Over 6 crore devotees and pilgrims visited Sangam during the 54-days Magh Mela this year. Figures released by Magh Mela police claimed that the highest number of 2.76 crore devotees took holy dip on the occasion of Mauni Amavasya that was observed on February 8 and 9 of this year.
Around 20 lakh devotees, mostly women, took holy dip in Sangam on Achala Saptami in Prayagraj. The festival is dedicated to Sun god and observing this fast helps in attaining prosperity.
, June 2 (IANS) The countdown to Maha Kumbh 2025 has officially begun with a hoarding announcing the dates of the main bathing festivals.The hoarding has been put up near Hotel Rahi Ilavart premises outside the office of the state tourism .
Prayagraj: Scores of devotees took holy dip in Ganga on the occasion of ‘Achala Saptami’ and offered prayers to the Sun God.
The footfall started rising since early Friday and the flow continued as the day progressed. Mela police maintained a strict vigil on the ghat and police mobile teams were engaged to regulate the flow of crowd.
Noted astrologer Amitabh Gour said Achala Saptami is celebrated on the seventh day of Magh’s ‘shukla paksha’. It is also known as ‘Rath Saptami’ and ‘Arogya Saptami’. He said devotees offer prayer to the Sun God for good health, wealth and prosperity.
Updated Feb 19, 2021 | 06:44 IST
This year, Ratha Saptami (also known as Achala Saptami) will be celebrated today. And as prayers to the Sun God and celebrations begin, send these messages, quotes, wishes and greetings to near and dear ones. Ratha Saptami 2021 wishes, quotes, messages and greetings  
Key Highlights
The Sun God (Surya Dev) is one of the deities who finds a mention in the Vedas
The Saptami Tithi (seventh day) of Magha, Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of the Moon), is the day when the Sun God first came into being
This day is known as Ratha Saptami, Surya Jayanti and Arogya Saptami