Transcripts For CSPAN The War On Guns 20170406

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Yr,us rgdonesr zee hosde f thdes eco pdd s issin t docuary ed thr on. Ur top is guntro icour cut wowas y especi,an ss in e 2016 eion,two ear sides. Gun col, han conno in een. Now wly, i becrt of yo everyy lr coy. Ret arhe prentilection two r si or cetely againt, and we wanted to explore both sides of the argument and how President Trump can please both sides. Guns. The pressing question on everybodys mind. Guncontrol iago in this documentary, we dive into just that. Whether congress and the president , donald trump, should do about guns and who should get access. We spoke to multiple experts on guns and asked them why they took that stand. Lets get into it. This is the weapon i like. And an hour later, you can walk out. I do not really see a need for individuals to have the number of guns that they do. Combating with the individual with a gun, you can be 200 feet away. We have among the most permissive and loose gun laws on earth. The u. S. Has the largest number of guns in the world, totaling over 300 million, and that is only counting the ones that are registered. We have more firearms in america than people. Owner country has a gun averaging 80 guns. Eight guns. For every one firearm citizen in the united states. There were 372 mass gun shootings in 2015, with multiple fatalities. One of the strictest gun laws in the country. Because of the maryland Firearm Safety act of 2013. What does that mean for people who have guns and want to buy guns . Lets find out. The problem i think we have states,and, and other is that all state laws are not consistent. To doly thing we are able it because we have a democrat in the state house, and governor omalley, who pushed very hard. People thatver 1300 testified on that one day. Michaelith dan gray and association and several people, but we met with danny webster. The most important piece of the the, and my mind, is handgun license requirement we now have in maryland. Havee gun laws in maryland closed a lot of loopholes in other states. It is difficult to transfer guns to maryland without a state looking at it and looking at that, it is very important. Some states have laws where you can simply transfer guns between individuals without any checks. Maryland does a pretty good job of restricting that and making sure that commonsense measures are put in place to keep them out of the hands of people that should not have them. We find out what the 2013 firearm safe react and what it does. Not all states treat guncontrol like ours. We asked experts and these are their responses. Unfortunately, until there is a movement at the national level, some of the states will have very lax gun laws. I do not think the ruby much of a movement. The need to keep guns out of the hands of people who should not have them, due to Mental Illness or ties to criminal activity. The military assault rifle, which that is, it is a name and it doesnt really address how the gun performs. The ban on military assault style weapons misses the point, that was attempted. We need to get rid of the military sites style assault weapons and highcapacity magazines. The war on guns divides the nation and it was one of the biggest issues in the 2016 president ial campaign and still is. The National Rifle association , or the nra, endorsed donald trump for president of the united states. The experts we interviewed had a had some very different opinions on gun control. The nra has been extremely as a lobbying group. As far as changing the Public Discourse when it comes to gun rights and gun ownership, they ate basically been very good selling people fear. Guns are in an event object inanimate objects. They are neither good or bad, just like any other inanimate object. In the hands of someone good, there will be used correctly. In the hands of someone bad, as we have seen in the news, they can be devastating and create anr wh all nds of animate objects, not just weapons. You can use trucks and planes and pressure cookers. Op are bad and clever, they dont need guns to do negative things. People have a wide range of views and guns on guns. Based on what we have seen, we would like to pose the question to President Trump. What will you do about gun control and gun violence in america . , we need to stop terrorism yet abide by the Second Amendment and keep gun enthusiasts happy. We are confident that your expertise ll enable us to move forward. That is the question. Thanks for watching. To watch all of the prizewinning documentaries in this years cspan studentcam competition, visit studentcam. Org. President trump and king abdulla the second of jordan held a News Conference in the white house rose garden. The president condemned the deadly attack in syria and the regime of president bashar alassad. This is 25 minutes

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