thankfully the internet has a good memory because we can find those clips and remind us all about all that commentary. you know the saying. the race to the white house isn t a sprint, it s a marathon. if you follow the polls back in 2011, look back at the records, it was more of a relay race. bachmann ended her front runner status and handed it off to rick perry. who would rise and fall to herman cain and handed it off to newt gingrich. this issue is not new. you guys know it s not. go back eight years. the media was enthralled with another candidate who would never become president. in the republican party, the party trying to hang on to the white house for a third straight term, there is evidence that, while there are behind the democrats in the polls, a republican leader has emerged. rudy giuliani is the frontrunner. let me ask you about rudy
months from today. if he is still at the top of the heap, what then? don, it s a fractured field right now. this is the novelty of a trump presidency, which is a strange thing to say, we ve been here many times before and he has dropped out before. he says things that will not be defensive in the long term. he says, i ll tell you how to defeat isis. to somebody working against insurgencies, donald trump doesn t know how to defeat isis. i ll let you respond. i ll put this poll up, gloria. from the latest presidential election cycle. october of 2011. even closer to the first primaries than we are now. look at we don t have it up here. the guy who is at the top of the poll. herman kane. he did not get elected as president. is there a similarity there? i think, in the last campaign, as we all know, everybody had their 15 minutes of fame. and i think that donald trump has had a lot more impact on the
conversation than herman cain did. remember 9-9-9, the tax plan? that didn t last for very long. gloria, it wasn t really his policies that took him down. it was the alleged affair that he had. that s what took him down. right, right. there you have the and there you have the poll. look, i think the danger for republicans, and i think this is what buck is getting at, is not so much that they all believe donald trump will be the nominee. i don t think they do. i think what they re worried about is that he has taken over the conversation and that the other candidates need to find a place to get some oxygen themselves and that, when you have this debate coming up in early august, each of these candidates will have to figure out a way to deal with donald trump without letting him dominate okay. the conversation. stand by, guys. i have to get to a break.
do not acknowledge the existence of donald trump and he will dig his own grave. now what you re seeing is these candidates are coming out. we saw it last weekend, fourth of july. jeb bush came out, made it very clear his thoughts on donald trump. you ll see all these other candidates that are in these polls that are beginning togoing to all work together to get rid of donald trump as fast as they can. that s not something they ve implemented until literally a week ago today. do you think, mark, that there needs to be a strategy change? interestingly, it was someone who s not polling highly former new york governor george pataki who really led this and came out and wrote that open letter and said look to my fellow candidates we have to be more vocal about what donald trump said. what s the next step? clearly the ignore him, he will go away strategy isn t working. i think they have to find a way to pull him off the stage. and the problem is when you have a guy who says wild stuff lik
two weeks ago, you donated multiple times to hillary clinton. a new cnn poll shows donald trump in second place among gop candidates nationwide. he s gained nine points in a month. a separate poll from quinnipiac showing him in second place in the critical state of iowa but also this from the quinnipiac/iowa caucus voters poll. he also when they said any candidates you definitely would not support, 28% of people at the top there. number one. it was trump. robert, your reaction to what these poll numbers tell us. poppy, we ve seen this movie a few times before. we remember when howard dean surged at one point in his race. of course donald trump is now the biggest thing since herman kane and you know where that ended up. at the end of the day these polls are political viagra. their rises are artificial and they come down real fast. the bigger point here is not whether the credibility of donald trump because he doesn t have any credibility. agree. the bigger issue is the fact