With hEr staffErs in hEr lockEd room with minE. ShE hElpEd pass throUgh all thE la and bEing EmployEd now. BidEn bigfoots. Kamala harris. Now barack has to gEt involvEd. My namE is JoE BidEn. WElcomE to thE swimming pool. ThErEs too mUch mascUlinEE Th Toxicity oUt thErE that yoUvE got to bE toUgath and, yoU know, angry and lash oUt. DoUg Emhoff off, accUsEd of physical abUsE. WE havE a fUll rEport from oUr tEam. Ask many timEs for morE sEcUrity, morE hElp. And ThEy wErE dEniEd. TrUmp hEading back to BUtlEr U as thE SEcrEt SErvicE is inin a statE of EmErgEncy. PlUs, today, washington saw a ghost. HEy, folks. Right. My namEs JoE BidEn. So wElcomE. WElcomE, mr. PrEsidEnt. Waiting for yoU. WElcomE to thE swimming pool. It was thE first TimEE BidEn EvEr sEt foot in thE BriEfing Room as prEsidEnt. ThE prEss was stUnnEd. PEtEr dUcE, his wig fEll off. And EvEry channEl in amErica to cUt straight to it. WE wErE actUally aboUt to go. LivE to VicE PrEsidEnt Kamala Harris, whos spEaking right now
this is just another in a long list that s quit e of his foreign policy failures. i thinr problek the major problm right now with the way the biden administration iran are with isen h they re clinging to this delusion from back when he waswo partnering with obama to do cringing, capitulation d, ck in their foreign policy, that they can bring irany of back intoan the community of nations if they just treat them nicely enough i. and that is never going to happen. you know, the idea that iran doesn t need to do these horrible thing s is insane.islami it s a feature, not a bug in the islamist that they run. they are looking for armageddone and they are willing to do what it takes to get to it. and we re all just playing along as if that s something we can change. yeah, they v peth, they e had. i mean, obama had that view because he had a fanciful view c of the revolution and rejecting the shah now and having a bomb. those these ayatollahs.
and welcome to hanna. tonight, we begin with a fox news alert. the epsteiwslert,n files, they e been released, and we are now learning the names of more thaan 150 individuals allegedly an 150associated with the powerl convicted . that includes formeresident president bill clinton. now coming up, we ll get reaction tonight from pam bondi. markon. will get from p geragosd alan dershowitz, who once represented epstein in courte lt and whose name appears on the list. he will join us. . s.also tonight, shocking new video from nevada where a convicted criminalfrom nev. this is unbelievable. brutally attacking that judg e after she sentenced him to jail. and it goes on from theres oe. we have a lot more coming up. and later. i do have bad news for jon d ne stewart, formerly of the daily,o show, who once begged me, along with the jersey boys and nathan lane, to stay in new york. you mighheseyt remember. take a look. jon, we know you re ma d at usyou ha and you have every right tveo b. o
joe biden. in other words, that was hunter s job. connect them to joe the bigguy. guy, the guy who has given halfg his income to popsiven h. anyway, hunter at the time wa was an admitted crack addictn and it begs the question, what did hunter the crack addict, personally do or even nove to offer countries for what is now tens of millions of dollars? well, what was he giving them? what work did he perform ork di the granhed children that they e traced money to? what did they do for the money that was funneled to themnneled through these shell corporations o theser quote llct had no businesses in them. now, hunter admitted he himself had no experience in energy at wil annod no business with experience with countries that were paying himountries ale millions, you know. soe the countries paying him millions of dollars for? what did he do for that money? now, joe s proclamation, both jo candidate joe biden and now president joe biden, he said over and over and over again
and the sad thing about itr deal is there s never l been a lie before congress where we actually could prove that someone lieden a lie by their on words. usually someone else came in or some other evidence. we have anthony, anthony fauci, in his own words, admitting thatmeone elnd there he lied. and yet, merrick garland, the most partisan in the historyl of the united states, is not doing anything about it. and garland s prosecutors are bloodthirsty for donald trump. he was just indicted today on january 6th. how do you stomach that? how d you know, i don t knowo how yoy can someone for claiming there was fraud in the election. manyhat m on the say, oh, we, there is no fraud because the court said srto. well, most of the courts didn t say this. most of the court said they wouldn t hear the election question and they wouldn t hear whether or not the state legislaturso they e, pennsylvan, could change the date of the election or whether the unelecteature in ldd election body in wis