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That is a big statement. Why would you do that . Because the oil industry pollutes. Paul joining the panowall street journal is an Editorial Page Editor Dan Henninger and Kimberly Strassel and william mcgurn. Dan debates tend to change a campaign only when they change perceptions about the candidates are offering new information. Any moments in this debate strike you as maybe being that kind of a change . I wouldnt go so far as the same moments change the debate but if you are going to talk about perception yes, i do think so. I do not feel that joe biden he did fine come he did okay but he didnt do great and i dont think joe biden despite the fact that he is ahead in the polls really looks like he has much momentum going into the sprint for the end of the election. By the end of the debate i thought President Trump clearly looked like the sharper stronger candidate. Joe biden was running out of steam. This is an election of intangible because of the coronavirus thats hard to predict and the poll polls showed joe biden ahead and many of the battleground states. The president is in the margin of error such as with wisconsin or caroline our pennsylvania. Think its going to be closer than people might guess end of my mind one of the most important metrics out there that i cannot explain is that people feel better than they did four years ago by a margin of 50 to 56 and yet somehow President Trump is supposed to be behind by eight points in the election. That doesnt add up, paul and the performance the president did in the debate the other night gave him more momentum going into the end that joe biden. Paul cam if there was a moment that jumped out to me on an issue it was joe biden saying, admitting essentially that hes going to transition the economy to out of fossil fuels and i think the campaign understood it made a mistake later because joe backtracked and said oh no not doing away with oil and gas. How important was that . It was important because joe biden was on it and he had to clean up that honesty but the president you saw jumped all over that saying are you hearing this in taxes . This is really important because these races are won or lost in battlegrounds. You have joe biden and the president spending a lot of time on the final stretch in places like pennsylvania where you have these fracking workers, oiling gases immensely important in states like pennsylvania the upper midwest in ohio and you can see the bear will be campaign ads from the Trump Administration straight out on this and joe biden, this could be i think a real moment of the campaign. Paul bill the president tone is very different as dan suggested that joe biden hitting it again and again his character versus President Trump sent divisiveness. Im a uniter not a divider. It seems to be working for him again and again. That is the main claim. People vote for joe biden they think its a vote for peace and so forth but i thought President Trump did a pretty good job of countering that with this is a career politician and im a doer. I get it done. To build on dans point i agree with everything the dance at the Going Forward down the stretch joe biden says things that you point out on oil claims not to have ever said he was for a ban on fracking or use the word that debate gave the trump team more stuff to use down the stretch their raise questions. Paul dan one of the things i found most interesting and surprising was the section on race. Usually you expect that to be putting donald trump on defense. I thought he made a strong argument about his record when it comes to actually helping africanamericans. What do you think . E, i think thats right and that section was aps with a lot of what joe biden did. Hes engaging in a fair amount of demagoguery calling trump nothing but a large racist dog whistle complaining that hes responsible for all 220,000 deaths from coronavirus. And widen campaign, the biden strategy is looking to me as though we are heading into a dark winter. This campaign has a darkness to it, paul. Theres nothing particularly positive about it and you are right in his reply to those race issues donald trump did cite a number of substantial things that he is done on prison reform, criminal reform, opportunity zones hes created with senator kim scott so oddly enough by the end of it i thought President Trump was looking as though he was presenting a more positive outlook and vision towards the United States then joe biden who pitched entirely on representing the u. S. Under trump is a dark winter. Paul bill quickly is this going to change do you think the outlook for the election . I dont think it was a knockout but i think President Trump closing in the polls is narrowing ever so slightly. I think this helps that. Especially in pennsylvania if you look at fracking and oil i think this may help the president in the last few days before the election. Paul thank you all. When we come back is joe biden trying to put carrots front and center and the Vice President s son and what joe biden new about his business dealings. coughing hi susan honey . Yeah . I respect that. But that cough looks pretty bad. Try this new robitussin honey severe. The real honey you love. Plus, the powerful cough relief you need. Mind if i root through your trash . New robitussin honey severe. Strong relief for your severe symptoms. Strong relief keeping your oysters growing while keeping your business growing has you swamped. you need to hire i need indeed indeed you do. The moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from a resume data base so you can start hiring right away. Claim your seventyfivedollar credit when you post your first job at indeed. Com promo the emails, the horrible emails and the kind of money you were raking in you and your family and joe uber Vice President once, this was happening. Should have never happen and i think you owe an explanation to the american people. I have not taken a penny from any foreign source ever in my life. Paul President Trump pressing joe biden to answer questions about his sons business dealings and what role the former Vice President may have played under bidens former Business Partner Tony Bobulinski claiming joe biden knew about and was involved in his unplanned deal with the Chinese Energy firm. Mr. Biden calling it a lastditch effort to smear his family. All right cam you have looked into all these texts and emails and metadata. What is the essence of the story . Wealthy essence of the story is first of all it happened. This is important because youve seen this effort by democrats and some in the media to suppress or to claim that this is russian disinformation but now we have a laptop that belonged to hunter supposedly. We have seen those emails and we now have mr. Tony bobulinski. His emails corroborate this deal actually happen and what it shows is hunter biden was actively out there attempting to cash in and he actually says as much in these texts. This raises important questions about again joe bidens involvement. He can say that he never took a penny but mr. Tony bobulinski said he was involved in the talks about his judgment and his son and what that means under biden presidency. Paul do we know anything at all about whether or not joe biden was an active shareholder . As you heard him say ive never taken a penny and you heard his campaign say look at his tax records but heres the important thing, two important things. One is that these documents show when this was being done that it was going to be hunter that was going to hold some of the equity in joes name according to the parties involved. There was always an attempt to keep this hidden. I think that is the most important part about it. Paul okay and bill . Some of our friends in the media have been saying now for 10 days or so when the New York Post came up with the first batch, because Tony Bobulinski came forward because he was mentioned in that first email story. They are saying this isnt really news, dont pay any attention to this. Its not worth it. What do you make of that argument . I think its part of the seed no evil, hear no evil speak no evil or did staggering people dont want to look at it. There are a lot of incriminating tax to joe biden allowing his family. We want to know if thats true and what i didnt hear last night, didnt hear the Vice President say these emails and texts are phony and the laptop is not hunters and frankly i didnt hear mask that question. This is all fake and we didnt get that. I think that texts speak for themselves but clearly they require further investigation. You have google, not google, facebook and twitter suppressing the story. Its just incredible. Paul what do you make of that joe bidens responses in the debate. He denied he received any money from any entity but he said youre just promoting what is russian disinformation. I have to say i am openminded about this. Where is the russian hand in all of this . The seems to me a lot of these critics are going back to four years ago, lets play the russia card. E well you know the director of National Intelligence John Radcliffe is said straight out that its not russian disinformation as has the fbi and so its a little odd that joe biden is trying to claim its all russian disinformation. It looks more solid than that but you know paulette set aside whether joe biden was actively involved in this or not. He in fact is running for the presidency of the United States and what we do know is true that he was Vice President his son was trading with burisma the Ukrainian Gas Company and two years later he is doing deals with the Chinese Investment company linked to china an adversary of the United States. At the very least this shows terrible judgment on the part of joe biden. When he was Vice President and candidate for United States he pulled out of public life life altogether and i guess hes entitled to do whatever he wants with his reputation but this just looks like the judgment of a person that you have dealt about trying to put them back into the oval office. Paul bill, where its as go from here do you think . I dont know. A lot depends on the next couple of days whether we find more emails. Kim has written about the new witness mr. Tony bobulinski so we will have to see what he says. The interesting thing is so far the more evidence we have seen it the more incriminating it is. We are seeing exonerating evidence here so i think people want to see the evidence. I do think it would put the former Vice President on the defensive over the next couple of days. Paul when. Paul will become back Key Senate Race is tight with just a week ago before the election. 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Paul as election day day approaches the battle for the United States senate is heating up with races that could determine control of the chamber tightening could the gop holds a narrow 5347 majority in the senate right now but republicans with 23 seats compared to 12 for the democrats so its a little over a week to go. Can republicans maintain their Senate Majority and what is at stake if democrats take control . Lets ask David Mcintosh president of the club for growth. David its good to see you and thanks for coming in. How big of a risk is that for the republicans losing control . I think they will pick up the alabama seat, lets stipulate that and that gets you to 54 but a lot of others are vulnerable. Why do you take us through those. Will do in the way we look at it there a nine republican seats that are vulnerable and one additional pickup in michigan. Those odds are not good. The good news is some of those states were ahead in the polls and the general environment is closing in favor of the republicans. Trumps numbers are coming up and starting with montana where we have been advertising 5 million worth of gains and others are too. He is ahead in the polls by three or four points almost outside the margin of error. I think that will close with a victory there. The other places that i think you can put down as leaning republican are georgias seats with senator perdue, South Carolina with Lindsey Graham and then you get to some close ones. Iowa and North Carolina and i think that is going to be the battleground to determine the majority with this other one in george, ii seat Kelly Loefflers senate seat. There were three that are going to be tough. The democrats have strong leads outside the margin of air in maine colorado and arizona. In maine Susan Collins is a tough candidate in an institution of her own but i wouldnt write her off. I think those three states are going to be tough. If we hold the line they are republicans will keep the majority even if we lose the white house. Paul you say that the polls have been closing some for donald trump. Is that an example of a rising trump tied lifts all senate votes because i mean, in other words is the senates fate links to donald trump . I think whether they keep the majority republicans have you have this be a close race at the president ial level. The democrats have a blowout then you are right it affects its on all the down ticket races. We have seen that consistently for six months now and the polling we do and a lot of these races. Our guys will go up when the president s numbers improve and then it narrows and it becomes a closer race when his numbers go down. Paul so the trend that is continuing with fewer ticket splitters where people just write one for the top of the ticket and one for the down ticket. Strategically if you are Senate Candidate in the state and you see that trump is underwater can you start to pivot and make an argument saying you know what, we need a Republican Senate as a counter to potential president biden. There are obviously risk with that because it suggested trump voters that youre cutting the president lives but as thats where we are going to be headed here in the last week . I dont think that will happen paul for a couple of reasons. One trumps debate reformists last night in the trent lott in the last week of him closing in on biden means its going to be close enough race that it wouldnt be worth doing that for the republican Senate Candidate. It would kick off the tough voter for one. Second a lot of these races are battleground states for the presidency. North carolina, arizona, iowa and so you are going to see a lot of parallel movement and those. Those senators and those candidates want the president to do well so they are going to be carrying that load as well as their own. Paul there has been some reports that in states you would expect to be contention are and thats the open seat for example the alaska cd van and Lindsey Graham in South Carolina. I hear that senator grahams support has gone up in the last week or so particularly linked to the judiciary hearings for judge barrett but i mean whats going on here and is it linked in part to the overwhelming abundance of money and the edge of money that democrats have nationwide . Money is a huge factor in most of our races where we are engaged we are seeing either a 50 or a 21 advantage for the democrats and he keeps piling in. Its like this huge green wave. Ive seen it referred to that. That said money is important in these elections but at some point it hits the saturation level and i have always believed message and policy outweighs the money if you have enough to get your message out to the voters. Republicans have club for growth packs have raised 100 million this cycle. Thats twice what we usually do. Thats helping for the Republican Party in the senate and the house committees as well. So we are not matching dollar for dollar and we are being outspent on the republican side that we are getting enough other good candidates candidates can get their message across. Paul the economy works for republicans in courtpacking works against the democrats and a lot of social issues too. If we get the message that republicans can win. Paul David Mcintosh thank you for coming in. The president ial candidates make their closing arguments and voters say the economy top the list of concerns so how would it affect growth and job creation . 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Paul person drummon at battleground state of North Carolina campaigning on the voters top concern economy the president wanted the consequences of joe bidens Economic Policy citing a new study from the Hoover Institution that shows the democratic nominees tax health care and Energy Regulation proposal will have an advantage on job growth in creation and will result in 6500 less in Median Household Income by 2030. Joining me now is one of the authors of that study Casey Mulligan at professor of economics at the university of chicago and served as chief economist for the white House Counsel of economic advisers from 2018 to 2019 is also the author of the new book youre hired untold successes and failures of a populist president. Casey mulligan its good to see you. Before we get to joe biden let me ask you where you think the economy is right now as we recover from covid . I think its coming in stronger than a lot of people predicted. The predictions were pessimistic but i think they look back to the previous recession where the recovery took decades pretty much and that is not the right benchmark. We have a Good Foundation now and we have learned to live in a situation and when we have more cures or even a vaccine we can get all the way back but we are more than halfway back. I would say threequarters of the way back by labor Market Measures in gdp measures. You know not having all the kids in school is a drag on the labor market. The parents, some of them need to stay home and cant do their normal jobs. Paul lets look at the fascinating study and i wrote about it this week. Take us through the logic of why you think the biden proposal taken as a whole on the economy would slow growth and income . I guess hes achieving striving for social justice but its going to hit the economy from three directions. One of them come its going to reduce their award to working so that will make for less work. Its going to reduce increased tax base taxation on investment. Youre hurting investment at this time and at the same time you are hurting labor in the third thing he reduces productivity. Even if we dont have to worry about less capitol and labor we will be less efficient with the capital and labor we have. One of the big reasons for that is energy planning. We have energy now that we use. We plug in our phones and things like that and fuel in our cars but now biden wants to do it in such inefficient ways it will take 10 million more workers to make the same energy we already have. Paul that is really interesting. I thought the energy portion of your report was fascinating because joe biden is essentially saying look we are going to transition out of oil and gas. Dont worry about it. Therell be plenty of jobs on the other side. You are saying to make the transition from fossil fuels to electric cars, all electric cars is going to take an enormous amount of new energy and labor input and that has a big effect rolling right through the economy. Am and my putting that correctly . You are right paul. We are going to need a lot more workers to work in energy and they they are going to come from other places, other Sectors Health care, entertainment all kinds of sectors will find themselves losing workers to energy. Just look at the energy we are to have. Paul will be energy rises go up for the average person . Biden claims that they would not so the way we took him at his word so the way we analyzed it is there will be subsidies for this Renewable Energy to maintain the retail price of energy. Now if they didnt keep that promise then instead of having a lot of extra taxes to pay then you have Higher Energy prices. Paul one of the things that is striking out there if youre just an average person looking at what economists say theres an alternative view of the biden proposal. Moodys is the Vice President likes to use fido a time saying he will show much better job growth than President Trumps plan. What are the main assumptions, different assumptions in an analysis like sandys versus yours . Well he doesnt pay any attention to the pairings with the three things we just talked about. What is their reward to working and what is their reward to investing in how productive are we going to be . He uses really historical patterns of those things and a multiplier analysis. That might have forked historically in principle although historically he promised obama stimulus would keep unemployment up and not surprisingly because he was way off when President Trump four years ago he was going against mrs. Clinton and he said i hope trump doesnt win because we will have an immediate recession and instead we had an immediate acceleration of the growth rate beyond expectations. Paul just briefly sandy ann the keynesians i called and put more faith in Government Spending as a growth multiplier. By using the multiplier you have faith in magic pixie dust i would think. Paul thanks Casey Mulligan. Thanks for coming in. Still ahead as voters head to the polls and look at what else is on the ballot in states across the country including two measures that could mean higher taxes for residents in illinois and arizona. Nonvalvular afib can mean a lifetime of blood thinners. And if youre troubled by falls and bleeds, worry follows you everywhere. Over 100,000 people have left blood thinners behind with watchman. Its a onetime, minimally invasive procedure that reduces stroke risk and bleeding worryfor life. Watchman. Its one time. For a lifetime. Tums ver bell rings la stick when heartburn hits fight back fast. With tums chewy bites. Beat heartburn fast tums chewy bites paul i look now at two states on the ballot that could raise taxes for millions. L. And i a proposal backed democratic governor j. B. Pritzker would amend the state constitution should replace the 4. 9 flat tax on individual income for the socalled fair tax that would top out at almost 8 in arizona voters will decide whether to. A new fifth income tax bracket that would almost double the states top rate raising it from 4. 5 to 8 . We are back with Dan Henninger Kimberly Strassel and editorial features editor. You have been following these cases, the states. Lets take them one by one. Why is this reference so crucial for illinois . Is important to look back at the history. The previous governor tried to reform pensions and got stonewalled by the legislature and Governor Pritzker when he was running in 20 team decided to make a point to say we are going to increase tax rates imposed aggressive tax in the state that would allow them to avoid any kind of reform so they are basically trying to entrench the model of union control. The state and in order to keep them place they will have to jack up the taxes by jettisoning the flat tax imposing progressive tax rates on the states highest earners. Paul went to get rid of the flat tax you can raise rates and youll raise them for everybody. Once you make it a progressive think each ratcheting it up where until you get to california 10. 75 and 2. 3 that the future of illinois. They have announced a slate of rates that would be triggered automatically voters get approved the amendment and that includes a top rate of 7. 98 but Governor Pritzker has already said he cant rule out raising taxes on the middleclass and thats what we have seen in states around the country. When they impose an aggressive tax easy with each subsequent administration will keep the taxes increasing in a way that it reaches the middle class. Arizona basically an income tax increase but its supposed to be earmarked for education yet the teachers got a big raise a couple of years ago of 20 . Why are they back for more . Well they went on strike part of a National Wave of teachers strikes to get an increase in salaries for the teachers but they Arizona Association which covers different schools and not only teachers wanted to get similar raises for all sorts of different support staff and that could be bus drivers attendance nurses and so they want to impose the surtax in the state in order to take care of all of their members. Paul who is pushing it . Is it basically teachers unions . Its a lot of funding coming from out of state including oregon. Tell us about that. A lot of the funding is coming from the National Education association with teachers unions around the country but one of the biggest donors is called stand for children based in oregon which collects donations from progressive activists around the country and basically they are trying to use arizona as a test case to show how possible it is to impose taxes by referendum and hopefully start a wave that will put pressure on other states to get more funding for the teachers unions. Paul cam is that the imported this . These two paths politically because it will reverberate around the country and basically send a message to progressives elsewhere that hey you can put this on the ballot everywhere . Absolutely. We have seen a growing amount of this happening in other aspects of propositions over the years and even Political Races where look at data or work in texas every outside group poured in there and said lets make a stand out of this. In that case it happened to fail and he did not go to the senate but if this succeeds in arizona expected to come to states like florida and other states where you have no income tax or low income taxes. Paul its bedtime if you have to be in arizona he does they are planning to raise taxes higher federal and remember that tax reform of 2017 limited state and local Tax Deductions by 10,000 so the state tax increases are going right to your bottom line. They are paul and overall this reflects really one of the greatest economic struggles of our time. Its the Public Sector and the private sector. In almost every case the tax increases are going towards paying Public Employees Union Pensions and health care benefits. Historically the public unions have. Little or nothing and have been unwilling to pay anything into their pension costs are Health Care Costs and over time its run out of control and somebody has to pay for these obligations. The only solution seems to be to raise taxes on everyone else and the private sector. Its not going away until one of the states finally brings down the curtain. Paul mene briefly worded the stand of the polls . They are both leading in the polls but the fortunate thing is the direction seems good so if you look at the fair tax the illinois amendment that imposes the progressive tax that since sharp decline in seems its possible that voters will reject it at the polls. Arizona the odds are not quite as good but it has fallen off markedly particularly as people of started to pay more attention to it and republicans have been secondguessing whether they want to contribute that much money to pad teacher yan expenses. Paul when we come back targeting big tech. The Senate Republicans subpoena the ceo. Whats behind the washington crackdown, next. Paul the Justice Department this week rolling out its first major antitrust lawsuit against big tech big tech. It alleges the search giant uses anticompetitive tactics to maintain its dominance in blocks of its rivals striking deals to be the default Search Engine in many of the worlds web browsers and smartphones. This comes as the republicans cited two other tech giants of the Judiciary Committee voting thursday sue subpoena Facebook Ceo Mark Zuckerberg and twitter ceo jack hirsi over their handling of the New York Post reporting last week on hunter biden. Lets bring in wall street Journal Business world columnist holman jenkins. Thanks for coming in. Youve looked at the google lawsuit, a strong case or no . Im not a big antitrust fan in any case that they are going to have that tough hill to climb to prove prove anything the justice wants to propose a remedy would improve the lot law to consumers. Googles product is well loved and widely used or the advertising revenues it generates a lot of other ancillary products of people like including youtube and all kinds of desktop nick tax that well use all day long. They will have a hard time proving the traditional case that a monopoly is harming consumers by giving them crummy service or charging high prices. Antitrust if you look a consumer harm not just whether you harm a competitor and theres very little mention of the consumer. Nothing on prices for example. You cant because google is free to use but does what they charge instead that these anticompetitive tactics for example google has basically pays apple to make google the preferred search browser, Search Engine in iphones. Why is that not anticompetitive behavior . Well do you see apple is the victim . The fact that they can charge google 11 billion a year for a free google app on the apple phone suggests both apple and google know how easy it is for customers to use a different app and a different Search Engine. At the same time apple includes the Google Search function in its own browser be the only reason i would do that because it tanks its an excellent search function and will reflect well on apple. The argument that he could be turned around to say that google provides an excellent product in a competitive market has the dominant share because it does the best job. Paul it occurs in all kinds of industries. They will pay you to put our product in a prime position. Sure. It happens to consumer markets all the time but the stuff thats on the shelf at eye level doesnt get there by accident because mrs. Butter is worth pays for that prime positioning in google makes the same argument here but the other thing about this is the Justice Department says google blocks innovation but theres a huge amount of innovation. There areas the google doesnt have access to like facebook and instagram and twitter for advertising purposes that gold google doesnt have access to. Googles world is shrinking and expanding world of cyber. Paul lets talk about the twitter and facebook handling of it. A lot of politicians saying its censorship of the web. I know as private companies they have a legal right to do this. Its not a First Amendment issue but what is your view whether this is why . They have a relationship with their customers based on the algorithm objectively presented him with information that the customers will find interesting. When they intervened in this way it stops something for being circulated. They better have a good reason. They didnt have a good reason. They were responding to a cry from leftwing journalists and leftwing lobbyists that the story and be suppressed because it was an convenient to joe biden a couple of weeks before the election and both twitter and facebook have had the back down from that because it was an indefensible position. Paul is there a remedy here in law for this . For example people often mention lets take away the Liability Protection for these Companies Section 230 of the federal code. The trial lawyers would love that but its hard to say how you could improve Facebook Google or twitters product if they had tape defend everything at their crazy users decided to stay on line. We have pointed out in the public sphere when they do something we dont like we have to make them explain themselves to justified and if they cant we will back down. I dont see a better solution but the antitrust lawsuit against google in this argument comes after that decision that people have these Big Tech Companies in the position they have of these algorithms which the company even understand what americans can see and hear in using their private information with various kinds of clips. Paul we will have to leave this debate. We have to take one more break in when we come back hits and misses of the week. Agerelated Macular Degeneration may lead to severe vision loss. So the National Eye Institute did 20 years of clinical studies on a formula only found in preservision. If it were my vision, id ask my doctor about preservision. Its the most studied eye vitamin brand. If it were my vision, id look into preservision. Only preservision areds2 contains the exact nutrient formula recommended by the nei to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. I have amd. It is my vision so my plan includes preservision. 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Talk about a slap in the face who voters every four years, six years go to the polls and enormous effort to elect people who they expect to do their job including taking votes. Next time if they are going to show up for something this consequential voters should elect someone else. Paul bill. Poll scholar shelby steele. They. A document it called what killed michael brown, very thoughtful and well done documentary on a timely subject and amazon refused to stream it on their service. A wall street jason riley wrote about this and we followed up with an editorial. Im happy to say that amazon now has reversed its prior decision and the document is up there now. Eli steele told me that her rose to number three on the services so good for them for persevering. Paul dan . This goes to the Senate Democrats who have introduced a bill to mandate that within five years 50 of cars will have to be electric and by 235100 of cars. This is the percentage of electric cars sold last year was 2 like the 7500 federal subsidy and the fact that they only go 250 miles and take hours to recharge. Consumers arent tying into electric harp also democrats will welcome to the biden presidency. Paul thats it for this weeks show. Thanks to my panel and thank you for all watching. Im paul gigot and we will see you here nextt week. Lou good evening, President Trump has achieved another historic accomplishment in the middle east, just 11 days before the president ial election, President Trump in the oval office today announced the normalization of relations between israel and the muslim north african nation of sudan, todays Peace Agreement adds to those already brokered by the president between israel and bahrain as well as between israel and the united arab emirates. President trump has also brokered peace deals between the taliban and

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