Gwen Lawson Northland bowls column: Hikurangi and Kensington dominate finals
4 Feb, 2021 03:59 PM
3 minutes to read
Northern Advocate
By: Gwen Lawson
Last weekend saw nine teams of six contest the Centre 1-5 year any combination interclub. Many games were hotly contested and any one of three teams could have come through and won the event.
The final round saw the Kensington side of Janice Little (singles), Barbara Hopper and John Hooson (pairs), and Michelle Harrington, Lew Hill and Colin Harrington (triples) win the event by two win-points from Onerahi with Kamo Tui in third place.
Many teams had several first-year bowlers in them and it was a great experience for them, particularly the ones who were playing on a grass green for the first time.