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show. i'm jonathan capehart. this week, we have marked indelible reflection points in the state of our democracy in the 2024 election. we watched a disastrous debate that has the nation fearing like never before another trump presidency. not going to lie. biden's performance was as horrific as it was sad. now democrats are in full panic mode for the president to bow out of ■çthe race for someone younger but donald trump's performance was as horrifying as it was terrifying. he put on a campaign rally filled with his usual avalanche of lies and failed threats. then on friday, the supreme court, the one with the 6-3 conservative supermajority thanks to trump's one term presidency handed out decisions further exhibits about why elections matter. it threw out a 40-year-old ruling that gave federal agencies the power to use their expertise to determine policy when the law is ambiguous. that will now be in the hands of the courts. the conservative supermajority ruled that eighth amendment protection from cruel and unusual punishment doesn't apply to the homeless arrested for sleeping in public spaces even when a community lacks indoor shelter and ■çits unhous residents have nowhere else to go. and that is the same supreme court that will let us know monday if a sitting president is immune from prosecution even if he orders the military to kill a political opponent. if trump wins the election in november, he could fill at least two supreme court seats as justices thomas and alito are sure to retire. making way for young equally conservative jurorrists who could turn the clock back on decades of rights that would make this country more just and more fair. harris said president biden should be judged on his masterful performance over the ç last three-and-a-half years. not 90 disastrous minutes. if republicans are standing lock step with a 78-year-old disgraced twice impeached four- times indicted on 88 counts and convicted on 34 felonies, former president found liable for fraud and sexual assault and is awaiting trial for trying to overturn the 2020 election and for refusing to return classified documents, then democrats should be standing lock step with their ethical and morally decent 81- year-old president who has a raft of bipartisan accomplishments many said he could never achieve and is presides over the strongest economy in the world. forcing him out of the race ■ç makes democrats look weak. why should they cast a ballot for biden if his own party goes into a full scale panic if he doesn't do everything perfectly every time. on the civil rights pilgrims i took with john lewis, always in attendance was betty may fikes, known as the voice of selma. i hear her voice singing out these words from a folk song with undeterred conviction. keep your eyes on the prize, hold on. and that's exactly what i'm going to do. joining me now, former federal prosecutor and senior writer at politico magazine. how a republican supreme ■çcour is reshaping america and charlie sykes. thank you all for being herement charlie, i'm going to start with you. because from what i understand, you don't agree with anything i just said. >> look, the reality is, that 50 million people saw what happened on thursday night and they are not going to unsee it. it was not just 90 minutes. it was a shocking moment that comes after years of doubts and speculation about joe biden's age. 86% of americans said they thought joe biden was too old. so at some point, we have to move ■çpast the denialism and gaslighting. if they need to have the conversation about two things. number one, you know, what is joe biden's condition? he should be judged on the four years of his presidency. but the 2024 election is not a gold watch. what he need to be judged on is can he prevent donald trump from getting back into the white house? and that's the question democrats have to ask themselves. they have to have this conversation. if there is not a plan b and i don't know if the democrats have a plan b, what ■çis lc? how do you fix this? how did going forward, how do you convince millions of swing voters that what they saw there was not disqualified? this election ought to be a referendum on democracy and a man who tried to overturn the election. and the mendacity and character of donald trump. this issue is not going away. >> charlie, i hear everything you are saying. i want to show you something the post editorial has the perfect editorial, considering the new york times is out there saying the president should bow out. now the atlanta journal is saying ■çthat the president should bow out. but the washington post editorial deals with real im. it says mr. biden bowing out would not guarantee a democratic victory in november. history does not provide any precise precedence. but it is notable that republican challengers prepailed in 52-68 after president truman and johnson opted not to seek reelection. the democratic convention descended into chaos and into protests over the war in vietnam. they ended up nominating humphey. it was michael steel who pointed out that if democrats do this, it is could lead to people thinking that donald trump is right. the democratic party ■çand particularly president biden's administration is chaotic and therefore, you should not entrust, you should not entrust the white house with democrats again. what do you make of that? >> i disagree with that argument and i also disagree with your argument that this debate we are having right now makes the democrats look weak. i agree with bryan klaus who writes in the atlantic, this is a sign of the political health of the democratic party. the democratic party is not a cult of personality. it understands what the stakes are here. which is again more of a sign of strength to say that you know what? we are not going to put one person ahead of the fate of the country and the constitution. and i think that it is a sign of that. i don't think it is going to happen. but an open convention ■çis not necessarily a complete meltdown convention. it could deliver a younger fresher face and quite frankly, donald trump i don't think wants that. >> charlie, maybe you are talking from utopia, but have you watched democrats? you actually think democrats will have a kumbayah moment and settle on one moment? that's the thing about this argument of an open convention. sure, whoever gets it will be younger than the incumbent president, but the battle to get that nomination if that were to happen is going to produce a bruised and broken nominee. i just think that this talk of having the president bow out of the race, it is guaranteeing ■ç that trump will be reelected. try to convince. try to convince me that i'm being overly pessimistic here. >> i was at the 1968 democratic national convention. i have seen a complete meltdown. this is why. i'll be honest with you. up until thursday, i was one of those who said it was pointless about moving on. this is what it is. you have to play the cards you have been dealt. but you started this show by pointing out the obvious that what happened on thursday night was a disaster. it was a terrible performance and either joe biden has to ■ç come up away of convincing swing voters that he is fit for another four years in office. or we have to have this conversation. there are no good scenarios unless you come up with a plausible plan c that it was a oneoff. 50million people watched it. and like everybody here and everybody watching this show right now, they and we were all shocked by what we saw. this is part of the credible probability. it is one thing that they are talking about donald trump's fitness for office. now it is axios, the new york times, the washington ■çpost. it will be the focus of conversation when the focus of conversation ought to be on the danger and lies of donald trump. that is how bad it is that we are not talking about donald trump's criminality. we are talking about this right now. >> let me play you some sound from dnc chairman jamie harrison who was on with reverend al sharpton. listen to this and we will talk about it on the other side. >> you hear the hand wringing coming from pundents, rev. and op eds like the new york times but you don't hear it from the people. what i have seen is a galvanization of support for joe biden. >> what do you ■çmake of that? because charlie, because, what he is saying there is while those of us in the chattering classes are trying to tap out the inferno on our respective heads, down on the ground it's just not that way. >> well look, as i mentioned before, every single poll has indicated the vast majority of americans are concerned about joe biden's age. so this is not just the chattering class. it is not just the political elite. the political class had decided this was a chance worth taking. they didn't think this was going to be disqualifying up until thursday. that is why you have this rethinking about it. and then again, i guess one of the questions that people are going to be asking is were we misled about this? who knew this was the problem that it was and how ■çdeep does it go? maybe there are good answers to this. that is a talking point. this was as you pointed out, this was an inflection point. this was a pivotal point. there is real panic so they will have to not pretend that it is only people in the media that are noticing this. we saw it with our own eyes. you cannot convince people what they saw with their own eyes did not happen. it has to be honest and in some ways kind of brutal to say all right. what are we going to do about this and how are we going to prevent donald trump from getting back in the white house. >> so charlie, i ■çwant you to stay with us. we will take a quick break. when we come back, congresswoman jasmine crock et. stay with us, you are watching the saturday show. the saturday. and doug. 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is there even a hint of a ground swell that he should leave the race? >> i don't think there is. and you know what? what is so frustrating for me, jonathan, you know better than almost anyone that most people came to know me when i fled the state of texas over voting rights. what we have to think about is subvert the will of the people. the people have spoken and this is their democratic nominee. to do anything else at this point in time, basically we say forget what those people did because of what some pundents decided and what the ■çnew york times thought we should do. that is not what we do in a democracy. we don't just replace someone because there was a feeling there was a 90-minute situation that wasn't his best day. if i'm real, it wasn't his best day. but here's the deal. this man has given us so many amazing and incredible days of his life for almost 50 years. the fact we want to delete that because of a 90-minute performance in which his opponent did not perform well. he just kept talking the whole time. he didn't answer half the questions and the other half he did answer, he was lying about. but that is not what we are talking about. instead, people want to talk about our president who has performed in extraordinary ways. history will look back and talk about the record of joe biden and it is ■çgoing to be one of positivity. >> all right, congresswoman crocket, i want to bring in the two gentlemen who have been sitting here since the talk of the show. gentlemen, we were talking during the break. and i didn't come to you during my conversation with charlie because i figured you guys were on here to talk about the court rulings but you have thoughts on both the president's debate performance and this talk of dumping president biden from the ticket or the president dropping out of the race. >> the debate was not good. it was not a good performance. however, i have to say all these scenarios about him being replaced, they sound like ■çwes wing fan fiction to me. comission by omission. the media, aligned with the party. they made their decision by comission and omission months if not years ago. it is a practical matter. i don't see how they could switch him out. the one thing i would say to people who are saying it was such a shock to see joe biden, i don't think those people have been paying close enough attention to the president's schedule and to his public appearances. when rob herr issued his report identifying possible cognitive deficiencies on the president, joe biden went out and gave ■ça impromptu press that night. >> i disagree with that. only because he mistakingly said the president of mexico versus another president. there was news made that was ignored. everyone focused on how he slipped up. >> i will give some advice to the biden campaign. i want her on the tv shows, kamala harris. she famously loves to cook. i want her on cooking shows. if there is a sports team she is interested in, i want her on sports shows. we need to make the american people very comfortable with kamala harris for ■çtwo reasons one is that i think after last night, a lot of people are reasonably asking does joe biden, a man who has served his country honorably 50 years have four more years in him. if he does not, what the biden campaign needs to do is reassure folks that the person who will be his caretaker is someone they are comfortable with. the second reason is the idea of a brokered convention is a fantasy. the delegates weren't elected. we have already chosen who takes over for joe biden if he is unable to do the job. and that is kamala harris. if they do have to swap him out, she's in. >> 100%. >> we were talking about this ■ç before we came on here. the president cannot serve in this capacity. it is called having a vice president. it is called having a vice president. what people are talking about in terms of instituting a new ticket is inserting someone else in the line of succession. >> and you know, ian, i agree with you. vice president harris should be out there in our faces. the only quibble i have is the vice president is out there every day. everyone in the media gets her schedule. she has been out west all this week. what needs to happen is that my colleagues in the press need to cover her. exactly for the ■çreasons you a talking about. it is an excellent one to make sure the vice president of the united states is out front and center so that people and that folks in my profession cover her in the way that they should as a vice president. so folks get comfortable with her. >> i hear you and i absolutely agree. number one, the vice president has been keeping a very intense schedule. doing amazing work. as a black woman who was elected in this country, i always feel like we still kind of come back to this very same thing. she has to do more than anybody else has ever had to do. was this a question for any other vice president that came before her? she is ■çthe vice president of the united states. we have lost presidents because they have been executed, are otherwise passed away. and the deal is there wasn't all of this let's insert somebody else. it is frustrating because again, there are different bars set for her. can you name five other vice presidents? because they really have always wanted her out front. the role of the vice president is to be a supporting cast member. at the end of the day, when we talk about comfortability, what we should be talk about is are we comfortable with the policies pushed. the republicans are pushing project 2025. so at the end of the day, do you want project 2025 or do youç want roe restored? do you want project 2025 or do you want affirmative action, diversity, equity, inclusion, do you want project 2025 or loyalists that will include having loyalists instead of those committed public servants who have always served in these capacities. there is a real danger to act as if this comes down to personalities, i need all of america to grow up and decide that they will choose what makes sense going forward in the country or we can have more of our freedoms taken away. >> in the less than a minute we have left, i want to hear you talk about ■çthe overturning of chevron deference. you said that was the most important case. but go on. >> it is an incredibly important case. and it continues a trend in which the republican appointees on the supreme court are getting more power to themselves and to judges throughout this country to second guess public servants. it will be bad across every dimension. it will be bad. >> ian? >> yeah. there are all sorts of decisions that congress has said should be made by experts. and you know, these are on all kinds of issues. every thing from who gets overtime pay to what your cable rates are. the justices don't know anything about cable rates. >> and more than that, there ■ç are tens of thousands of public servants who make these decisions. it takes a lot of work and research. the justices are nine people. they have 36 law clerks. they don't have the personnel to perform the tasks they have now assigned to themselves. >> more to your point, my colleague chris hayes pointed out in the decision, this example that the justice confused laughing gas with another gas regulated by the epa. i mean, come on. congresswoman jasmine crocket, thank you very much for coming to the saturday show. and all of you. thank you. thank you all very much for coming to the saturday show. >> ■çthank you. and up next, we'll be back after a break. i knew something was wrong. since my fatigue and light-headedness would come and go, i figured it wasn't a big deal. then i saw my doctor and found out i have afib, and that means there's about a 5 times greater risk of stroke. symptoms like irregular heartbeat, heart racing, chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, or light- headedness can come and go. but if you have afib, the risk of stroke is always there. if you have one or more symptoms, get checked out. holding off on seeing a doctor won't change whether or not you have afib. but if you do, making that appointment can help you get ahead of stroke risk. contact a doctor and learn more at i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. 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>> they are so incredible. if you can get past the gibberish, there are some very problematic lies. we know the majority of abortions do not happen. it is 1%. when those do happen later in pregnancy, they are for some of the most horrific, tragic ■ç reasons. some of the cases we have heard since dobbs but at the end of the day, abortion is health care. and we should be able to access it no matter what stage in pregnancy, but donald trump and republicans are hellbent on pushing this really problematic laughable lie. but it is dangerous. also his rampant misinformation on roe. it is almost laughable except some people might not know that the majority of legal scholars supported roe and didn't want to see it overturned and the majority of voters overwhelmly support it. so we keep making a giant list. the most troubling lie he told, though, was about his position on medication abortion. and his position on abortion care. he really tried to mad rate his position and frankly ■çit is ju a lie. >> i was going to say, does he know his position? >> he had a decent talking point. it shows so many other things he did in the debate. he is extremely comfortable just not telling the truth and telling the exact opposite position. his facts about the economy and so many things. complete lies. >> the supreme court case and the iowa decision, for now. this issue is not over. do you know of any other states that are going to bring cases and if so, are you, at reproductive freedom for all prepared to file challenges? are you going to file ■ça challenge? >> we don't litigate, but our colleagues are actively involved and the national women's law center and many of these cases. texas has a similar challenge. this doesn't impact the fifth circuit. in texas folk ins the same situation cannot get it while idaho can. this is another example of this court making a ruling on a technicality. they threw it back to a lower court. they did not address the core issue about whether the federal statute preempts state law. and justice ketanji brown jackson called it out directly. she said this is not a victory. this is a delay. so much like in the medication abortion case, this court is laying out, here is how you can keep challenging this and here is how we can get away with this until donald trump is president and he decides to rescind our overturn the laws himself by executive action or through his appointees. >< week abortion ban that is now back in place. are you, i know you said you don't do litigation, but are there moves, and are you party to, in trying to stop. >> yeah. it's the cia cia supreme court. so it is, i don't know that there is a next step. but what we are doing is partnering with advocates on the ground, on campaign activity. because that is honestly our best shot. changing who is making the rules and who is on the court. >> something that ian milheiser was talking about and his advice to the biden campaign. put kamala harris out there all the time so the ■çcountry can s her. why do you think vice president harris is an automatically part of if there is a need for a second scenario, why isn't she part of the conversation since she is in the line of succession as vice president of the united states? >> i have so many opinions about that. but here is what i will say. reproductive lights were consolidated. we came and said look, this is the administration taking care of abortion rights. reproductive freedom. tip of the spear is kamala harris. we are relying on her to protect our fundamental freedoms. she's the best spokesperson for joe biden and this administration an reproductive freedom. i absolutely agree. we need to see a lot more of her and in the coming months i believe we will. >> and we have been seeing vice president ■çharris speak on thi issue. ever since the draft of the dobbs decision. >> she is leading the fight. >> with that, she speaks from here. thank you very much for coming to the saturday show. and, still to come, america's aunt, my own aunt gloria will join me live with her thoughts on this week's presidential debate and her message to folks calling on president trump. what? what a freudian slip. calling on president biden to drop out of the race. trump should get out of the race. don't go anywhere. aunt gloria is coming up after the break. the break. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up ♪ ♪ i've got symptom relief ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me ♪ (♪♪) ♪ control is everything to me ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi, including less abdominal pain and fewer bowel movements. skyrizi is the first il-23 inhibitor that can deliver remission and visibly improve damage of the intestinal lining. and skyrizi is proven to help deliver long-lasting remission at one year. serious allergic reactions and an increased risk of infections or a lower ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to. liver problems may occur in crohn's disease. now's the time to ask your gastroenterologist how you can take control of your crohn's with skyrizi. 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[ laughter ] >> for trump, it's low income, low workers. anything that is low income. he does not respect blacks he does not respect anyone other than rich people. i just thought, you are saying we are the only ones who are going to work those jobs? that, we build the country. and then, the migrants are coming. but he has no respect for people of our race, any race. and what is so sad is his constituents don't even realize he wouldn't sit ■çdown with you what happened to down halls? but he won't. he just like to throw out stuff. but to say the blacks, like, what are we? we got to put that up? we're the blacks. jonathan? >> yeah? >> you are now jonathan capehart, one of the blacks. [ laughter ] you're one of the blacks. >> all right. so, i got to get you on one more thing before i let you go. how do you respond to the chorus of democrats telling president biden to drop out of the race? >> no. he should not drop out of the race. he is the most qualified. believe me. he is the only one who can handle all the things that are coming ■çup. you don't want trump there. no one else has his wisdom. he's going to be fine. you know. he has a very capable person behind him. vice president kamala harris. and he is the only one who can do this job. we need him there. what he said when he went to north carolina, you get knocked down, you get up and fight. that's exactly what you have to do. >> aunt gloria, i want to thank you for coming to the saturday show. and i will call you, because there is a weekend next month in july that will mark the 100 days before the november election. and i am going to get you here. america's aunt is going to be ■ç live here on the show. that weekend. aunt gloria, thank you for coming to the saturday show as always. >> you're welcome. take care. up next, as pride month draws to a close, journalist lz granderson writes we should remember the heros, not just the trauma, of the aids epidemic. he joins me in studio next to also share his personal journey including why he decided to reveal his own hiv status now. you're watching the saturday show here on msnbc. snbc. buy s. being so tall definitely has its advantages. oh whoa. here you go, kiddo. thanks. hi honey ready to go? yup. there it is, there it is... we go. i guess it also has some disadvantages. yes it does. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty, liberty.♪ i am obsessed with olay's retinol body wash. with olay retinol body wash, 95% of women had visibly renewed skin. makes my skin feel so smooth and moisturized. olay body wash & lotion. discover yours. lawmakers are trying to shut down planned parenthood. the health care of more than 2 million people is at stake. our right to basic reproductive health care is being stolen from us. planned parenthood believes everyone deserves health care. it's a human right. future generations are beginning to lose the rights we fought for. the rights for ourselves, our kids, and our grandkids. gone. just like that. i can't believe this is the world we live in, where we're losing the freedom to control our own bodies. last year, politicians in 47 states introduced bills that would block people from getting the sexual and reproductive care they need. where does it end? planned parenthood fights for you every day. but we need your support now more than ever. visit this website, call, or scan the code on your screen, with your $19 monthly gift. help us win the fight for the constitutional right to control our own bodies. truly if planned parenthood had not stepped in, i would not be here today. they saved my life. your support is urgent. our rights and the rights of future generations are at risk. and lives are at risk. and that's why we have to keep fighting. in every state, everywhere. donate $19 a month, or whatever you can afford. and you'll help us fight against laws that block care, and take away our rights. we fight to make sure everyone and anyone can get the care they need. but we need your help. and there's never been a more urgent time to join. so go online, call, or scan this code now. sign up with your monthly gift today, and we'll send you this “care. no matter what” t-shirt. it is your right to have safe health care. that's it. we won't give up, and we won't back down. we need you now more than ever. go online, call, or scan right now. (♪♪) (♪♪) try dietary supplements from voltaren, for healthy joints. decades after coming out as a gay man, journalist lz anderson is sharing a new part of his story. in a new piece with the la times, special 100 years of queer life, he revealed he is living with hiv. granderson said he is opening up about his diagnosis to help other black men writing quote it is ■çnot just about getting treatment, it is about pushing beyond fear to save our own lives and joining me now here in studio is lz granderson. thank you for coming to the show. >> you wrote in the piece, a hero's journey often begins without knowing. so what led you to make this revelation? >> it was an interesting journey. it started with beyonce. , with her mother. down the birmingham. her mom flew down to have us talk about hiv aids. my uncle johnny, it is still killing us, can you talk to us about this? i'm thinking to myself, i'm positive ■çi need to do my part kevin merita came to me about this. and i just decided to reveal my truth through that piece. inspired in large part because of tina knowles. >> you know, you have kept this diagnosis secret for years. even from your own son. how freeing has it been to go public? >> i have been telling this to friends and not to keep everything about beyonce, but the song cozy and comfortable in my own skin, i know what it feels like now. it is very freeing. >> what was your son's reaction? >> he said wow and i'm proud of you pops. we have been processing since the essay. i ■çlet him read it months befo everyone else. i will send him a link and said work this out for yourself. i didn't do that. we have been talking about it. one of the things that he was a revelation for him was recognizing when i started reprioritizing my life. he knew what was happening but didn't know the impetus behind it. it allowed him to think about his childhood from a different prism. >> as you know, black men die of aids at a higher rate than any other group in the united states. what is your message to other black men about this disease and the importance of getting tested? >> number one, we can't afford to lose us. we have shootings, ■ça lot of things against us. to protect our own lives. i'm not just talking about queer black men. heterosexual black men as well. here we are in 2024, jonathan, and we are still number one dying of this disease. not because we don't have a treatment, but because we don't have the courage to push past the shame. >> i encourage everyone to go to the la times search. look for lz granderson. i hope you know you are a hero. thank you very much for comeing to ■çthe saturday show. >> thanks for having me. >> and stay right here, we will be back with more of the saturday show after the break. . . but here i am... being me. keep being you... and ask your healthcare provider about the number one prescribed h-i-v treatment, biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in many people whether you're 18 or 80. with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to undetectable—and stay there whether you're just starting or replacing your current treatment. research shows that taking h-i-v treatment as prescribed and getting to and staying undetectable prevents transmitting h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your healthcare provider about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your healthcare provider. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. no matter where life takes you, biktarvy can go with you. talk to your healthcare provider today. so this is pickleball? 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