2, 1 you innovation on or was on over 200 years they went through extensive innovations to the existing green new metal gates were installed our the perimeter 9 project is funded inform there are no 9 Community Opportunity and our Capital Improvement plan to the 2008 clean and safe neighborhood it allows the residents and park advocates like san franciscans to make the matching of the few minutes through the philanthropic dungeons and finished and finally able to pull on play on the number one green a celebration on october 7, 1901, a skoovlt for the st. Anthonys formed a club and john then the superintendent the Golden Gate Park laid out the Bowling Green are here sharing meditates a permanent green now and then was opened in 1902 during the course the 1906 San Francisco earthquake that citywide much the city the greens were left that with an ellen surface and not readers necessarily 1911 it had the blowing e bowling that was formed in 1912 the Parks Commission paid laying down down g
Im bob [inaudible] im leer as a member and also Spokes Person for the Informal Association known as friends of ethics. Last week a public polling of california completed a polling about Ethics Commission and potential ethics matters happening in the city. I want to give you brief summary of some the results. It was a simple bakers dozen of question squz people can say yes, punch 1, 2, no, 3, i dont know or 4, i dont care. The one i want to mention that i think stands out is there is a ballot measure drafted that will ban lobbyist from contributing to officials which you support or oppose. Out of 521 people, 60 percent said yes they support. Only 14 percent said no. I want you to understand you seem to be on the right track with the public at large. There are other questions if a ethics measure would put on the ballot who would you have most confidence in based on the agency putting it on, ethics, a petition drive or officials that can put it on the ballot. It was that rank choice order
2, 1 you innovation on or was on over 200 years they went through extensive innovations to the existing green new metal gates were installed our the perimeter 9 project is funded inform there are no 9 Community Opportunity and our Capital Improvement plan to the 2008 clean and safe neighborhood it allows the residents and park advocates like san franciscans to make the matching of the few minutes through the philanthropic dungeons and finished and finally able to pull on play on the number one green a celebration on october 7, 1901, a skoovlt for the st. Anthonys formed a club and john then the superintendent the Golden Gate Park laid out the Bowling Green are here sharing meditates a permanent green now and then was opened in 1902 during the course the 1906 San Francisco earthquake that citywide much the city the greens were left that with an ellen surface and not readers necessarily 1911 it had the blowing e bowling that was formed in 1912 the Parks Commission paid laying down down g
Getting these disease controls and schedules in order to make sure the environment is pure and clean and [inaudible] im not saying [inaudible] we do this to our own self. Who will admit it . Is walking over every day and president omotalde thank you. Hearing none, Public Comment is closed. Commissioners, are you ready to vote . On the resolution as amended, all those in favor say, aye. Any opposition . Hearing none, the resolution passes. Internet set up clerk item 9 approval of resolution 26 10 proving that information asset fund to operate a revolving Microloan Program to Small Businesses interested in participating in the sf Energy Watch Program. The explanatory documents are resolution file 2016 10 and the San Francisco carbon fund recordation. On the agenda is speaker sean rosen must senior environment Specials Development of community partnerships. This item is for discussion and action. Commissioners, in johns places which chan private sector coordinator for the department. Test
Good afternoon and welcome to the local Agency Formation commission of San Francisco board of supervisors. Today is may 20, 2016. This is john avalos, joined by cynthia crews and david campos. Todays clerk is alisa samara. Silence cell phones and electroning devices. Speaker cards should be submit today the clerk. Like to announce and thank sfgtv staff broadcasting the meeting, jim smith and phil jackson. We dont have to do roll call, right . No, you stated who is here. We are here accept for commissioner mar. Do we need a motion to excuse commissioner mar . Motion by commissioner crews and seconded by commissioner com pose iletm 2 approval the lafco minutes from april 22, regular meeting. Any changes or comments on the minutes . Seeing none well knose to Public Comment. Well close Public Comment and motion commissioner crews to approve the minutes and second and take that without objection. We need a second. Commissioner campos i tried to second as a chair. Item 3, Community Choice ag