alarmed democrats in panic mode after joe biden appears confused and unfocused in last night s presidential debate. if we finally beat medicare he did beat medicare. he beat it to death. it was a slow start. no question about that. but i thought it was a strong finish. turning your back because ofç one performance? what kind of party does that? they talk about a relatively small number of people that went to the capital, and in many cases were ushered in by the police. mostly lying, and without much fact checking. after the debate he got more and more manic. i just won two club championships. to do that you have to be quite smart. i didn t have sex with a porn star. you would think the candidate who during the presidential debate said i didn t have sex with a porn star. who is the leader of that? donald trump isn t just a convicted felon, donald trump is a one-man crime wave. if that joe biden shut up last night there would be no question today.
show. i m jonathan capehart. this week, we have marked indelible reflection points in the state of our democracy in the 2024 election. we watched a disastrous debate that has the nation fearing like never before another trump presidency. not going to lie. biden s performance was as horrific as it was sad. now democrats are in full panic mode for the president to bow out of ■çthe race for someone younger but donald trump s performance was as horrifying as it was terrifying. he put on a campaign rally filled with his usual avalanche of lies and failed threats. then on friday, the supreme court, the one with the 6-3 conservative supermajority thanks to trump s one term presidency handed out decisions further exhibits about why elections matter. it threw out a 40-year-old ruling that gave federal agencies the power to use their expertise to determine policy when the law is ambiguous. that will now be in the hands of the courts. the conservative supermajority ruled that eighth
everyone. thank you so much for joining me on fredricka whitfield and we re monitoring several new developments on the campaign trail at that hour holding several campaign events online ireland, and new jersey today that s the president of the united states the following. what he acknowledges was a lackluster debate performance thursday night. there are growing calls for biden to step aside just today, billion their mark cuban told cnn that it s time for democrats to explore replacing the president on the ticket, the new york times editorial board wrote an op-ed calling on biden to leave the race. but biden s campaign remain steadfast with one adviser saying the present fully intends to debate former president donald trump. again, in september, arlette saenz as following all the developments from the campaign trail, biden just landed by the way, are let gland in west hampton beach, new york. he has fundraisers of their and the hampton today. what s the plan and what s the res
president joe biden: i don t walk as easily as a used to her speak as easily as i used to. but i do know what i do know. i know how to tell the truth. biden telling terrified democrats from the safety of a teleprompter he is not going anywhere after a bumbling debate performance up all full-blown panic. we ll thousand trillion years in america mean billionaires. what i ve been able to do with the covid-19 dealing with something we have to do with look if we finally beat medicare we will continue into we get a total ban on the total initiative relative to more border patrol and asylum officers president trump? i don t know what he said at the end of that sentence. they re questioning if biden should even stay in the race. a very bad night for joe biden. a deeper wide aggressive panic in the democratic party a deaf konta 1 moment. president biden needs to step down for his integrity, humanity and his legacy. there will be discussions on if he should continue.
want somebody who s going to be a capable commander in chief. this is not oh, they don t like his style because it s a beauty pageant and they don t like what tikki picked he did not convey that he has what it takes to be the president. that s a massive problem for the country, right? well, it s good way to end this hour as we head in to what is distinctly a new phase of this presidential campaign, thanks to our panel, thanks to all of you for joining us this morning. i m kasie hunt. don t go anywhere. cnn news central starts right now the debate explosion. president biden waking up to calls to drop out of the race, one columnist rights mr. president, one what you can serve your country in 2024 is by announcing your retirement and calling on delegates to replace u. we have brand new reporting on how the president is stephen this and the first criminal charges have now been filed over the horrific failed police response to the valade school massacre with the former police ch