this is just another in a long list that s quit e of his foreign policy failures. i thinr problek the major problm right now with the way the biden administration iran are with isen h they re clinging to this delusion from back when he waswo partnering with obama to do cringing, capitulation d, ck in their foreign policy, that they can bring irany of back intoan the community of nations if they just treat them nicely enough i. and that is never going to happen. you know, the idea that iran doesn t need to do these horrible thing s is insane.islami it s a feature, not a bug in the islamist that they run. they are looking for armageddone and they are willing to do what it takes to get to it. and we re all just playing along as if that s something we can change. yeah, they v peth, they e had. i mean, obama had that view because he had a fanciful view c of the revolution and rejecting the shah now and having a bomb. those these ayatollahs.
airlinine captain n hat. i m m proud of f who they v become, bubut i m evenen more p of howow they ve n navigated t own personal success separately from their dad. right.. a and made pepeace with i it. all right. we ll l give this s just a fewe miminutes. anand that ll be ready.. this s is definititely a mil markerer in the tatapestry of f lifefe, for surere. yeah. you can gogo ahead andnd make y. dad s cocoming up. i think it t just itit mae realize e how none o of us are guaranteteed tomorrorow. it seeeems like yeyesterday. but then when i look at my life, since that day, i ve had three children graduate from high school. i ve had one graduate from college. i m now an empty nester. i h have two grgrandchildrert are amazazing, and i hope there goining to be momore. oh, looook at that.t. all righght. yea.
liberty mumutual custotomizes your car i insurance... so you o only pay for whatat you need.d. that s s my boy. stayay off the f freeways! only payay for what t you ne. libererty. libertrty. libeberty. libererty. these e hands useded to hold e as a a little gigirl. wowould comforort me. but now,w, they v ve become a aggressiv. this mououth usedd to sining me lullalabies. now,w, it s unrerecognizable. if y your loved d one with alzheieimer s demementia has becocome agitateted, it s s not theirir fault. theyey could havave agitation in alzheimimer s dementia, whicich can caususe behavior beyondnd their conontrol. help y your loved d one. leararn more att
electors in with the knowledge that they have lost all the recounts. they have lost all the audits, and they ve lost all the cases. its, and they v i mean, the charges e indictments are different. the statutes being charged are different, right? the federal case, which the story was about, the top line charge is instruction of, obstruction of official proceeding, section 1512. that does not require prosecutors to show that trump knew he had lost the election. it actually requires them only to show that trump would have gained an unlawful benefit of the obstruction taking place, and that was what he was trying to do. it wasn t about the first amendment issue, i mean, those political speeches aren t being charged. what is being charged is he tried to stop the certification from taking place by pressuring these officials, by having these fake electors. and that was absolutely illegal. in fact, in the opening of the federal charge, the jack smith charge, it makes very, very clear, in f
goldld bond. champipion your skskin. these e hands useded to hold e as a a little gigirl. wowould comforort me. but now,w, they v ve become a aggressiv. this mououth usedd to sining me lullalabies. now,w, it s unrerecognizable. if y your loved d one with alzheieimer s demementia has becocome agitateted, it s s not theirir fault. theyey could havave agitation in alzheimer s dementia, whicich can caususe behavior beyondnd their conontrol. help y your loved d one. leararn more att it s s the most w wonderfl timeme of the yeyear non-drowsysy claritinn knknocks out s symptoms fromom over 200 0 allergens. without knknocking youou . feel t the clarityty anand make tododay ththe most wononderful timie of the yeaear. liveve claritin n clear.