A recent series of reckless events, triggered by political shifts in the Maldives, has cast shadows over the long-standing friendship shambhawi tiwari In the realm of idyllic beaches, where nations often showcase international camaraderie, a storm is brewing in the relationship between India and the Maldives. The Maldives, renowned globally for its pristine beaches, finds
A recent series of reckless events, triggered by political shifts in the Maldives, has cast shadows over the long-standing friendship
In the realm of idyllic beaches, where nations often showcase international camaraderie, a storm is brewing in the relationship between India and the Maldives. The
Fractious and divided internal politics, Islamism and the Chinese hand explain the antagonism of the new government of Maldives towards India. The government before it, the Solih government, made "India First" its foreign policy priority.
Maldives President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih on Saturday officially reopened the Olympus building funded by the Government of India, read The President s Office of Maldives press release.
Maldives has decided to support India s candidature to a non-permanent seat of the United Nations Security Council for the term 2028-2029, the election for which is scheduled to be held during the eighty-first session of the United Nations General Assembly in June 2027.