Intern chief of police the office of citizens complaints joyce hicks you. Well to the monday, december 21, 2016, thank you for being here ill start off by welcoming our newest supervisor commissioner hwang well get to hear from you it is great to have you here and change a little bit of the order of agenda so if youre following along ill move up items 4 and 5 up to after 2 the consent calendar is well go in order one, 2, 4, and 5 and then sergeant, next line item. Item one presentation of certificate presentation of the California Department of alcohol abc significant Achievement Award to the abc liaison unit alu. Hello and thank you for allowing us a few minutes im the acting director the alcoholic beverage for the state and here to acknowledge the work of the San Francisco Police Department and ill ask them to please come up here we definitely want to acknowledge their hard work we develop programs i to paint the picture two hundred agents on the street and manage 90 thousand liquor
Chair has called the meeting to order please turn off the Electronic Devices and please rise for the pledge of allegiance and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Commissioner hillis id like to call roll. Please do commissioner president loftus commissioner Vice President turman commissioner marshall commissioner dejesus commissioner mazzucco commissioner melara commissioner hwang commissioner president loftus we have quorum and also with us the intern chief of police the office of citizens complaints joyce hicks you. Well to the monday, december 21, 2016, thank you for being here ill start off by welcoming our newest supervisor commissioner hwang well get to hear from you it is great to have you here and change a little bit of the order of agenda so if youre following along ill move up items 4 and 5 up to after 2 the consent calendar is well go in order one, 2, 4, and 5 and then sergeant, next line item. Item one pre
Thank you, everyone and thank you for joining us on this round table discussion about our plans to reflect in our budget please reform support as well as Public Safety and violence preservation this morning, im joined and say thank you to the president of the Police Commission commissioner president loftus that are speaking on the topics of Police Reforms the commission is leading and ive succeed her and chief suhr to present a package of reforms not only the mario woods but the other Police Officers shootings and how to do better in terms of having less lethal preechz to those situations and subtle keep your officers save and the public safe and also evolve around the same thing it of life at the principle center of our discussions i also want to say thank you youll hear 23 reverend brown from the in that naacp to being here and the president of our africanamerican Advisory Group advising obvious on the Police Reform and ongoing work their involved in on violence preservation i have a
1. 8 for latino families. At request of supervisor peskin i change the final further result cause to request a copy of the resolution be sent to the city lobbyist. Thank you for your consideration and hopefully support of the measure. Thank you and so there was a motion by supervisor cohen for this amendment and seconded by supervisor farrell, take that without objection. I just want to thank the Community Based organization, the staff, the dependancy Court Attorneys judge davis and so many others for raising what should be a no brainer issue that the state and locally we should be supporting the these courts that serve so many children and parents and communities. It is about as the statement red boy evea partertion it is equal justice for everyone and equity for the most needy in the city so thank you supervise r cohen and would like to be added as a cosponsor. Thank you for waiting out the meeting. Glad you are bringing the issue up. Thank you and like to be added as a cosponsor to
Roster to insure sympathizer reasonably secure forbes in 2012 recorded a 3yearold can open guns those amendments lake the safe storage have consistent with the Second Amendment gun people can carry a loaded gun and assess it in the matter of seconds thank you supervisor mark farrells and the rest of the board for your consideration for this legislation. inaudible . At this time thank you colleagues is there a motion or discussion im sorry. Apologizes towards the City Attorney one clerical error. John gibner, deputy City Attorney on page 3 line 6 the word handgun is missing so after the committee sought this out well submit a clean version with error corrected its deleted basic in the wrong spot. Thank you, mr. Accept City Attorney motion supervisor peskin this is anonymous thank you okay mr. Clerk, call item 2. Item two resolution for an option agreement for the sale of block the northern one thirds by fulsome by the Successor Agency to the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency to f four