Ramaytush ohlone have never given up their land, we benefit from working and living on their homeland. We wish to show our respects by affirming their soverne rights as first peoples. Thank you, commissioner guillermo. Our next item is approval of minutes of september 19th, 2023. You have the minutes and i have reviewed them, if there are no amendments, can i have a motion to approve. Motion to approve. Public comment. And i dont have my script with me, but i will note that we always take folks that have received accommodations first and then we move to those accommodation. I see one hand, at the moment, were only taking those who have received accommodation for me. Please unmute that person and well give them three minutes. Caller hi, commissioners, this is patrick shaw, code a a. Please begin. Caller thank you. These minutes were at the chair me and others have continually raised the issue of what the Commission Long term plans are to prevent another reoccurrence. It appears that the
Ohlone land. As steward to this land, the Ramaytush Ohlone have never given up their land, we benefit from working and living on their homeland. We wish to show our respects by affirming their soverne rights as first peoples. Thank you, commissioner guillermo. Our next item is approval of minutes of september 19th, 2023. You have the minutes and i have reviewed them, if there are no amendments, can i have a motion to approve. Motion to approve. Public comment. And i dont have my script with me, but i will note that we always take folks that have received accommodations first and then we move to those accommodation. I see one hand, at the moment, were only taking those who have received accommodation for me. Please unmute that person and well give them three minutes. Caller hi, commissioners, this is patrick shaw, code a a. Please begin. Caller thank you. These minutes were at the chair me and others have continually raised the issue of what the Commission Long term plans are to prevent
Commissioner greene. Present. Now i will offer to commissioner guillermo that will offer the ra ma tuber ohlone land. As steward to this land, the Ramaytush Ohlone have never given up their land, we benefit from working and living on their homeland. We wish to show our respects by affirming their soverne rights as first peoples. Thank you, commissioner guillermo. Our next item is approval of minutes of september 19th, 2023. You have the minutes and i have reviewed them, if there are no amendments, can i have a motion to approve. Motion to approve. Public comment. And i dont have my script with me, but i will note that we always take folks that have received accommodations first and then we move to those accommodation. I see one hand, at the moment, were only taking those who have received accommodation for me. Please unmute that person and well give them three minutes. Caller hi, commissioners, this is patrick shaw, code a a. Please begin. Caller thank you. These minutes were at the ch
Ramaytush ohlone have never given up their land, we benefit from working and living on their homeland. We wish to show our respects by affirming their soverne rights as first peoples. Thank you, commissioner guillermo. Our next item is approval of minutes of september 19th, 2023. You have the minutes and i have reviewed them, if there are no amendments, can i have a motion to approve. Motion to approve. Public comment. And i dont have my script with me, but i will note that we always take folks that have received accommodations first and then we move to those accommodation. I see one hand, at the moment, were only taking those who have received accommodation for me. Please unmute that person and well give them three minutes. Caller hi, commissioners, this is patrick shaw, code a a. Please begin. Caller thank you. These minutes were at the chair me and others have continually raised the issue of what the Commission Long term plans are to prevent another reoccurrence. It appears that the
Call the roll. Sthaour. Commissioner chung. Present. Commissioner guillermo. Present. Commissioner greene. Present. Now i will offer to commissioner guillermo that will offer the ra ma tuber ohlone land. As steward to this land, the Ramaytush Ohlone have never given up their land, we benefit from working and living on their homeland. We wish to show our respects by affirming their soverne rights as first peoples. Thank you, commissioner guillermo. Our next item is approval of minutes of september 19th, 2023. You have the minutes and i have reviewed them, if there are no amendments, can i have a motion to approve. Motion to approve. Public comment. And i dont have my script with me, but i will note that we always take folks that have received accommodations first and then we move to those accommodation. I see one hand, at the moment, were only taking those who have received accommodation for me. Please unmute that person and well give them three minutes. Caller hi, commissioners, this i