Yr,us rgdonesr zee hosde f thdes eco pdd s issin t docuary ed thr on. Ur top is guntro icour cut wowas y especi,an ss in e 2016 eion,two ear sides. Gun col, han conno in een. Now wly, i becrt of yo everyy lr coy. Ret arhe prentilection two r si or cetely againt, and we wanted to explore both sides of the argument and how President Trump can please both sides. Guns. The pressing question on everybodys mind. Guncontrol iago in this documentary, we dive into just that. Whether congress and the president , donald trump, should do about guns and who should get access. We spoke to multiple experts on guns and asked them why they took that stand. Lets get into it. This is the weapon i like. And an hour later, you can walk out. I do not really see a need for individuals to have the number of guns that they do. Combating with the individual with a gun, you can be 200 feet away. We have among the most permissive and loose gun laws on earth. The u. S. Has the largest number of guns in the world,