Early on in "Super Mario Bros. Wonder," nemesis Bowser, up to no good in a new kingdom, transforms himself into a heavy metal-loving sentient castle. Mario and Co. need to come to the rescue. But befo.
The game is less about challenges and more about life why we explore, how we stay optimistic and, most importantly, how we can find awe in unexpected places.
Local band ensemble begins its 29th season Oct. 13 in the Vacaville Performing Arts Theatre, with a program that includes a march by Henry Fillmore, a Haydn Wood composition dedicated to the "Dear Isle of Man," and a piece evoking the Sirocco winds of the northern Sahara and the Mediterranean Sea.
Local band ensemble begins its 29th season Oct. 13 in the Vacaville Performing Arts Theatre, with a program that includes a march by Henry Fillmore, a Haydn Wood composition dedicated to the
"Dear Isle of Man," and a piece evoking the Sirocco winds of the
northern Sahara and the Mediterranean Sea.