Theres no room for the public, but this is all streaming and there will be an unedited version that anyone can watch later. Our witnesses are participating by Video Conference today and some senators are as well. I would like to Say Something about mass. The office of attending position that he says since were six feet apart, we dont need to wear masks, although some may. I have one and i wear it outside because as dr. Redfield reminded us yesterday, its extremely important tool for stopping the spread of covid. Im grateful to the rules committee. Sergeant arms, the capitol lice and chun check and Evan Griffith and the people with all their hard work in helping us keep safe and helping us do these conferences by video which everyone has become pretty expert. Senator murray and i will have an opening statement. Well turn to our witness who we thank for being with us today. Each witness if you would summarize your remarks in five minutes, that would leave more time for questions and answ
That is a big statement. Why would you do that . Because the oil industry pollutes. Paul joining the panowall street journal is an Editorial Page Editor Dan Henninger and Kimberly Strassel and william mcgurn. Dan debates tend to change a campaign only when they change perceptions about the candidates are offering new information. Any moments in this debate strike you as maybe being that kind of a change . I wouldnt go so far as the same moments change the debate but if you are going to talk about perception yes, i do think so. I do not feel that joe biden he did fine come he did okay but he didnt do great and i dont think joe biden despite the fact that he is ahead in the polls really looks like he has much momentum going into the sprint for the end of the election. By the end of the debate i thought President Trump clearly looked like the sharper stronger candidate. Joe biden was running out of steam. This is an election of intangible because of the coronavirus thats hard to predict a
Being the final week where they really recalibrate. And remember, for years ago, this is one President Trump, with a vengeance, recalibrated. Francine yes, we look at the polls, we look at georgia. Thatof these swing states have been, for a pretty long time, read turning blue, so we will look at the polls there. And it must be election week if you are singing to me. That is what the markets are looking at, and that is, what they say, even what Boris Johnson is looking at before signing with the e. U. Tom long lines across the nation, a lot of stories and anecdotes on that. Lets get to our first word news. In new york city, ritika gupta. Ritika good morning. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says the chamber could pass a pandemic relief package this week. Still, a deal with the white house remains elusive. The republican led senate may not act before the election. Both sides accuse each other of moving the goal posts on legislation. Mark meadows says the u. S. Is not going to control the pande
Frequent the scene in 1959, we will get reaction to this with comedian radio show host joe piscopo, it was a final showdown but were there any knockout punches this round, we will break down the debate including maura bidens call to end the oil industry, all that and so much more on making money. Charles when i think about the week for the market, i think the word tough sledding is probably appropriate every day we have a early strength to move to the upside and evaporate into choppiness and theres a lot of reasons including its not unusual in the middle of Earnings Seasons for markets to gyrate as they hash out the winners and losers in the new added the stimulus saga which seems to be of a natural headliner than traders, the real election of covid19 cases and the legitimate concern, it still may not completely explain the whole. That we are in right now, this is mine thrilled to have our next guest, to help us hash out what might be eating at the market, it equity strategist and seni
Ferraro. Our panelists for the debate are john mashek, National Correspondent for u. S. News and world report, jack white, correspondent for time magazine, norma quarrels, correspondent for nbc news, and robert boyd, Washington Bureau chief for night ridder newspapers. Sander van oaker, senior Political Correspondent for abc news is our moderator tonight. Sandy . Thank you, dorothy. A few words about the order of our format tonight. The order of questioning was determined by a toss of the coin. Congresswoman ferraro won the toss. She elected to speak last. Therefore, Vice President bush will get the first question. The debate will be built upon a series of questions from the four reporters on the panel. A reporter will ask a candidate a question, a followup question, and then the same to the other candidate, then each candidate will get to rebut the other. The debate will be divided into two parts. There will be a section, the first one, on Domestic Affairs. The second on Foreign Affai