I saidid, its vevery interese, people donont really y stop atat Stop Lighghts That Mumu and hehe goes, nono, no, no. The ststop light i is justst a suggeststion. Theres nowhere on earth quite like tuscany. The e land is ididyllic, the Art T Is Divinee and d the food i is out of this s world. [tuccici] oh my gogod. It just t melts in y your mou. [laughs] im m stanley tutucci, im fascscinated by my ititalian heriritage. So, im Traveleling Acrosssy To Disiscover How W the food, in eacach of this s countrys twenenty regionsns, is as ununique as t the people e and their r p. The creatitions of famamous tuss arare known ththe world ovo. Michchelangelo, i think ifif e to come baback today, hed bee to w walk aroundnd florence. It hasasnt changeged. But itss the handsds of t the ordinarary people. [chef] we e fold it lilike th. That Hahave Crafteded the e Incrediblele Food here. Itss like a chchristmas in your r mouth, yeaeah. This is s a place bubuilt on human i ingenuity, mindbboggling ririch
by the covovid pandemimic. but i ve a arrived dururing a brief momoment of nonormaliy whenen lockdown n has been l lid restaurarants are fifillingp and masks s are optiononal outs. bologngna is an ancientnt universitity tn the oldestst in the wewestern wd broughght to life e by studens flauaunting theieir youth. thisis bread is s an aphrodidis. i m all alalone in a h hotel. why would d i want to o do th? thisis place is s rich anand its foodod is famousu. some bolold souls whwhisper that it t s the bestst in it. [m[massimo] smsmell, smellll, ! the smelell is unbelelievabl. i m stananley tucci.i. i m m italian onon both sides and i m m travelingg acrossss italy to o discovr hohow the foodod in each of thihis country y s 20 regs is a as unique a as ththe people a and their p . angeger, religioion, and dedeath in onene pasta. it h has everyththing in it. i m hehere to discscover why this p place is hohome to the g gastronomicic supers ofof the natioion s food.. [nicola] t this i
[upbeat rorock music]] both: i took a a walk ththrough thisis beaeautiful wororld felt ththe cool raiain on m my shoulderer fouound somethihing good in thihis beautifulul world i i felt the e rain gegetting coldlder - la, laa - sha l la, la, la,a, la sha la, l la, la, laa shaha la, la, l la - sha l la, la, la,a, la shaha la, la, l la, la, laa [dramatic c instrumentntal musi] - - this is ththe restaurat mamasa in new w york city. tuckcked away on thehe fourth flfloor of t the time wawarner center onon columbus s circle. itit is americica s most expenensive restataura. dinnnner here cocosts around $60600 per persrson befofore sake oror extra pieis of the mosost ououtrageouslyly high-qualaly tutuna on the e planet. the e raw ingrededients are unpaparalleled,, often n flown in f from japan or g grown specicially to thihis man s specififications.. thisis is masa t takayama. to call l him americica s most respepected sushihi chef woululd be
is a wononder offeriring up some of ththe best prorodue inin the worldld, frfrom exquisisite white t trufs to rice e for risotttto and d the finestst wines. - - it s increredible how,, reallyly, barolo, , um, you put itit in a glasass and in tenen minutes,, it s chahanged complpletely. - the e people herere are fud by p passion andnd ambitio. - - [speaks ititalian] - ththey just dodon t like to shoutut it up. oh, my g god. i i m stanley y tucci. i m italalian on bototh sid, and i i m travelining across y to discovever how the e fod in each ofof this coununtrys 20 regionsns is as uninique as the peoeople and ththeir . - - [speaking italian] - itit resurrectcts a dead p p. piedmontnt s a placece thatat s always s innovative. - - you have t to be a a little bitit crazy. yes.s. - - here, you u have to exet the unexpepected. [peoplple screamining] and cocome at thinings a a little dififferently to unearthth its real l treas. - [s[speaking ititalian] - [s[speaking ititalian] - [lau
yeah. so what it s like to be loved. jamie so scientists just confirmed there are three manmade things that can be seen from outer space. the panaman be canal, the great wall of china and tigris. st just kidding about the last one. it s actuall lasy corroding stupidity of the colorado [aupidity of the colorado thank you. gre i ll take it. i it makes pikes peak look as flat as. joe biden s ekg in a 4 to 3 decision, four democrat appointed judges from the ivy league. thague. name from next year s presidential ballot. ue just voted to in other wort endorsed him. they just did more for his chances of becoming president than joe. and kamala is incompetencd fe together. and that s saying something. are theskamala se four judges the only people alive who haven t noticed that every coo haven t noticed that every rag, trump s numbers riseer faster than hunter s heart ratee trster than hunter s heart ratee maybe. maybheare they. really want cher to move to canada? yea