AI has the potential to help determine biases in news reporting that one would not be able to see otherwise. At McGill University, scientists got a computer program to produce news coverage of COVID-19 by making use of the headlines from CBC articles as alerts.
In his tweet, he said that these platforms should not be allowed to breach Article 14, 19 and 21 of the Indian constitution, , MoS Rajeev Chandrasekhar, bigtech platforms, twitter, facebook, social media, human biases, Algorithms
i am disappointed the best evidence putting forward are these mono chromatic videos taken by pilots. as though the alien is only interested interested we were thinking again about the scientific lens and we hope in looking at this, we re doing journalism, which is a much lower grade daily attempt at what you both do which adds a little bit more long-term resonance but i work on a daily basis. we were digging how we think about information including human biases which gets into psychology. take a look.
because we ve got a presidential campaign on the horizon. and, again, all american voters get the bulk of their information about everything, including candidates, on the internet and google, of course, is the portal to the internet. so, do you think that the biases you are describing will influence the outcome of the election? how could they not? i think it is going to. if people aren t able to think critically about the information they re given especially if there is kind of this illusion that maybe somehow technology exists in a world apart from humans or you can somehow create a computer to think for itself and be free of human biases, then, you know, people could be easily mislead or manipulated. tucker: so you are basically saying that google is a liberal company, and its liberalism will tilt the presidential election. are you going to be punished