Pour in 2 tablespoons of oil in the pan and rotate to cover the surface.
Use your senses with sautéing or pan frying this chicken recipe. Look at the oil before you add the chicken. The oil should shimmer across the pan with light wisps of smoke. Make the oil doesn t start smoking in earnest as that may means the oil is about to catch fire.
Remove the pan from the heat and let it cool down a bit. You may want to keep a cover handy in case the oil does ignite or to prevent a flare up from happening.
Cook the pasta, drain and reserve 1 cup of cooking water. Heat the oil in a large pot and toss in the onion and pepper. Cook until caramelized. Add the ham and garlic.
Saute while stirring often for 3 to 5 minutes, until garlic is translucent. Mix in the oregano, tomato and black beans. Cook for 2 to 3 minutes, until warm.
Incorporate the reserved pasta water along with the cooked pasta.
Finish with mozzarella, parmesan and balsamic vinegar. Continue cooking to allow the cheeses to melt.
Taste and adjust with salt and pepper, if needed, then serve.
This recipe makes six servings.