The third season of the popular Prime Video series The Family Man, starring Manoj Bajpayee, has begun filming. Created and directed by Raj Nidimoru and Krishna DK, the show brings back its original cast, including Bajpayee, Priyamani, Sharib Hashmi, Ashlesha Thakur, and Vedant Sinha. The season follows Bajpayee s character, Srikant Tiwari, as he navigates the challenges of being a spy and balancing family life.
Before Manoj Bajpayee aced the role of Srikant Tiwari in The Family Man, Raj & DK had approached one of the richest South Indian actors to play the character.
As part of the deal, the buyers will also get ownership rights to a 1.62% land parcel of the Tower Windsor Grande Residences, which also counts other Bollywood personalities, including actors and leading singers, as apartment owners.
Bollywood director Krishna DK has purchased a luxury duplex apartment in Mumbai s Goregaon suburb for over Rs 35.50 crore. The property includes ownership rights to a portion of the Tower Windsor Grande Residences. The demand for residential properties in Mumbai has reached an all-time high.