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The body of the hezbollah leader,'>Hassan Nasrallah, Is reported to have been recovered from the sIte of frIdays IsraelI aIrstrIke'>N BeIrut. AccordIng to Israel, more than 20 members of the'>N Backed group were kIlled alongsIde hIm. And hezbollah has also confIrmed that two other senIorfIgures have been kIlled In aIrstrIkes. Israels'>Defence MInIster praIsed the IsraelI attacks on houthI targets In yemen. TranslatIon we see | the'>Attack Today 2,000 kIlometres away In hodeIdah and Its surroundIngs, and the achIevements as they are reflected are very ImpressIve, and the meanIng Is very clear those who try to attack us or harm the cItIzens of Israel wIll pay a very heavy prIce. Our'>SecurIty Correspondent frank'>GardnerjoIns Me now. Just talk us through what we know about these attacks agaIn. So, the houthIs are a rebel group, backed by Iran. They took over most of the populated parts of'>N Back In 2014 15 and InherIted an arsenal of long range mIssIles, and wIth IranIan help, they have buIlt that up and joIned In the fIght alongsIde hamas In fIrIng perIodIcally mIssIles as well as at shIppIng they accuse as beIng part of'>Israels Network of commerce, they have been'>FIrIng MIssIles dIrectly at Israel, and Israel has clearly decIded to lash out at all the members of what Iran calls the'>AxIs Of ResIstance, so hezbollah In lebanon, the popular'>MobIlIsatIon Front In Iraq, other ones In syrIa, and the houthIs In yemen, so what they have done here Is to use a number of warplanes to target sItes that they belIeve the houthIs are usIng to supply theIr entIre structure, so oIl, power, weapons, comIng through the port at hodeIda. ThIs Is the port at hodeIda. ThIs Is the fIrst tIme they have done It In a bIg raId. The fIrst was Injuly the 20th. In july the 20th. What Is It Injuly the 20th. What Is It me In july the 20th. What Is It me now to have effectIvely these sImultaneous strIkes In lebanon and now In yemen . Where does thIs leave the potentIal wIder complete . I thInk Israel Is basIcally IgnorIng all the calls from others for a ceasefIre or a lowerIng of the temperature, sayIng, rIght. They have had enough, because they are attacked from all sIdes, and they are sayIng, we are goIng to take on all enemIes. If you look at It over the last few months, they have Indeed lashed out In all dIrectIons, so even though they dIdnt claIm responsIbIlIty for It, It Is wIdely assumed that It was Israels mossad overseas'>IntellIgence Agency that organIsed the assassInatIon of the hamas polItIcal'>WIng Leader Is'>MaIl HernIa Injuly rIght at the heart of the IranIan capItal. IsmaIl hanIyeh. They are takIng apart hezbollah� s command structure. One by one, they are takIng them down, because they say they are fed up wIth'>Hezbollah LobbIng MIssIles over the'>N Border makIng It ImpossIble for nearly 70,000 resIdents to return to theIr homes and busInesses. So they want to push hezbollah away from that border. Ideally, they would probably lIke to elImInate them altogether, but at any rate, they want to elImInate the threat of those mIssIles. And up untIl now, hezbollah, everyone has saId they are the most powerful non state'>MIlItary Force In the world wIth thIs huge arsenal of weapons, and yet, they are beIng dIsmantled. TheIr leadershIp, theIr weapons supplIes, theIr entIre structure seems to be penetrated by IsraelI IntellIgence. TheIr Informants seem to be tellIng them exactly where these leaders are, and they are gettIng elImInated. GIven that, where does that leave Iran and'>DecIsIon MakIng now In Iran . Iran Is In a bIt of a now In Iran . Iran Is In a'>BIt Ofa BInd now In Iran . Iran Is In a bIt of a'>BInd Stop they are Ina Iran Is In a bIt of a'>BInd Stop they are In a dIlemma about thIs, because theIr so called'>AxIs Of ResIstance Is meant to be there kInd of'>Forward Vanguard that projects the wIll, the Ideology, the mIlItary power of Irans revolutIonary guards across the'>MIddle East, and It Is now serIously undermIne, because by far the most Important element on that chessboard Is hezbollah, and It has stIll got a lot of mIssIles, but It has not got a lot of leadershIp left. They wIll replace'>Hassan Nasrallah, but It wIll take a long tIme for that person to buIld up the kInd of followIng that he had and frankly, In thIs clImate, tIme Is not on hIs sIde. There Is a hIgh chance that hIs replacement wIll get assassInated. Hassan nasrallah� s predecessor was assassInated In a convoy by'>HelIcopter MIssIle StrIke back In 1992. So Iran has got to decIde, do they retalIate, because there would be plenty of hardlIners In the'>SecurIty EstablIshment In Iran who wIll say, we cantjust do nothIng, It makes us look weak. You know, the network that the quds of the IranIan revolutIonary guards Is now lookIng fractured and weak, so they wIll now try to do somethIng symbolIc that shows they are not on the back foot, but they wIll have to be very careful, because Israel Is In no mood, It seems, to play It soft. If Iran hIts back at Israel, Israel wIll lIkely hIt back twIce as hard as them. That Is certaInly the message comIng out of the'>Israel Defense Force at the moment. They are lashIng out In all dIrectIons at theIr enemIes. Frank, thanks very much for that. The strIkes In yemen came as Israel carrIed out more attacks across lebanon, and hezbollah fIred more rockets Into northern Israel. Hugh bachega sent thIs report. Israel says Its fIght agaInst hezbollah wIll not stop, and thIs Is proof of It. Smoke over'>N BeIrut, hezbollah� s base struck agaIn. DrIvIng through dahIeh. Once hezbollah� s beatIng heart, It now looks lIke a ghost town. Some people are stIll tryIng to leave. TheIr stronghold no longer safe. Some have come here, martyrs� square In central beIrut. The sIte of revolutIons, now the sIte of a growIng crIsIs. Lebanon saysI mIllIon people have already been dIsplaced. TranslatIon after the strIkes | agaInst sayyed'>Hassan Nasrallah and those jets overhead, Im not only afraId for myself, Im fearIng for my parents, my frIends, my relatIves, and all the people of dahIeh. We are all In It together. We all shed tears of blood. TranslatIon I feel devastated, thats what I feel, as If Im 100 years old. There Is nothIng. Are you concerned about the future . TranslatIon of course Im afraId about the future. Im afraId about our sItuatIon. Im afraId about everythIng. Lebanon Is now In a tense and anxIous waIt to see'>W Hezbollah Is goIng to respond. The group has been weakened, Its leadershIp has been decImated, but It hasnt been defeated. It stIll has sophIstIcated weapons, thousands of fIghters, and allIes In yemen,'>Iraq And SyrIa who could also joIn the fIght. The kIllIng of one man can set the entIre'>MIddle East ablaze. Israels campaIgn Is leavIng a traIl of destructIon. The next phase Is lIkely to Include a'>Ground InvasIon of'>Southern Lebanon. ThIs country Is now waItIng, fearful about what may come next. Hugo bachega,'>Bbc News, beIrut. At least 3a people are reported to have been kIlled In a serIes of IsraelI strIkes In the east of the country. The'>Death Toll there Is expected to rIse. Our senIor InternatIonal'>Correspondent Orla GuerIn has been to the'>Bekaa Valley and sent thIs report. Sunday afternoon In the'>Bekaa Valley. Allahu akbar a massIve IsraelI strIke, and just one of many. There were at least 30 In a sIngle hour. Danger here In every dIrectIon. ThIs man says, our neIghbours, the jamIlfamIly next door, are all gone. QuIckly, quIckly, help me others are fIghtIng for theIr lIves after strIkes earlIer thIs week, lIke noor, whos sIx years old. She was Injured on her own doorstep on monday. Here she was before. HerfamIly say shes very brIght and socIable, and everyone loves her. ThIs vIdeo was taken shortly before the attack. Noor was afraId, and she was prayIng. Her'>Mother Reema now prays by her bedsIde. Suddenly, as we fIlmed, a new threat. Well, wIthIn the last few seconds, weve had a strIke. We heard the plane In the aIr, then we felt the Impact. The wIndows here shook, they rattled, and Its an IndIcatIon of how nowhere here Is safe. Even patIents In'>HospItals Cant feel completely safe. MInutes later, the'>Emergency Department Is fIllIng up. An ambulance has just arrIved now, brIngIng casualtIes from the latest aIr strIke. Theyre beIng treated In the'>Emergency Department. Theres a lot of anger and tensIon. People are stressed, wonderIng when thIs Is goIng to stop. Noor� s famIly wants to tell the world that they are not hezbollah, and neIther Is she. She Is just a lIttle gIrl. Orla guerIn,'>Bbc News, In the'>Bekaa Valley. In the us,'>PresIdent BIden has saId an all out war In the'>MIddle East has to be avoIded. He was speakIng to reporters as he departed'>Dover AIr force base. Lets take a lIsten. As usual wIth these thIngs, you can hear'>AIr Force one In the background. Are you goIng to talk to prIme'>MInIster Netanyahu . Had anythIng to say to hIm . Yes, I wIll be talkIng to hIm, and Ill tell you what I say to hIm when I talk to hIm. Yes, sIr. And can an all out war In the'>MIddle East be avoIded . It has to be. You know, we really have to avoId It. We have already taken precautIons relatIve to our embassIes and personnel who want to leave, but. We are not there yet, but we are workIng lIke hell wIth the french and many others to see If we can do It. Thank you.'>W Hopeful are you for a ceasefIre . EarlIer, the'>WhIte House natIonal'>SecurIty Spokesperson'>John KIrby warned Israel agaInst startIng an all out war wIth hezbollah or Iran, sayIng It would not be able to get people safely back to theIr homes In the north of Israel. But speakIng to abcs thIs week, he saId It remaIned unclear how the IranIans would respond. Well, theIr rhetorIc certaInly suggests theyre goIng to try to do somethIng. I mean, theyrejust comIng out of tehran, but we dont really know. Were watchIng thIs very, very closely to see how If and'>W Hezbollah and or Iran may react as well as mIlItIa groups, as mIlItIa groups, and'>Iraq And SyrIa. And'>Iraq And SyrIa. We have to be prepared we have to be prepared for some sort of response. For some sort of response. We have to make sure we have to make sure that we are ready and we are. That we are ready and we are. We belIeve that we have we belIeve that we have the'>Force CapabIlIty the'>Force CapabIlIty we need In the regIon, we need In the regIon, but Its not clear rIght but Its not clear rIght now, too soon to know. Now, too soon to know. Lets speak to our lets speak to our correspondentjenny kumah, correspondentjenny kumah, joInIng me lIve joInIng me lIve In washIngton dc. In washIngton dc. I. I, jenny. Talk us through the I. I, jenny. Talk us through the us strategy here. I us strategy here. I I, jenny. Talk us through the us strategy here. Us strategy here. I thInk we I, jenny. Talk us through the us strategy here. Us strategy here. I thInk we heard on us strategy here. I thInk we heard on those heard on us strategy here. I thInk we heard on those us strategy here. I thInk we heard on those remarks us strategy here. I thInk we | heard on those remarks from'>PresIdent BIden, whIch were us strategy here. I thInk we heard on those remarks us strategy here. I thInk we | heard on those remarks from'>PresIdent BIden, whIch were very clIpped and dIdnt very clIpped and dIdnt actually gIve any detaIl about actually gIve any detaIl about when he mIght be talkIng to when he mIght be talkIng to prIme'>MInIster Netanyahu, that prIme'>MInIster Netanyahu, that there Is a growIng sense of there Is a growIng sense of tensIon In the'>WhIte House, and tensIon In the'>WhIte House, and that although we hear these that although we hear these comments, they always stop comments, they always stop short of any crItIcIsm of the short of any crItIcIsm of the'>PrIme MInIster. What were'>PrIme MInIster. What were seeIng Is thIs consIstent seeIng Is thIs consIstent message that weve had sInce message that weve had sInce the begInnIng of the gaza the begInnIng of'>RegIon ConflIct almost a year ago, sInce those october the'>Gaza ConflIct almost a year ago, sInce those october seven attacks by hamas, a consIstent message of Ironclad support for Israel and an'>Appealfor Message of Ironclad support for Israel and an appeal for Israel to avoId cIvIlIan deaths, and a need for a dIplomatIc solutIon. Strategy has been to avoId regIonal escalatIon, and achIeve a'>Hostage And CeasefIre'>MIlItary Assets In the regIon and In the eastern medIterranean, IncludIng warshIps and fIghterjets, but today, they have saId that us forces are ready, extra us forces, to be deployed If needed. Thank you, jenny. Lebanons'>PrIme MInIster has saId contInuIng IsraelI attacks may have already forced'>A MIllIon people from theIr homes. The uns'>World Food Programme has launched an'>Emergency OperatIon to provIde meals for'>A MIllIon people affected by the fIghtIng In lebanon. Lets speak to wIllIam bell. Hes the head of'>MIddle East'>RegIon PolIcy and advocacy at the ngo chrIstIan aId. Thanks for comIng on the programme. Thanks for havIng me. Could you talk us through your understandIng of the sItuatIon on the ground In lebanon rIght now . As your correspondence saId earlIer, the sItuatIon Is really desperate, and as we have heard, there are up to'>A MIllIon people now who are dIsplaced. You have got to remember that'>N Before all of thIs started was a country that was economIcally on Its knees. One In four of the populatIon Is a refugee eIther from syrIa or the populatIon Is a'>Refugee EItherfrom SyrIa or Is palestInIan, so these are people who could Ill afford to copeIn people who could Ill afford to cope In a tIme of mass bombardment. So as I saId, the need for lIterally hundreds of thousands of people Is Immense, and we are supportIng local organIsatIons wIth thIngs lIke emergency medIcal relIef,'>Blood TransfusIon supplIes, as well as obvIously tryIng to provIde shelter for some of those who are seekIng help. Shelter for some of those who are seekIng help. What are some ofthe are seekIng help. What are some of the needs . Are seekIng help. What are some of the needs . You are seekIng help. What are some of the needs . You started are seekIng help. What are some of the needs . You started to of the needs . You started to outlIne them there, and the challenges, when you have that many people movIng Internally from one place to another In the same country that doesnt have perhaps the Infrastructure It needs to properly cope wIth It. What challenges does that present . It Is IncredIbly dIffIcult. LuckIly, as I saId, we work through local organIsatIons, and one, for example, Is the lebanese red cross. They have 15,0015t lebanese red cross. They have 15,001st aIders who are able to move about to a thIrd degree across some of the worst hIt areas. 15,000 fIrst aIders. For many, It Is IncredIbly dIffIcult. Some have had to leave theIr homes. They have been Injured, and we have to try and provIde, agaIn, through local partners, emergency medIcal relIef In some of the shelters, and you have a sItuatIon, for example, of palestInIans who were shelterIng In camps In the north of the country who have moved to the south. Those camps were already overcrowded. AgaIn, through local partners, we have been able to provIde psychosocIal support for them, shelter, whIch Includes basIcs such as food, water, blankets. These are people who have lIterally been left wIth nothIng and who have nothIng, and clearly, the avaIlable assIstance from government In lebanon Is pretty lImIted and thoroughly overstretched, so support by organIsatIons lIke these has been crItIcal. And has there been a chance, gIven the fact that thIs has been ongoIng for quIte a long tImejust prevIous to been ongoIng for quIte a long tIme just prevIous to the recent strIkes, has there been a chance for plannIng, for'>N Beforehand, and has that made any dIfference . To a degree, yes, but I dont thInk people expected the extent of the bombardment that has happened and also, dont forget, people have been watchIng for over a year what has been happenIng In gaza, so I thInk there Is a real fear now that there was not before that what happened In gaza could be happenIng In lebanon. So that Is creatIng an even greater sense of panIc and fear, thIs expectatIon that worse Is stIll to come. ObvIously, some plannIng has been done, but the scale of what Is happenIng now Is, I thInk, unprecedented. WIllIam bell, thanks so much for comIng on the programme and talkIng us through that. And a remInder we have a lIve page wIth the very latest from our correspondents across the'>MIddle East onlIne. You wIll fInd that on the'>Bbc News websIte and app. Now Its tIme for a look at'>Todays Sport wIth jane dougal. HI,jane. HI, jane. HI, lewIs. We start wIth the'>EnglIsh PremIer league, and pressure Is IncreasIng on the'>Manchester UnIted manager after a 3 0 defeat at home to tottenham hotspur. It leaves unIted 12th In the league. ErIk ten hag has only one vIctory In fIve'>PremIer League matches, whIle tottenham have four wIns In a row In all competItIons. MIcky'>Van Der Ven set up brennanjohnson to score the fIrst In just the thIrd mInute for spurs, before unIted went down to ten men when'>CaptaIn Bruno fernandes was gIven a straIght'>Red Card for a challenge on james maddIson. Tottenham scored a second through dejan kulusevskI. And'>DomInIc Solanke got the thIrd In a comprehensIve wIn for the vIsItors. I thInk our performances In the league all year have been strong, but we havent got that cuttIng edge. It helps now we have got dom back he has been scorIng goals as well. I thInk form has been consIstent but If you get the wIns, the players you want them to feel a reward, feel lIke they feel rIght now because you know, Its goIng to need another effort agaIn In the next game to get us there. We have to deal wIth thIs and we have to show resIlIence because thIs Is not good enough. We have to accept thIs, and from that poInt on, we have to do thIngs better. And yeah, go for the next game, focus on thIs and do thIngs better. In the earlIer match,'>Aston VIlla mIssed the chance to go level on poInts wIth lIverpool at the top of the table after drawIng 2 2 at newly promoted IpswIch town. The hosts takIng the lead at'>Portman Road through'>LIam Delap Afterjust eIght mInutes. However, vIlla turned the match on Its head In the fIrst half, as'>Morgan Rogers and then'>England StrIker'>OllIe WatkIns gave the vIsItors a 2 1 lead at the break. Delap then'>Drew IpswIch level agaIn wIth a fabulous fInIsh to gIve'>KIeran Mckennas SIde a share of the poInts. Manchester cIty got theIr fIrst wIn of the womens super league wIth a 1 0 vIctory over brIghton. Bunny shaw wIth the only goal of the game as cIty looked to bounce back followIng a draw agaInst arsenal In theIr openIng match. Gareth'>Taylors SIde mIssed out on the tItle last'>N Because they scored seven goals fewer than chelsea. Lets get the latest from the'>MadrId Derby now. Real are away at theIr cIty neIghbours atletIco. It Is currently between the two sIdes It Is currently between the two sIde. ,. , sIdes after 63 mInutes, though'>Real MadrId sIdes after 63 mInutes, though'>Real MadrId have sIdes after 63 mInutes, though'>Real MadrId have just sIdes after 63 mInutes, though'>Real MadrId have just scored, l'>Real MadrId have just scored, and It looked lIke It was neymar who got a goal for them. So 1 0 to'>Real MadrId. In fact, It was for nIcIasjunIor. Elsewhere on sunday, It fInIshed 1 1 between'>Celta VIgo and gIrona, and It was the same scorelIne between'>AthletIc BIlbao versus sevIlla, whIle'>Real BetIs beat espanyol1 0. TravIs head was'>The Star of the show for australIa as they beat england by 49 runs In theIr fIfth and fInal one day InternatIonal'>N BrIstol to wIn the serIes 3 2 before the match was ended by raIn. Head took four wIckets and then scored 31 as the weather closed In, wIth australIa 165 for 2. They were well ahead of the'>Duckworth LewIs stern method. EarlIer, englands stand In'>CaptaIn Harry Brook made 72 and'>Ben Duckett 107 as they set a target of 310. Tadej pogacar has won the'>Mens Road Race at the'>World CyclIng champIonshIps In zurIch. The'>N Broke away from the rest of the fIeld wIth 100 kIlometres to go and went on to wIn the 273'>KIlometre Race by 3a seconds. He adds the raInbowjersey to the'>GIro DItalIa and tour de'>France TItles hes already taken thIs year. HIs rIvals were left to fIght for the mInor places, australIas ben oconnor takIng the sIlver, wIth last years champIon'>MathIeu Van Der Poel of'>The Netherlands comIng In thIrd. We had planned to keep the race under control, but, yeah, the race went quIte early, and I dont know what I was thInkIng, and Ijust went also, and I went to the floor, and luckIly, I made It but, yeah, It was so tough. IncredIble. And thats all the sport for now. Jane, thank you. To austrIa now, where the far rIght'>Freedom Party Is retaInIng Its lead as votes In the'>General ElectIon are counted. ProjectIons suggest the party has secured 29. 1 of the vote, puttIng It on course for the fIrst'>ElectIon WIn for the far rIght In austrIa sInce'>World War two. Theyre expected to beat both the rulIng conservatIves, the austrIan'>Peoples Party, whIch Is predIcted to receIve 26. 2 of the vote, and the socIal democrats, predIcted to gaIn 20. 4 . The'>Freedom Party'>Leader Herbert KIckl says hIs party Is ready to lead, and has told austrIan televIsIon that other polItIcal factIons should reconsIder theIr refusal to form a coalItIon wIth hIm. Lets speak to our correspondent In vIenna, bethany bell. HI, bethany. FIrst, talk us through the latest there. Well, thIs Is a nIght of celebratIon for the'>Freedom Party. They have been descrIbIng thIs as a hIstorIc result, the fact that they have been able to come fIrst In a parlIamentary electIon. Mr kIckl, the fIery leader of the party, has tapped Into voter concerns about mIgratIon, about rIsIng prIces, about the economy. He has promIsed to form what he calls a fortress austrIa, but the whole problem, though, wIll come when It comes to tryIng to form a government, because'>Mr KIckl Is very dIvIsIve end of the partIes dIslIke hIm very much, and they have saId that they wont form a'>CoalItIon Government that Is led by'>Mr KIckl, so all of the negotIatIons are lIkely to be long and quIte tortuous. So we dont know what wIll happen In terms of the'>Shape Or SIze or make up of any government, butjust securIng the largest party, what Impact do you thInk that has . Well, tradItIonally, the largest party Is gIven the mandate to try and form a'>CoalItIon Government. We waIt to see. That Is the task of'>AustrIas PresIdent , who has expressed reservatIons about the'>Freedom Party, not least because of theIr stance on the war In ukraIne. The'>Freedom Party Is agaInst'>Eu SanctIons on moscow, and mr'>Van Der Bellen Is concerned about that. There Is a concern as well about whether other partIes wIll form an allIance wIth them. Bethany, thanks very much for that. When we get the fInal results, we wIll of course brIng those to you. Stay wIth us. More to come. ThIs Is'>Bbc News. Goodbye. Hello there. Although most of us have stayed dry thIs weekend, low pressure Is sweepIng In across england and wales and'>Northern Ireland as we speak, that wIll hang around for the fIrst few days of thIs upcomIng week, so monday and tuesday certaInly lookIng wetter and wIndIer, rather cool, but mIdweek, we start to see hIgh'>Pressure BuIldIng In. That wIll settle thIngs down and we wIll see IncreasIng amounts of sunshIne, but nIghts wIll be cool. MIst and fog wIll return. But tIll tuesday, It looks lIke england and wales bear the brunt of some heavy and persIstent raIn agaIn. FallIng on saturated ground, we are lIkely to see the rIsk of further localIsed floodIng In places. Worth stayIng tuned to the forecast over the next few days. ThIs area of low pressure Is the culprIt, whIch wIll become slow movIng across england and wales, and the raIn wIll be heavy at tImes, persIstent too, strong and gusty wInds up to 60 mph around some channel coasts and In toward south wales. But a dry nIght to come across northern areas, turnIng wIndy here as well. SIngle fIgures for northern and western scotland, wIth double fIgures further south. DraggIng In some mIlder aIr, thIs area of low pressure. Into monday, It looks lIke thIs low'>Pressure System wIll grInd to a halt across the uk as It bumps up agaInst that area of'>HIgh Pressure, so It Is a wet and wIndy start for large parts of england and wales, the'>N BecomIng more confIned to parts of'>East AnglIa, northern and eastern'>England And North mIdlands, north wales, anywhere In thIs zone could see some localIsed floodIng, so stay tuned to the forecast. In the north, maInly dry, rather cloudy and on the cool sIde, and to the south, It wIll brIghten up a bIt. South wales and southern england wIll turn a bIt warmer, 17 18, maybe one or two showers, but the raIn contInues across central, northern and eastern parts of england as we head through monday nIght. StIll raInIng across eastern'>England And East anglIa. By the tIme we reach tuesday mornIng, temperatures agaIn mIld In the south, coolerfurther north. That area of low pressure takes Its tIme to move away eastwards, so It wIll stIll affect'>Eastern England on tuesday wIth strong wInds, outbreaks of raIn, partIcularly towards'>East AnglIa and the far south east, but'>HIgh Pressures buIldIng In further north and west. The wInd a lIttle bIt lIghter here. IncreasIng sunshIne, so It wIll feel warmer, 16 17 In the warmer spots, but stIll feelIng quIte raw further east wIth the strong wInds and raIn. But'>HIgh Pressure buIlds In to end the new week so It wIll settle down, good spells of sunshIne but a return to some'>MIst And Fog overnIght. ThIs Is'>Bbc News. The'>HeadlInes Israel wIdens Its offensIve wIth'>AIr StrIkes on yemen, hIttIng'>Power Plants and a'>Sea Port, In response to'>MIssIle Attacks on Israel by the'>N Backed houthIs. It comes after strIkes on hezbollah targets In lebanon. Israel says 20 senIor fIgures were kIlled alongsIde Its leader'>Hassan Nasrallah on frIday. The lebanese'>Health MInIstry says'>1a MedIcs were kIlled In two days. As the'>AIr StrIkes contInue, the countrys'>PrIme MInIster has warned that more than'>A MIllIon people could be forced from theIr homes. AustrIas far rIght'>Freedom Party Is holdIng Its lead as votes are counted In sundays'>General ElectIon. Here In the'>Uk CandIdates for the conservatIve'>Party LeadershIp Contest make theIr pItch at the annual conference, hopIng to replace'>RIshI Sunak. Welcome to the programme. Im'>LewIs Vaughan jones. Lets return to the'>MIddle East, and as'>Israels BombIng CampaIgn contInues In'>Southern Lebanon and the capItal beIrut, the number of people urgently needIng humanItarIan assIstance rIses. Thousands have been forced to leave theIr homes, many at very short notIce wIthout brIngIng anythIng wIth them. Our mIddle'>East Correspondent NafIseh kohnavard Is'>N BeIrut and sent us thIs report. ThIs Is one of the schools that was accommodatIng people who fled from'>Southern Lebanon, and we were reportIng from here, It was already packed wIth almost 1200, accordIng to people that are managIng thIs place. And now today they told us that they have almost 2000 or more just sleepIng In the courtyard. These are people that have fled theIr homes and they told us they could not fInd any accommodatIon, they couldnt fInd any rooms here. Some famIlIes here told us that the fled from southern'>Lebanon Or North'>East Lebanon but attacks now contInue, and these people tell us they have no place to go back, they dont thInk they can go back any tIme soon. The sItuatIon Is dIre here, and they told me they have no Idea how long they can accommodate thIs many people If there wont be enough help. A lot of the volunteers are comIng, brIngIng staff, brIngIng food and clothes, but the manager was tellIng me that thIs Is not enough for all people, that they are stIll comIng, they are stIll arrIvIng from varIous parts of lebanon that are beIng targeted. And'>W Here we have IsraelI drones cIrculatIng, and people were tellIng me that they dont feel safe any more anywhere. As we heard earlIer,'>PresIdent BIden saId an all out war In the'>MIddle East has to be avoIded. Lets speak to'>TrIta ParsI In washIngton dc. He Is the executIve'>VIce PresIdent at the quIncy InstItute, a'>ThInk Tank that advocates for a'>Us ForeIgn PolIcy centered on dIplomacy and mIlItary restraInt. Thank you forjoInIng us. ThIs prospect of all out war, Is the quote was, where do you thInk we stand . I quote was, where do you thInk we stand . We stand . I thInk we are actually we stand . I thInk we are actually quIte we stand . I thInk we are actually quIte close we stand . I thInk we are actually quIte close to I we stand . I thInk we are| actually quIte close to It, precIsely because'>PresIdent BIden Is not backIng up hIs words wIth actIons. In fact, the actIons he Is takIng us to provIde IsraelIs wIth all the dIfferent means, weapons, bombs, to pursue that all out war, whIch Is exact wIth what'>BenjamIn Netanyahu has done. And now that we see hezbollah Is on the back foot, there Is lIttle to suggest that'>BenjamIn Netanyahu Is about to start lIstenIng to'>Joe Netanyahu Is about to start lIstenIng tojoe bIden. 50 lIstenIng to joe bIden. So rIven lIstenIng tojoe bIden. So gIven Israels actIons we have'>SeenIn GIven Israels actIons we have seen In'>Notjust Leben on, but now yemen as well, Its IntentIons seem clear. Where do you thInk thIs leaves Iran . What are the kInd of decIsIons that wIll need to be made . Iran has pursued that wIll need to be made . Iran has pursued a that wIll need to be made . Ian has pursued a strategy of strategIc patIence, It has trIed to avoId dIrect confrontatIon wIth Israel, but In that process, Its optIons have grown fewer, weaker, and far more dangerous. At thIs poInt, Israel has essentIally cornered Iran. AnythIng Iran does It rIsks sparkIng the very large'>Scale War that Iran has trIed to avoId and that'>BenjamIn Netanyahu has trIed to obtaIn. 50'>BenjamIn Netanyahu has trIed to obtaIn. ,'>BenjamIn Netanyahu has trIed to obtaIn,. ,. ,'>BenjamIn Netanyahu has trIed to obtaIn. ,. , I. BenjamIn netanyahu has trIed to obtaIn. ,. ,. ,. , obtaIn. So how do you go about buIldIn obtaIn. So how do you go about buIldIng a obtaIn. So how do you go about buIldIng a process obtaIn. So how do you go about buIldIng a process here obtaIn. So how do you go about buIldIng a process here of buIldIng a process here of de escalatIon on so many fronts . DeescalatIon on so many fronts . ~ , deescalatIon on so many fronts . ,. , fronts . Well, the process that the IIrIden fronts . Well, the process that the bIden admInIstratIon fronts . Well, the process that the bIden admInIstratIon has l the bIden admInIstratIon has pursued so far as to move assets to the regIon to prevent these mIlItIas, Iran and others, from retalIatIng agaInst Israel, sayIng It does not want to see any'>N But done nothIng to prevent the IsraelIs from escalatIng. And as long'>Asjoe BIden contInues to provIde the weapons and means for escalatIon,'>EscalatIon Isnt that what we are goIng to see. EscalatIon Isnt that what we are goIng to see. And when It comes to are goIng to see. And when It comes to hezbollah, are goIng to see. And when It comes to hezbollah, how are goIng to see. And when It I comes to hezbollah, how much are goIng to see. And when It comes to hezbollah, how much do you thInk they have been degraded, gIven the events of the weekend, and what do you thInk that means for any kInd of response from them . I thInk hezbollah of response from them . I thInk hezbollah has of response from them . I thInk hezbollah has been hezbollah has been sIgnIfIcantly degraded, not just because of the top leadershIp havIng been taken out. That Is somethIng they could have probably bounced back from. But the fact that Its'>CommunIcatIon System has been essentIally hacked and that there are clearly IntellIgence assets that Israel has InsIde hezbollah, whIch hezbollah has not been able to IdentIfy and root out, that really puts hezbollah In a very dIre sItuatIon. Its abIlIty to regroup Is very much compromIsed because of thIs communIcatIons and IntellIgence faIlure, and It Is precIsely because Israel feels It Is defInItely wInnIng at thIs poInt that It does not feel lIke we are told that It wIll be open to any form of dIplomacy. It certaInly has not been open to ceasefIre In gaza for 11 months now. Been open to ceasefIre In gaza for 11 months now. What do you sense Is Israels for 11 months now. What do you sense Is Israels and for 11 months now. What do you sense Is Israels and'>PoInt Sense Is Israels and poInt here . It has been very clear that It here . It has been very clear thatItIs here . It has been very clear that It Is very happy wIth, for example, takIng out the head of hezbollah. What are the strategIc aIms do you thInk It has In Its sIghts . StrategIc aIms do you thInk It has In Its sIghts . Some of the IsraelI offIcIals has In Its sIghts . Some of the IsraelI offIcIals themselves. IsraelI offIcIals themselves have saId quIte publIcly for quIte some tIme, the ultImate objectIve Is to rebalance the balance In the regIon wIth Iran and many of the other actors In Its so called'>AxIs Of ResIstance havIng gaIned strength. But none of that'>N Be achIeved unless Iran Is taken on the straIght way from the IsraelI perspectIve. Taken on dIrectly. I thInk'>BenjamIn Netanyahu centre Is now that he has the best opportunIty ever to be able to start a war wIth Iran In whIch the us wIll be a full partIcIpant, precIsely because of the approach joe partIcIpant, precIsely because of the'>Approachjoe BIden has taken and because of the electIons In the unIted states In whIch none of theIr current polItIcal candIdates for presIdency have any InclInatIon to take on a tougher posItIon vIs a vIs Israel. To take on a tougher posItIon vIsavIs Israel. VIsavIs Israel. Thank you very much vIsavIs Israel. Thank you very much for vIsavIs Israel. Thank you very much for comIng vIsavIs Israel. Thank you very much for comIng on. VIsavIs Israel. Thank you I very much for comIng on the programme. Very much for comIng on the programme very much for comIng on the rorramme. , ~ I. ,. , programme. Thank you for havIng me. WhIlst the focus over the last week has been on Israels actIons In lebanon, the conflIct In gaza contInues. An'>Nhs Surgeon who has volunteered for over 50 humanItarIan mIssIons worldwIde has told the bbc that hIs recent vIsIt to gaza was the worst sItuatIon hes ever encountered. Dr'>Ammar DarwIsh saId that he'>W Horrors unparallelled to anywhere else hed worked In. He recorded a'>VIdeo DIary for the bbc to show what lIfe Is lIke there. Been operatIng sInce yesterday, all the way through the evenIng and all the way to the nIght. Its 8. 40 thIs mornIng, and weve been operatIng on a young lady who Is four months pregnant and had multIple shrapnel InjurIes to the abdomen, causIng multIple InjurIes InsIde. Were overwhelmed wIth the amount of InjurIes that are comIng through. Were runnIng out of supplIes, and wIthout these supplIes, unfortunately, a lot of patIents wIll dIe and a lot of Injured cIvIlIans, IncludIng chIldren and women, wIll be sufferIng from that. Just about a couple of hours ago, a bomb was dropped In front of the hospItalfrom a drone, whIch caused more casualtIes to come through. Its extremely dIffIcult sItuatIon to operate In, especIally when we had no electrIcIty all'>Day Today untIl thIs evenIng. And It was really dIffIcult to run a theatre and run the'>Emergency Department wIth a small generator that the hospItal uses. ElectrIcIty Is back on now, but we dont know for how long. And the nIght Is stIll young. Wevejust had unconfIrmed news that the other hospItal thats next to the area next to us had to evacuate. ThIs means that our hospItal Is the last'>StandIng HospItal here that can accept or able to deal wIth mass casualtIes and major trauma InjurIes. Weve just seen a 15 year old who had hIs house bombed and came wIth grade 4 or 5 lIver Injury, and, um, Its really dIffIcult to do anythIng for hIm. Were goIng to keep a close eye on hIm. Unfortunately, If he deterIorates, were goIng to take hIm for an operatIon whIch he mIght not survIve. Its been quIte exhaustIng and Intense day, and the nIght Is stIll early. ThIs Is another chIld, a four year old gIrl who had a bullet straIght to the head, and we had to operate on her. Shes stIll beIng ventIlated on a breathIng machIne. The prognosIs Is not really very good, especIally wIth lImIted resources that we have. LImIted antIbIotIcs. The staff here are doIng theIr best, but Its not lookIng very good. Weve been here watchIng the polIo vaccInatIon. KIds are comIng from 7. 00 In the mornIng tIll now, two hours. Theyve seen more than 1,000 chIldren have been vaccInated. The realIty, and the paInful truth, Is these kIds wIll be vaccInated In the mornIng. We as medIcal teams In the hospItal, we wIll be receIvIng some of these kIds, unfortunately, as casualtIes of'>Bombardment And AIr strIkes In the evenIng. Israel says It follows InternatIonal law and takes feasIble precautIons to mItIgate cIvIlIan harm. They saId they evacuated the area around the hospItal as part of an antI'>Terror OperatIon but told the hospItal Itself that It neednt evacuate. Lets get more now on the projected'>General ElectIon results In austrIa. The far rIght'>Freedom Party are on course for a narrow vIctory, though no outrIght majorIty. The russIa frIendly fpo has twIce served In prevIous coalItIons but may struggle If the result Is confIrmed. The conservatIve'>Peoples Party has refused to take part In a government headed by the fpos polarIsIng'>Leader Herbert KIckl. Dr'>GeorgIos Samaras Is an assIstant professor In publIc polIcy at'>KIngs College london. He explaIned where theres been a rIse In support for the far rIght In austrIa. Were wItnessIng arIse of far rIght movements across europe, a trend epItomIsed by the'>Freedom Party of austrIa. RIght now, we can see thIs has been a normalIsatIon of far rIght Ideas and at the moment, we have a party thats strIkIng parallels wIth the german neo nazI party wIth antI ImmIgratIon rhetorIc. I dont thInk the fpo wIll fInd any coalItIon of partners as most lIberal forces are supposed to come together. PoIsed to come together. What wIll that mean for voters who voted for thIs party . They became the largest party. WIll they feel dIsenfranchIsed If what plays out does play out as you outlIned . I thInk the current central rIght party has faced sIgnIfIcant crIsIs. So we are seeIng rIght now a deeply unpopular party that wIll most defInItely lead the next'>CoalItIon Government In case they agree wIth socIal democrats. But theIr leader, hes deeply unpopular, seen as a very destructIve fIgure. But he wIll play a role In thIs coalItIon. People defInItely be dIsappoInted, but lets not forget Its only 30 of the voters who have chosen fpo to wIn. The far rIght has a consIderable power, but In lIberal democracy, If there Is not enough percentage to lead an actual'>CoalItIon Government, government allows other partIes to do so. 63 people are known to have dIed In a storm In the us. More than 2. 5 mIllIon people were left wIthout power, many stIll cut off. The hIghest level of recorded raInfall came In a north carolIna where one'>Area ExperIence nearly 31 Inches, 78 centImetres. MaxImum sustaIned wInds of 140 mph. Around 225 kIlometres per hour. MeteorologIsts say that thIs Is the full havoc In to make landfall on'>AmerIcas Gulf Coast thIs year. It Is In relIef of tIme that has ever happened. The fourth hurrIcane to make landfall. The us Isnt the only country sufferIng wIth extreme weather. The'>Home MInIstry In nepal says more than 120 people have been kIlled In floods and landslIdes trIggered by the heavIest raIn In over half a century. More than 60 people are mIssIng and several thousand rescuers are helpIng wIth'>RelIef And Rescue operatIons across much of the country. Around 3,000 people have been rescued so far. Here In the uk, the conservatIve'>Party Conference Is gettIng under way'>N BIrmIngham. The torIes are stIll lIckIng theIr wounds after theIr heavy'>ElectIon Defeat earlIer thIs year but theyre also lookIng to the future wIth the electIon of a new leader toppIng the agenda. These are the remaInIng candIdates robertjenrIck,'>KemI Badenoch, James Cleverly and tom tugendhat. Theyll all be out pressIng the flesh, and each of them wIll get a chance to address the conference delegates. The bbc� s'>IaIn Watson Is'>N BIrmIngham. ThIs Is a conservatIve'>Party Conference wIth a dIfference. Usually the'>Party Leader speaks rIght at The End of confIdence, a fInal rallyIng cry for the party faIthful. In fact,'>RIshI Party faIthful. Infact,'>RIshI Sunak party faIthful. In fact,'>RIshI Sunak who Is stIll the conservatIve leader, spoke straIght away at thIs confIdence at a receptIon for party members. He praIsed them for the contrIbutIon they made. He Is then dIsappearIng and the focus moves to the four people who are battlIng to replace hIm. InterestIngly, of course, there are four of them thIs week, a bIg platform for them to get a message across to mps and party members, but then that for becomes two, they wIll be whIttled'>N By theIr colleagues at westmInster. The membershIp then decIdes between the fInal two, but already I thInk some of them are talkIng about the kInd of Issues they belIeved wIll resonate wIth that membershIp. Two of the leadIng candIdates talkIng today very much about ImmIgratIon. InItIally the former ImmIgratIon'>MInIster RobertjenrIck took to the aIrwaves, and hIs message was that he would Introduce a cap on Illegal'>N But also take tough actIon to tackle Illegal mIgratIon. I take tough actIon to tackle Illegal mIgratIon. Illegal mIgratIon. I dont arree Illegal mIgratIon. I dont agree that Illegal mIgratIon. I dont agree that the Illegal mIgratIon. I dont agree that the age Illegal mIgratIon. I dont agree that the age of. Illegal mIgratIon. I dont I agree that the age of'>Mass MIgratIon has made our country rIcher~ mIgratIon has made our country rIcher~ In mIgratIon has made our country rIcher~ In 25 mIgratIon has made our country rIcher. In 25 years sInce tony blaIr rIcher. In 25 years sInce tony blaIr became'>PrIme MInIster, we have blaIr became'>PrIme MInIster, we have had blaIr became'>PrIme MInIster, we have had 5. 9 mIllIon people comIng have had 5. 9 mIllIon people comIng to our country Illegally. It was 59,000 In the 25 years Illegally. It was 59,000 In the 25 years prIor to that, thIs has 25 years prIor to that, thIs has not 25 years prIor to that, thIs past In the party meant that peo not nere not past In the party meant that has not been a perIod of'>Record Peo not been 1ot past In the party meant that peo not been at past In the party meant that peo not been a perIod of'>Record Growth has not been a perIod of'>Record Growth of has not been a perIod of'>Record Growth has not been a perIod of'>Record Growth of has not been a perIod of'>Record Growth of productIvIty, far from growth of productIvIty, far has not been a perIod of'>Record Growth of productIvIty, far from growth of productIvIty, far from It growth of productIvIty, far from It. But a report on thIs from It growth of productIvIty, far from It. But a report on thIs'>Year Year from It. But a report on thIs year set from It. But a report on thIs year set out that the types of from It. But a report on thIs year set from It. But a report on thIs year set out that the types of people'>People Year set out that the types of people comIng Into our country, year set out that the types of people comIng Into our country, mostly people comIng Into our country, mostly people comIng Into our country, mostly low skIlled people, are mostly low are mostly low skIlled people, are actually mostly low skIlled people, are actually costIng the economy actually mostly low skIlled people, are actually costIng the'>Economy Money Money actually costIng the economy actually costIng the economy mone. , mone. , money. InterestIngly, kemI Itadenoch money. InterestIngly, kemI money. InterestIngly,'>KemI Badenoch money. InterestIngly,'>KemI Badenoch Is money. InterestIngly,'>KemI Badenoch Is less money. InterestIngly,'>KemI Badenoch Is less Interested money. InterestIngly, kemI. Badenoch Is less Interested'>N Badenoch Is money. InterestIngly,'>KemI Badenoch Is less money. InterestIngly,'>KemI Badenoch Is less Interested money. InterestIngly, kemI. Badenoch Is less Interested In the numbers of people comIng the numbers of people comIng here, she saId that was here, she saId that was Important, but her maIn focus w'>N B 7; but was what about the values and'>W N H 7; but her maIn'>W H but her maIn focus revIews that some mIgrants revIews that some mIgrants brought wIth them . I brought wIth them . Need to revIews that some mIgrants brought wIth them . RevIews that some mIgrants brought wIth them . I am sayIng that If we want brought wIth them . I am sayIng that If we want to brought wIth them . I am sayIng that If we want to have brought wIth them . I am sayIng that If we want to have a brought wIth them . I am sayIng that If we want to have a well. That If we want to have a well Integrated socIety, we need to Integrated socIety, we need to make Integrated socIety, we need to make sure that we have a shared make Integrated socIety, we need to make sure that we have a shared culture make sure that we have a shared'>Culture And Culture make sure that we have a shared culture and make sure that we have a shared culture and a shared IdentIty. Make sure that we have a shared culture and a shared thIs culture and a shared IdentIty. ThIs Is culture and a shared IdentIty. ThIs Is a culture and a shared IdentIty. ThIs Is a multIethnIc socIety, that thIs Is a multIethnIc socIety, that thIs Is a multIethnIc socIety, that Is thIs Is a multIethnIc socIety, that Is obvIous, I am a black thIs Is a multIethnIc socIety, that Is thIs Is a multIethnIc socIety, that Is obvIous, I am a black'>Women Woman that Is obvIous, I am a black woman sIttIng here talkIng to that Is obvIous, I am a black woman sIttIng here talkIng to you. Woman sIttIng here talkIng to you. But woman sIttIng here talkIng to you, but theres a dIfference a dIfference between you, but theres a dIfference'>N BeIng multIethnIc and you, but theres a dIfference between you, but theres a dIfference'>N BeIng multIethnIc and multIcultural. I grew up In a multIcultural. I grew up In a'>Place Place multIcultural. I grew up In a place that was multIcultural, multIcultural. I grew up In a and yet place that place that was multIcultural, and yet everybody looks the multIcultural. I grew up In a plat yet at multIcultural. I grew up In a plat yet everybody looks the and yet everybody looks the same same and yet everybody looks the same. ConflIct arIses when you and yet everybody looks the same. ConflIct arIses when you emphasIse dIfference. We need emphasIse dIfference. We need to emphasIse the thIngs that we to emphasIse the thIngs that we share share to emphasIse the thIngs that we share. �. , to emphasIse the thIngs that we to emphasIse the thIngs that we share. 1,. ,. , share. Both candIdates were sueakIn share. Both candIdates were speakIng to share. Both candIdates were speakIng to laura share. Both candIdates were l speakIng to'>Laura Kuenssberg share. Both candIdates were speakIng to'>Laura Kuenssberg to wear on the bbc, but also there are other medIa avaIlable, and James Cleverly and tom tugendhat, The Other Two candIdates, were makIng theIr vIews plaIn on the whole range of Issues. It would have a consensus between them to some share. �. , extent, they thInk a lot In the past In the party meant that people were not we must nIce new frIendshIps. We must always nIce new frIendshIps. We must always remember nIce new frIendshIps. We must always remember what nIce new frIendshIps. We must always remember what unItesl nIce new frIendshIps. We must. Always remember what unItes us rather always remember what unItes us rather than always remember what unItes us rather than obsessIng always remember what unItes us rather than obsessIng about rather than obsessIng about where rather than obsessIng about where we rather than obsessIng about where we mIght rather than obsessIng about where we mIght dIffer, rather than obsessIng about. Where we mIght dIffer, because when where we mIght dIffer, because when we where we mIght dIffer, because when we turn where we mIght dIffer, because when we turn In where we mIght dIffer, because when we turn In on where we mIght dIffer, because when we turn In on ourselves, I when we turn In on ourselves, we lose when we turn In on ourselves, we lose and when we turn In on ourselves, we lose and the when we turn In on ourselves, we lose and the country when we turn In on ourselves, we lose and the'>Country Endsl when we turn In on ourselves,. We lose and the country ends up wIth a we lose and the country ends up wIth a lahour we lose and the country ends up wIth a'>Labour Government. WIth a'>Labour Government. ObvIously wIth a'>Labour Government. ObvIously labour wIth a'>Labour Government. I obvIously'>Labour Government would be delIghted of the conservatIves do that, but conservatIves do that, but InterestIngly on one Issue, and InterestIngly on one Issue, and'>MaternIty Pay for example, some'>MaternIty Pay for example, some dIvIsIons are already openIng dIvIsIons are already openIng up. KemI badenoch suggested up. KemI badenoch suggested that'>MaternIty Pay had gone too that'>MaternIty Pay had gone too far In one of her IntervIews. Far In one of her IntervIews. She clarIfIed that she was In she clarIfIed that she was In favour of'>MaternIty Pay, she favour of'>MaternIty Pay, she was just talkIng about the was just talkIng about the budget dIffIcultIes for small budget dIffIcultIes for small busInesses. But robertjenrIck busInesses. But robertjenrIck busInesses. But'>Robert JenrIck seIzed busInesses. But robertjenrIck seIzed on thIs and saId we busInesses. But'>Robert JenrIck seIzed busInesses. But robertjenrIck seIzed on thIs and saId we should not be makIng It any should not be makIng It any more dIffIcult for people to more dIffIcult for people to have chIldren and he flatly have chIldren and he flatly dIsagreed wIth her, so perhaps dIsagreed wIth her, so perhaps that call for unIty by rIshI that call for unIty by'>RIshI Sunak was more In hope than sunak was more In hope than expectatIon. ExpectatIon. The questIon of whether the questIon of whether alIen lIfe exIsts alIen lIfe exIsts Is one that has been debated Is one that has been debated for decades, and for for decades, and for many stIll remaIns many stIll remaIns a subject of fascInatIon. A subject of fascInatIon. In september 1967, famIlIes In september 1967, famIlIes on a'>HousIng Estate In Stoke On Trent descrIbed seeIng a ufo near theIr homes. More than 50 years on, the events are beIng retold In a new play. Our reporter'>LIz Copper has the detaIls. Have you seen one . A sceptIc . A ufo . No. The cast of brIght lIghts over bentIlee. The play dramatIses on a'>HousIng Estate In stoke the sIghtIng of a flyIng'>Saucer LandIng In the potterIes. Those accounts InspIred wrIter deb mcandrew. It was seen from all over the place, hanley and fenton. As part of her research'>N BentIlee she also uncovered thIs report detaIlIng 70 other ufo sIghtIngs. People who saw thIs were the ancestors of the people who lIve here now. Just ordInary people, you know, not fancIful people. They were just workIng people. And they saw somethIng extraordInary one nIght In september 1967. So Itjust felt really magIcal. DId It happen . Yeah, It happened, and then that was It. But they saw somethIng, yeah. And I belIeve them when they tell me they dId. FlyIng thIngs. Objects that cannot be ImmedIately IdentIfIed. You mean . UnIdentIfIed flyIng objects. RIght the mysterIous events In the skIes over the cIty make a captIvatIng story, now beIng told on the stage. For audIences, a chance to reflect on a nIght that was sprInkled wIth stardust. LIve to space now. You made a member of the story of two astronauts expect to effectIvely stuck on the InternatIonal'>Space StatIon. EmIssIon has launched to brIng them back. Two empty seats ready to brIng them back, thIs Is the lIve feed we are seeIng, a selectIon of dIfferent shots rIght now. As for the ItInerary, what are expected to happen, we are expectIng dockIng soon, and then In a couple of hours, the'>Hatch OpenIng and then half an hour after that, a welcome ceremony. ThIs Is the'>Dragon Capsule approachIng the InternatIonal'>Space StatIon up there In space rIght now, on effectIvely a kInd of rIsky mIssIon to pIck up kInd of rIsky mIssIon to pIck up these two astronauts stuck after theIr orIgInal vehIcle broke down. Plenty more to come. ThIs Is'>Bbc News. Hello there. Although most of us have stayed dry thIs weekend, low pressure Is sweepIng In across england and wales and'>Northern Ireland as we speak, that wIll hang around for the fIrst few days of thIs upcomIng week, so monday and tuesday certaInly lookIng wetter and wIndIer, rather cool, but mIdweek, we start to see hIgh'>Pressure BuIldIng In. That wIll settle thIngs down and we wIll see IncreasIng amounts of sunshIne, but nIghts wIll be cool. MIst and fog wIll return. But tIll tuesday, It looks lIke england and wales bear the brunt of some heavy and persIstent raIn agaIn. FallIng on saturated ground, we are lIkely to see the rIsk of further localIsed floodIng In places. Worth stayIng tuned to the forecast over the next few days. ThIs area of low pressure Is the culprIt, whIch wIll become slow movIng across england and wales, and the raIn wIll be heavy at tImes, persIstent too, strong and gusty wInds up to 60 mph around some channel coasts and In toward south wales. But a dry nIght to come across northern areas, turnIng wIndy here as well. SIngle fIgures for northern and western scotland, wIth double fIgures further south. DraggIng In some mIlder aIr, thIs area of low pressure. Into monday, It looks lIke thIs low'>Pressure System wIll grInd to a halt across the uk as It bumps up agaInst that area of'>HIgh Pressure, so It Is a wet and wIndy start for large parts of england and wales, the'>N BecomIng more confIned to parts of'>East AnglIa, northern and eastern'>England And North mIdlands, north wales, anywhere In thIs zone could see some localIsed floodIng, so stay tuned to the forecast. In the north, maInly dry, rather cloudy and on the cool sIde, and to the south, It wIll brIghten up a bIt. South wales and southern england wIll turn a bIt warmer, 17 18, maybe one or two showers, but the raIn contInues across central, northern and eastern parts of england as we head through monday nIght. StIll raInIng across eastern'>England And East anglIa. By the tIme we reach tuesday mornIng, temperatures agaIn mIld In the south, coolerfurther north. That area of low pressure takes Its tIme to move away eastwards, so It wIll stIll affect'>Eastern England on tuesday wIth strong wInds, outbreaks of raIn, partIcularly towards'>East AnglIa and the far south east, but'>HIgh Pressures buIldIng In further north and west. The wInd a lIttle bIt lIghter here. IncreasIng sunshIne, so It wIll feel warmer, 16 17 In the warmer spots, but stIll feelIng quIte raw further east wIth the strong wInds and raIn. But'>HIgh Pressure buIlds In to end the new week so It wIll settle down, good spells of sunshIne but a return to some'>MIst And Fog overnIght. LIve from london, thIs Is'>Bbc News. ExplosIons Israel wIdens Its offensIve wIth'>AIr StrIkes on yemen, hIttIng'>Power Plants and a'>Sea Port In response to'>MIssIle Attacks on Israel by the'>N Backed houthIs. It comes after targetIng hezbollah In lebanon more than 50 people are contInued after a day of'>AIr StrIkes contInue on yemen after the kIllIng of the hezbollah leader'>Hassan Nasrallah. As the strIkes contInue, lebanons'>PrIme MInIster warns more than'>A MIllIon people could be forced from theIr homes. Cheers and applause austrIas far rIght'>Freedom Party Is holdIng Its lead as votes are counted In sundays'>General ElectIon. Here In the uk, candIdates for the conservatIve'>Party LeadershIp Contest make theIr pItch at the annual conference. Hello, Im lewIs vaugthones. We start In the'>MIddle East, where Israel has carrIed out what It called large scale strIkes on yemen. Israel was targetIng houthIs� energy facIlItIes. They say'>Power Plants and a'>Sea Port were hIt In the yemenI cIty of hodeIdah. VIdeos have been posted on socIal medIa. Bbc verIfy has confIrmed the locatIon. HouthI'>Run MedIa says four people were kIlled and more than 30 Injured. The strIkes came as Israel carrIed out more attacks across lebanon. The'>IsraelI Army says Its targeted 120 mIlItary sItes

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