, you are the bIg brother. You saId you were goIng to watch theIr back, hamas, watch theIr back. Iran, go ahead. GIve It a shot. Because, Israel Is sayIng just try It. ThIs Is an extremely tense tIme. AInsley the leader Is gone. A lot of the followers, pagers'>Blue Ublew up whIle they were cg them. They were kIlled In that. Steve carley joIns us wIth news at what happens at mIdnIght. Carley good mornIng, guys. We have bIg news to get to wIth a'>Fox News alert. AmerIcas'>BusIest Port could come to a'>Halt Tomorrow as'>Tens Of Thousands of'>Dock Workers prepare to walk off the job. They are demandIng hIgher wages among other thIngs. The'>StrIke Stre stretchIng frome to texas could cost the economy up to'>5 BIllIon daIly. Were goIng to follow thIs story all mornIng long. And were goIng to tell you the Impact to you, the consumer comIng up. And take a look at thIs, gIgantIc cloud of toxIc'>Smoke BIllowIng from gary'>ChemIcal Plant after a fIre broke out. ResIdents In that'>Atlanta Suburb are beIng asked to evacuate for theIr own safety as offIcIals work to clear the area. FIre offIcIals say water from a'>MalfunctIonIng SprInkler came Into contact wIth water reactIve chemIcals and caused that fIre, thankfully no one was hurt. But Im sure people In that area, guys, are very concerned. GIven that bIg'>GIant ToxIc Plume that you just saw. Steve carley, thank you very much. BrIan no toxIc plume here. AInsley we freshed studIo. Steve extreme makeover studIo edItIon. Welcome back to'>StudIo M. We have been In'>StudIo B for a couple of months as they, you know what . We repaInted everythIng. BrIan they dId you know belIevable job. Look at the lIghts. We lose every corner. We dont have any. AInsley our'>Curvey Couch Is on the bottom floor. ThIs Is a two level studIo. We are usually on the'>Top Floor. BrIan we wIll be up there for oneonone IntervIews and when we want to be alone to get away from the others. Lawrence they put extra cushIon. BrIan for now untIl hegseth comes In on the weekend. Lawrence worrIed about you extra level. BrIan untIl hegseth crushes It over the weekend, I love my foam. I love my resIlIent foam. They dId a fantastIc job. AInsley now I know what to get you for your bIrthday foam. Steve tempurpedIc. I belIeve thIs Is the bIggest studIos In new york cIty. One of the bIggest studIo. BrIan dont move, gma. AInsley more'>Fox FrIends from'>StudIo M. BrIan thats the back of our crew. 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XfInIty Internet customers, ask how to get a free'>5g Phone and a second unlImIted lIne free for a year. Flood warnIngs thIs was epIc, hIstorIc, catastrophIc event. We stIll have mIllIons wIthout power. StretchIng from the panhandle of florIda up towards ohIo. And'>The RaIn In the forecast Is stIll there. Steve, Its not goIng to take much to cause more'>Flash FloodIng or'>Mud SlIdes or rock slIdes. So so we wIll contInue to monItor thIs and brIng you the very latest, over to you. Steve Its just terrIble. Thank you, janIce. The small communIty of steIn hatchy, florIda Is descrIbed as beIng wIped off the map after beIng defIcIt I stated by helene came ashore as a cat 4 hurrIcane. Next guest stayed behInd to take care of the dogs'>ChrIs Karl joIns us now people were sayIng take a sharpy and wrIte your name If you dont make It out. You lIve In a camper. What happened . As It came Into shore my famIly trIed to get out. WIfe and kIds were goIng to leave. Ended up a tree over the brIdge to the neIghborhood they ended up havIng to stay. We all at that poInt moved up out of our camper and my mom lIves on our same property. And she has'>MobIle Home up there. A premanufactured home and we moved up Into there. Steve rIght. You have been through storms before. How dId thIs rank as storms as have you survIved . My wIfe and I were'>Storm Chasers In kansas before we moved to floored. ThIs Is our sIxth hurrIcane down here. ThIs Is the worst, most destructIve, strongest storm I have ever been through I know whIle It was epIc you are thankful you are alIve. Absolutely. Hundreds of mIles from the atlantIc ocean. Tthe devastatIon from'>The RaIn. You have a problem wIth the'>Insurance Company as thIngs start to dry out. You had'>Flood Insurance but and Its a bIg but. Tell us what they are doIng to you. We have'>Flood Insurance for the house and we had Insurance on the camper and, of course,'>VehIcle Insurance on the truck. They told us because we dId not move the'>Camper Or VehIcle at least 100 mIles out of the'>Storms RadIus they wIll not be coverIng us. Steve thIs was 900mIle wIde storm. Where are you supposed to go . I guess they expected me to go back to kansas. Steve terrIble. We heard so much about'>Insurance CompanIes and how they have been respondIng to the storm so far there are two busInesses In your area that you want to hIghlIght that are respondIng to the storm In a profound, helpful way. EssentIally closed theIr busIness to help people lIke you, rIght . Correct. SteInhatchee'>FIsh Company and down the hatch hIghway. They have pretty much just shut down everythIng that they are doIng,'>Sea Hag MarIne another one. So much of a loss. RIght up the rIver. They brought In supplIes for locals to come pIck up for free bathIng supplIes, cleanIng supplIes, food, anythIng that generators, anythIng that they could possIbly need. Steve thats great. Its good that you would hIghlIght that and amazIng they would essentIally close theIr busIness to help folks who are In trouble. KrIs carl, thank you very much for joInIng us lIve and good luck to you and your famIly. Absolutely. Thank you. Steve you bet. All rIght. 25 mInutes now before the top of the hour. We are just one day away from what could be the fInal debate before the electIon between the'>VIce PresIdent Ial candIdates. House'>MajorIty WhIp Tom ehmer has been standIng In for tIm walls to help j. D. Vance prepare. Look at that. He Is In our brand Improved studIo. Good mornIng, tom. ChoIce hotels Is a famIly of brands wIth a hotel for any traveler you want to be. LIke 1 chef dad, cookIn up a free, hot breakfast for the entIre famIly at a comfort hotel. Mom made thIs. Umm. I. Added. The garnIsh. Book dIrect at choIcehotels. Com. Have you always had trouble losIng weIght and keepIng It off . Same. DIscover the power of wegovy®. WIth wegovy®, I lost 35 pounds. And some lost over 46 pounds. And Im keepIng the weIght off. Wegovy® helps you lose weIght and keep It off. Im reducIng my rIsk. Wegovy® Is the only fdaapproved'>WeIghtmanagement MedIcIne thats proven to reduce rIsk of major cardIovascular events In adults wIth known'>Heart DIsease and wIth eIther obesIty or overweIght. Wegovy® shouldnt be used wIth'>SemaglutIde Or Glp1 medIcInes. Dont take wegovy® If you or your famIly had medullary thyroId cancer, multIple endocrIne'>NeoplasIa Syndrome Type 2, or If allergIc to It. Stop wegovy® and get medIcal help rIght away If you get a'>Lump Or SwellIng In your neck, severe stomach paIn, or an allergIc reactIon. SerIous'>SIde Effects may happen, IncludIng'>PancreatItIs And Gallbladder problems. Wegovy® may cause low'>Blood Sugar In people wIth dIabetes, especIally If you take medIcInes to treat dIabetes. Tell your provIder about vIsIon problems or changes, or If you feel your'>Heart RacIng whIle at rest. DepressIon or thoughts of suIcIde may occur. Call your provIder rIght away If you have any mental changes. Common'>SIde Effects lIke nausea, vomItIng, and dIarrhea may lead to dehydratIon, whIch may cause kIdney problems. WIth wegovy®, Im losIng weIght, Im keepIng It off. And Im lowerIng my cv rIsk. Thats the power of we. Check your'>Cost And Coverage before talkIng to your'>Health Care professIonal about wegovy®. BrIan'>Fox News alert. The secretary of'>Defense AustIn orderIng the u. S. Forces to be yesterday to deploy as Iran vowed revenge for the kIllIng of'>Hezbollah Leaders hassan nasrallah. Overall has la has 30 other hIgher ups dead wIth hIm somewhere receIvIng vIrgIns. Lets turn to the wall to see exactly what the IsraelI penetrated and how they got Into the hezbollah network. ThIs Is the'>Gold Standard of terror opportunItIes. So here we have, thIs would happen In new york. Shot prIme'>MInIster Netanyahu gIvIng orders to take out nasrallah, why . They have been trackIng them for months and they knew he was headIng to the headquarters where they knew exactly where he would be. Go deep underneath all the hIgher command. They start seeIng other movements, they were trackIng the g. P. S. On theIr cars, spIes on the ground. They knew somethIng was up. Returned fIre after a serIes of explosIons, then they would quIckly hIt and drop 80 tons of bombs Into the bunker belIeved to be 60 feet below where nasrallah was. And he thought he was ImpervIous to any type of bomb. When you drop 80 tons of bombs. 2,000pound bombs they would do the damage. Early on when the bombIng started, they saId he was alIve. Soon It became clear when nothIng came out that he was Indeed dead. Take ache loot a people just standIng by. Look what Is around there, apartment buIldIngs. Not just apartment buIldIngs. There was also as we swItch walls, there was also a u. N. School buIldIng rIght there. ThInk how good thIs'>AIr Force had to be bombs had to have been drop at that type of precIsIon, that long do that much damage and avoId the u. N. School. As you saw on the other shot just mInor damage to the apartment buIldIngs. Here Is a look on the horIzon of what was happenIng. See how thIck thIs Is populated. See how determIned they were . They thought they were safe because they thought the humanItarIan end of the'>AIr Force would not bomb In a dense populatIon, but they had to. But when you see some of the bombIng vIdeo, you see that underneath how many munItIons they must have had secondary explosIons down there as they kIlled nasrallah and hIgher ups. ThIs Is devastatIng. And fInally how much damage was done to thIs organIzatIon . Look, hes dead. He Is theIr nemesIs. Maybe arguably more detrImental to the future of Israel than the ayatollah over In Iran. Fully sponsored by Iran. In fact, Iran always saId we got your back. They were wrong. Look at all those who are elImInated. Who could be next. Maybe hIs cousIn, thIs has seen. 71yearold Secretary General mIght be over. More Important people taken out. Ahead of the rocket force. ElIte unIts and some of the unIts be the one takIng on the Idf. ThIs mIght be the perfect tIme for'>Ground InvasIon for them to be successful. Thats a look, lawrence, at some of the damage done to the most premIer terror group. Lawrence great job, brIan, breakIng It down. BrIan back to you. VIce presIdent Ial candIdates j. D. Vance and'>TIm Walz take the stage for fIrst and only presIdent Ial debate. Next guest helpIng vance prepare by playIng the part of walz. House'>MajorIty WhIp Tom emmer joIns us now. Mr. Leader, thank you so much for joInIng the program. What do we not know about walz . We just dont know how unpopular he Is In mInnesota. TIm walz plays the part of thIs folksy ag frIendly outdoors men when you fIrst meet hIm and he has got these smIles. Is he lIkeable untIl you start to get to know'>TIm Walz and hIs polIcIes. ThIs Is guy who In mInnesota he stood by as the cIty of mInneapolIs burned tout ground. Refused to call out the'>NatIonal Guard. By the way, kamala actually went In and baIled out the rIoters and those that were attackIng polIce. He wants to gIve Illegals free healthcare, free college, sIgned a bIll to gIve them drIvers lIcenses thIs year, whIch now we got to watch that In the votIng process. Lawrence congressman, you made me aware of somethIng I dIdnt know he lost hIs dIstrIct, congressIonal dIstrIct when he decIded to run for governor twIce. Why Is that . The people that know hIm the best saId lets not gIve hIm a promotIon. No, no. So he got elected by playIng a character for a decade. AgaIn, a folksy, outdoorsman, ag frIendly guy from an ag dIstrIct. The second he became governor, hIs polIcIes, he talks about greater mInnesota as all that out there, lawrence, Is rocks and cows. He lost we got 87 countIes. He lost 74 of them In the last gubernatorIal race, hIs reelectIon. He got 37 of the vote. He lost hIs former congressIonal dIstrIct not only the fIrst tIme but he lost It the second tIme by almost 10 poInts. They dont lIke hIm. Lawrence unbelIevable. Another thIng to get comment on Ice data just come out, talkIng about the amount of crImInals that have crossed over murderers, rapIsts, sexual assault, all comIng across the border. 13,000 convIcted of homIcIde. 15,000 convIcted of sexual assault. And were talkIng about 425,000 of noncItIzens that have been convIcted of a crIme. The'>HarrIswalz CampaIgn have been sayIng that thIs Is just data over decades. Every what do you know about It. These are the only ones we know, rIght . There are others that we probably dont know because they have left that border wIde open. We have had people pourIng over that border for four years, lawrence. ThIs Is clearly a shot from InsIde the border patrol, InsIde of Ice. GIvIng InformatIon because these the harrIsbIden admInIstratIon has been puttIng theIr lIves at rIsk for four years. And, you know that the'>Company LIne Is, hey, theres nothIng to see here. Its all good. But, In the rank and fIle, you got to belIeve that those men and women who are servIng us who have famIlIes have had enough. So thIs InformatIon Is just the tIp of the Iceberg. I was tellIng you before we started, these guys,'>HarrIs And Walz and bIden have been stonewallIng every step of the way when congress Is tryIng to get thIs InformatIon. So, I thInk Its pretty relIable, but now where there Is smoke, there Is fIre. Lawrence defInItely fIre. There Is InsIde the department of Ice that saId enough Is enough. Were goIng to make sure that the amerIcan people get that InformatIon. And we apprecIates them for doIng that congressman, thanks so much for gIvIng us some tIme. Good luck In the debate. Lets see If all your Prep Work wIth j. D. Vance. He Is goIng to do great. Lawrence thank you, sIr. Fox news alert. AmerIcas'>BusIest Ports could come to halt at mIdnIght as talks wIth'>Dock Workers stall. The Impact of a potentIal strIke that could cost our economy bIllIons. Well go Into It, next. As a prosecutor, I never asked a vIctIm or a wItness are you a republIcan or a democrat . the only thIng I ever asked them are you ok . and thats the kInd of presIdent we need rIght now someone who cares about you and Is not puttIng themselves fIrst. I Intend to be a presIdent for all amerIcans, and focus on InvestIng rIght now In you, the amerIcan people. And we can chart a new way forward. Im'>Kamala HarrIs and I approve thIs message. Mom sarah her arm oh, no. You should probably take her to the e. R. Thankfully, we have chrIstIan'>Health Care mInIstrIes. Chm Is an alternatIve to Insurance that uses a cost sharIng model. We make monthly contrIbutIons, choose any medIcal provIder and pay them dIrectly, then submIt the bIll and get reImbursed. That sounds IncredIble. Chm Is a better approach to'>Health Care, It saves us money, and gIves us the freedom to choose our doctor. ExperIence savIngs wIth faIth, freedom, and flexIbIlIty. Enroll today wIth programs startIng as low as 92. If I was Injured on a'>Job SIte Id call the'>Barnes FIrm. I wasnt sure what to do. I called the'>Barnes FIrm. Best call I could have made. Injured on a'>Job SIte . Call the'>Barnes FIrm now. Call 1800 eIght mIllIon at the'>Barnes FIrm, we handle'>ConstructIon AccIdent cases. Call 1800 eIght mIllIon have you fallen from a heIght, been hIt by a vehIcle or a fallIng object, trIpped on'>Job SIte'>DebrIs Or AnythIng else . Call the'>Barnes FIrm now. You mIght have questIons about workers comp, lost tIme from work, medIcal bIlls, or If you could get fIred for beIng Injured. Call the'>Barnes FIrm to get the answers and help you need. Injured on a'>Job SIte . Call us now. The'>Barnes FIrm, Injury attorneys call 1800 eIght mIllIon I had a serIous fall. I called the'>Barnes FIrm. Call 1800 eIght mIllIon they got me the best result possIble. Injured on a'>Job SIte . Call the'>Barnes FIrm now. The'>Barnes FIrm, Injury attorneys call 1800 eIght mIllIon aInsley amerIcas'>BusIest Ports could come to a halt at mIdnIght. A'>Dock Worker StrIke could cost our economy'>5 BIllIon per day and'>PresIdent BIden says he wIll not Intervene. VIce presIdent of'>Supply ChaIn and'>Customs PolIcy for the natIonal retaIl'>FederatIon Jonathan Gold joIns us now. Good mornIng to you, jonathan. Good mornIng, aInsley. AInsley good mornIng. What does thIs mean for amerIca . WIll our shImg costs go up . ThIs can have sIgnIfIcant Impact on the economy. You know, as you saw nypd morgan'>5 BIllIon a day. All the ports shut down, that means nothIng goes In or out. Imports and exports wIll stop at the ports. Harold dag get has been crItIcal of'>BIden And HarrIs and says he Is wonderIng where they have been for hIs members. He says on week one It, wIll make'>HeadlInes O on week two Car Leerls wIll start to lay people off. Week 3 malls wIll begIn closIng and constructIon workers wIll lose theIr jobs. What wIll thIs mean for the electIon . What wIll thIs mean for chrIstmas as we are the startIng to order our gIfts . So, many retaIlers have taken steps to met gaIt the Impact of a potentIal strIke. They brought product In early. ShIpped It to the west coast. TrIed to stake steps to make sure the product Is on the store shelves, the longest It remaIns closed. The more dIffIcult It wIll be to get product In. 45,000 unIon workers could walk off the job 12 01 just after'>MIdnIght TonIght that could be extremely costly, they are askIng for 60 to 80 . I have seen both numbers. What are they askIng for and where are we wIthIn negotIatIon . So, our understandIng Is they are askIng about 77'>Increase Secrecy In theIr wages over the lIfe of the contract Is. Unfortunately the partIes, the walked away from the negotIatIons In mId june and they have not returned to the bargaInIng table. AInsley thIs Is a sIx'>Year Contract and It expIres and have see seen workers walk off the job . Have you ever seen anythIng lIke thIs. Last tIme we had a coast wIde strIke was In 177. AInsley gosh. 40 what, 7 years ago. So, where are we I mean, are they talkIng . Thats a bIg Increase, 80 . We would all love an 80 raIse, rIght . Is there some sort of a compromIse . The only way they can compromIse Is If they actually get to the table and start negotIatIng. SInce a aIns Is that happenIng . That has not happened sInce june, unfortunately. AInsley why . Its unclear object only way to negotIate sIt at the table table. They want theIr wage demands agreed for before they come to the table. CollectIve bargaInIng only way to come to an agreement Is If you are at the table havIng the negotIatIons. AInsley thank you for comIng on thIs mornIng. Thank you. AInsley we have a busy show ahead on thIs monday mornIng. Stay wIth us. For more than a'>Decade FarxIga has been trusted agaIn and agaIn, and agaIn. FarxIga farxIga farxIga farxIga ask your doctor about farxIga. There are many ways to delIver a shIpment. At old domInIon freIght lIne, we delIver them thIs way. ThIs way uses technology and goes the extra mIle to do thIngs the rIght way. The delIverIng promIses on tIme, every tIme, way. A aInsley'>September 30th and thIs Is'>Fox FrIends. We start wIth a'>Fox Weather alert