Raj and DK, the acclaimed director duo behind “The Family Man”, are returning with another crime comedy series, “Guns & Gulaabs”, exclusively for Netflix India. The recently released trailer offers a glimpse into the quirky world created by the talented duo.
‘দ্য ফ্যামিলি ম্যান’ ও ‘ফরজ়ি’-র পর এ বার গ্যাংস্টারের ব্রহ্মাণ্ডে পা রাখলেন রাজ ও ডিকে। মুক্তি পেল ‘গান্স অ্যান্ড গুলাবস’ ছবির প্রথম প্রচার ঝলক। ঝলকে দেখা মিলল বাঙালি অভিনেতা রজতাভ দত্তেরও।
Raj and DK's first directorial venture with Netflix, 'Guns and Gulaabs', is set to premiere on August 18. Set in the 90s, the series explores a world of crime while depicting love and innocence, bringing together actors Rajkummar Rao, Dulquer Salman, Gulshan Devaiah, and Adarsh Gourav.
Rajkummar Rao and Patralekhaa were recently clicked at the wedding reception of Sonnalli Seygall and Ashesh Sajnani, and netizens are speculating that the Citylight actors are pregnant. Read on to know more. | Tellychakkar.com