Motion to excuse him our clerk derrick and thank you leo and mark mr. Clerk, any announcements . Ichld during the proceedings. And when speaking before the commission, if you care to, do state your name for the record. August 2nd board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you a motion to excuse supervisor mar. So moved. Well take that without objection. And item one. Item 5 a submitted voter so for the planning code to require the conditional use authorization for the distribution and repair for the institutional and acts use and replacement space. Thank you and so at this time we held a special rules Committee Meeting really just to be able to entertain the amendments that were made at the last rules Committee Meeting id like to invite april to come forward if you want to say anything otherwise this is a procedural hearing we have today. Ill make my remarks brief thank you commissioner tang and to supervisor farrell for sitting in for supervisor cowen very much appreci
Not required by need the specializing of the names and please deliver the cards prior tohe lectern additionally a signin sheet to be added to the mailing list please show our slides sfgovtv. Good afternoon inaudible this meeting is the official forum for discussed the projects that effect the the only place to start your business and the best place for getting the answers with your new or existing business. Office of Small Business is your first stop when you have a question about what to do next and it is the meeting. Call to order and roll call commissioner Vice President adams commissioner dooley commissioner president dwight commissioner ortizcartagena commissioner toursarkissian commissioner yeeriley commissioner zouzounis is absent today, mr. President , you have quorum. All right. Item 2. Item two discussion and possible action on this board of supervisors file planning code medical Service Sacramento street neighborhood commercial integrity ordinance for the planning code to pr
Hi everybody, we down here at the ep is a center which is our pop up space down here in San Francisco where we operate a store front to educate the policy from the home owner who has center which is our pop up space down here in San Francisco where we operate a store front to educate the policy from the home owner who has never done anything in the house to the most advanced structure engineers we have working around here. We were going to here from kelly to talk a little bit about San Francisco. How are you doing kelly . Very well, thank you for having us here. In front of us, we have a typical soft story building. When i see this, i think this is some of the most beautiful architecture our city has. A lot of people dont know these are problematic buildings. Why dont you tell us about some of the risks he we have in these buildings . Soft stories are vulnerable in past earthquakes and the northridge earthquake to this type of building and character of building. When we talk about the
In 2007 when i retired for my 35 year career in Investment Real Estate i met my friend phil tang saying i want to get more involved in Government Services oh was initially appointed in the fall of 07. From that point on it was a complete roller coaster. As you know we entered the initial downturn and the number of appeals went from 1000 to less than 2000 year at the assessment appeal board one by dan to ran up to 5000 appeals in 21 201011 could swipe witnessed the actions of the board and don durrant and the Assessors Office under phil tang and no carmen chu and chief appraiser matt thomas as well as the board and the additional board three to accommodate the dominantly homeowners in the evening with their appeals and all of us about to make dramatic changes in how we became more efficient, more knowledgeable andcapable particularly at the Assessors Office coming before the board. Im an opportunity to do that as well as interpret the revenue and taxation codes board of equalization, as
Disclose the closed session. Second. All in favor, say i. I. Opposed . Other new business commissioners want to announce well not have the next Commission Meeting on august 23rd that is cancelled and next on september 13th same in the same room no future comments the meeting is adjourned [gavel] good morning and welcome to a special meeting of the government audit and Oversight Committee of the San Francisco board of supervisors. I am the chair of the Committee Aaron peskin joined to my right by norman yee our member london breed is in the nations capitol today and wont be joining us. Madam clerk do you have any announcements . Please silence all cell phones and 21 Electronic Devices and all documents submitted to the clerk and items will be on the. Board of supervisors agenda unless otherwise stated. Thank you ms. Major. Fiscal year can we have a motion to supervisor yee can we have a member to excuse supervisor breed. inaudible . That is moved. Madam clerk can you read item 1 and two