Dig well and artist man named Norman Rockwell. Instockbridge is massachusetts in an area called berkshire county. A pretty place that used to be isolated, surrounded by hills and mountains. Not biggs like the alps or the rockies, but big enough to discourage traveling in the olden days. You hadst from boston, to head over the passes on the old mohawk trail. Then you got into an area maybe 20 miles wide and 50 miles long. Towns,lot of new england there are the traditional White Gardens andeat picket fences. That is the oldest house. Then there are the churches. And the town hall. The country around stockbridge , water in goodms supply. They tell me it is much like the lake country in england, including the writers to go along with the scenery. Hermann melville, the author of moby dick, lived here. In the summertime, the quiet of the town changes to a bustle of summer visitors, who come to enjoy the countryside, the , the ballet at jacobs pillow, and of course the concerts at tanglewood,
On berkshire mountain there did dwell an artist man named Norman Rockwell stockbridge, in an area called berkshire county. A pretty kind of place. It used to be eithisolated surrounded by hills and mountains, not big like the alps or or rockies but big enough to discourage traveling in told days. Going west from boston you had to head over the passes on the old mohawk trail. Then you got into an area maybe 20 miles wide and 50 miles long. Like a lot of new england towns, there are the traditional white houses and neat gardens and picket fences. Thats the oldest house. Then there are the churches. And the town hall. The country around stockbridge has forests and farms. Water in good supply. They tell me it is much like the lake country in england, including the writers to go along with the scenery. Herman melvin, author of hobmo dick lived here. The theater. The ballet at jacobs pillow. And, of course, the concerts at tanglewood where the boston symphony plays. But most of the time the
An area called berkshire county. A pretty place that used to be isolated, surrounded by hills and mountains. Not big like the alps or our rockies but big enough to discourage traveling in the old days. Going west from boston, you had to head over the passes on the old mohawk trail. Then you got into an area maybe 20 miles wide and 50 miles long. Like a lot of new england towns, there are the traditional white houses and neat gardens and picket fences. That is the oldest house. Then there are the churches. And the town hall. The country around stockbridge has forest, farms, water in good supply. They tell me it is much like the lake country in england, including the writers to go along with the scenery. Hermann melville, the author of dick, live here. Lived here. In the summertime, the quiet of the town changes to a bustle of summer visitors, who come to enjoy the countryside, the theater, the ballet at jacobs pillow, and of course the concerts at tanglewood, where the boston symphony p
Tatuajes hace una semana y ahora esperan que una fotografia los ayude a dar con un segundo sospechoso. Asi comenzamos 2. Hola. Que tal . Buenas noches les saluda cesar bayona y claudia de la fuente bienvenidos como siempre. Bueno, desde agosto del ano pasado los maestros del distrito escolar unificado de pittsburgh dicen que estan intentando negociar un nuevo contrato laboral. Pero que hasta el momento no han logrado un acuerdo. Si cesar y por eso este miercoles llegaron a las instalaciones, a sus instalaciones, para pedirles una resolucion yomara lopez estuvo en esa junta. Nos tienes el informe . Adelante los maestros del distrito escolar unificado de pittsburgh piden mejor salarios y tambien mejor condiciones de trabajo. Hable con varios padres de familia quienes estuvieron aqui apoyando a esos maestros y me dicen que el bienestar De Los Maestros es tambien el bienestar de sus hijos. Maestros y padres de estudiantes de decenas de escuelas en pittsburgh llegaron el miercoles a la sede
Fatima. En efecto, ya ese aviso no esta en vigencia y lo que significo realmente fue que se detecto rotacion en las nubes a traves del radar y es ahi cuando El Servicio Nacional de meteorologia decide emitir ese aviso para que la ciudadania tome las medidas necesarias de inmediato y tomen refugio. Pero que se necesita para que se forme un tornado . Bueno, son muchos factores. Por aqui hay 3 de los principales. Necesitamos vientos en la superficie, necesitamos vientos fuertes en niveles altos de la atmosfera y una vez ese proceso se completa, vamos a ver esos vientos rotando hacia la superficie en una forma de columna de aire de aire. Cuando esto esta ocurriendo y se completa este proceso, vamos a ver que esas corrientes van a comenzar a ascender en forma vertical hacia la atmosfera y una vez se completa ese proceso, vamos a ver que se forma como una especie de pared de nubes que comienza a rotar de forma ciclonica. Y una vez esta pared de nubes o esta nube embudo comienza a descender y