does not improve or gets worse. what a wonderful world. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for asthma - because breathing should be beautiful. [cheers and applause] greg: all right, stop it. oh, you go okay. [applause] so is living forever a worthwhile oh, what the hell s going on here? oh, i think i know what thisk is i, greg. i ll take care of it.ll greg: i don t know what s happenincareg here. [background sounds] unbelievable. supposed to be working withie professionals this neverpp happens when joe mackey s on the panel.
lefthe it unattend thed on her december, and i was able to make a sandwich. i find food tastes different when someone else is paying for it. ing. right.ight, emily i agree with the hot fruit, and i get shamed for it. i don t understand why. pineapple to to pizza. a lot of foods that i love, octopus and, like, i love squid can and things like that. d also remember when we ate a cricket here on this show? no, we kid not. i did, and i loved itow tasted like a sunflower se. greg: was i on that show? no, someone was filling in fo r you. yeah, that explains it, i would never have done that. remind me to punch shillue in the back of his neck. he hate that with love. greg: no, with hate. [laughter] all right. went down a dark hole there. kevin, proud texan gee, if ih wonderer he s proud to be from texas aexan mystery. [laughter]
greg: yes. but here s the thing, how tht hell do you motivate a child that s immortal? make the bed. no, i m going to sit out 20 a years, dadme.l i sim going to binge watch netfx for the nextgoin century, or thn i ll do my chores. [laughter] it s true. there would be no reason to. when does that kid leave home?he never. also this guy was right once in 1990? why are we listening to him?o we re right all the time. r [laughter] you woulde have so manghy ks you wouldn t have to raise them they ll never leave. i m worried about the ones i the have now r [laughter] they re like plants. t what are you going anotheo rn the, t die? greg: you just let em roamgo around, kickin em you know what in you could torture them even because, why not? they live forever. the if you had an impulse if for that, i til death do us yeah, that s tough. you woulild never marry. y 2,000 years of that.ears greg: all right we have got to
doe, but we ve already met our quo o a that for kill immediate- kilmeake. m tyrus ea no, i don t want to live forever, no.this god, no, take me.iv no. [laughter] well, first of all, if this happened in, what d he say,ed 2026?at then the d world will be over in 2027 the. greg: yes. because now you have a there s, like, 30 billion of us and we re all living purchase? if somebody s gotta go. greg: you know what though? it ll be the rich people. i and thet poor people will ce eat greg: yes. so we ll have to the end the> worl gd as we know it. thank god there ll be a.i. to clear it all up for us, tie it out.ll yeah, you want to live forever? no. i do. anyone see highlander? no. there can only be greg: i know, kat, you probably do, but i want to posit why this is ill possible.t because impossible. because it s going to put existential emphasis on your
greg: e i guess we ll never kno. what is the hardest part of being on g?es well, let s go to the regulars, what s the hardest part of doing show? wh letting you breathe when i kneel on you and squeal and cry. this question is very vague. what is the hardest part? i don t know, my commute. [laughter] greg: people don t realize that. here s the deal, i get whenth you re not on thate show, we geo all these people, where s tyrus? the is he sick? did he quit?ick? it s like, no, he lives in louisiana. yeah, i take a plane to work. [applause] p greg: drives me crazy! kat? taking my makeup off at night. greg : yeah, that s true. you have no g:i do not look like this. [laughter] greg: but you should just have your dog do it. just slather the peanut butter on your pace and let carl lickos it all [laughter] actually the, my dog does, i let