Culture in scotland, it sent too contested. Which is good. And everyone who lives in scotland, permanent residency in scotland, qualified commonwealth citizen gets a vote. I am german, the accent never goes away. I am german. I have residency in scotland. I lived there for five years, once you get permanent residency you get to vote. If you are a scott that moved to england, you dont get a vote it. Is the same for the Scottish Parliament. Some dont like that, obviously it is not majorly contested because, this is the Scottish Parliament franchise. Some didnt like that it is an agreed franchise. The idea, who lives in scotland, votes, that includes, i think 10 now of people who were born in england. For example, who have residency in scotland. That is the voting franchise, the only change was the lowering of the voting age to 16. That is a cross party consensus. Geographically splits within scotland, we do see splits, there was a pole in glasscow, the crucial thing is. For example. The
Discussion of what the special relationship with the u. S. Would be in the event of a yes outcome . It is really interesting, i remember the individual, it the day where we presented our new research results, gosh, we will be out of all the media today. We were still in. When the statement was made by president obam ait didnt move the polls either way, neither did it in january, when boroso made his statements, the substantial answer, i think, the issues about what happens in scotland dominate the decision making. We have seen interventions, i think, and slightly aneck do theal here, if you live in scotland, if you ever have been to scotland, it is never fruitful to try to tell scotts from the outside what to do. There is relatively little response to that. It is not they dont care, that it dwnt matter, people discussed it. It was not what people were basing their issues on. The core issues for people is what happens in scotland in the future. Those issues were discussed. They are not
Paris (ESA) Apr 04, 2023 -
Runoff and river discharge are important components in Earth s water cycle, but as climate change tightens its grip, heatwaves and instances of drought are increasingly hitting the Runoff: not as yo