The installation of barricades along the Atta market in Sector 27 to deter hawkers from encroaching on the road and footpaths and reduce snarls on the choked stretch has borne little fruit. Hawkers have been allotted stalls at the vending zone near Botanical Garden metro station but are yet to leave the market, which is opposite Sector 18. Now, the makeshift vends have spread beyond the barricades to the road, adding to the traffic chaos.
Thousands of people flocked to the Atta market in Noida on the first day of the New Year, causing traffic congestion. Find out more about the rush and its impact on traffic.
Ludhiana: Despite notifications and guidelines issued by the Supreme Court and the local bodies department regarding establishment of vending zones in.
Noida: Hawkers who have been allotted stalls at the vending zone near Botanical Garden metro station are yet to leave the Atta Market, opposite sector.