The five-day ‘Maghi mela’ was inaugurated at Rajmahal in Sahibganj district. The mela is one of the largest tribal fairs when lakhs of community members perform religious rituals after taking the holy dip in Ganga.
Over 38 lakh devotees take holy dip on Maghi Purnima in Magh Mela Prayagraj. Amid tight security arrangements and pleasant weather conditions, around 38 lakh and 20 thousand devotees, seers and Kalpwasi took holy dip in the Sangam on the occasion of Maghi Purnima here on Saturday.
Around 20 lakh devotees, mostly women, took holy dip in Sangam on Achala Saptami in Prayagraj. The festival is dedicated to Sun god and observing this fast helps in attaining prosperity.
Around 42.9 lakh devotees, including seers, saints and Kalpwasis took holy dip in the Sangam on the occasion of Basant Panchmi, here on Wednesday. Smooth and incident-free conduct of the ritual was possible because of arrangements made by mela police for the auspicious day.
Around 42.9 lakh devotees, including seers, saints and Kalpwasis took holy dip in the Sangam on the occasion of Basant Panchmi, here on Wednesday. Smooth and incident-free conduct of the ritual was possible because of arrangements made by mela police for the auspicious day.