would say to all the candidates, if they don t finish in the top two or three in iowa or new hampshire, the chances of you winning the nomination are at least historically close to zero. so the answer is for every candidate, they have to do well in one of these two states to continue on. we re no different than that. we have a leg up. the people of iowa assess candidates four years ago against a tough field and tough candidate mitt romney and we did very well. i think we re going to do the same thing once they go through the process they re going through. the des moines register poll came out and said 88% hadn t made up their mind. we have a long way to go. we ll get to know iowans again and build that same team we did last time. you have checked the box more than once on visiting every single county there. i know it is very much a grassroots operation for you there. i know you talk about the fact that you say you re the only one in the entire remaining field who is not for amnesty i
for year in anbar. to see the kaychaos is tragic. to have the connections, political connections you have, you still considering entering the race? you said you would announce may 28th. absolutely. i m making an announcement next thursday in new hampshire. and you know, i have thought in the past about it. and i thought this this time. if you believe you have the ability to lead, to bring people together across party lines or we re not just trying to shoot at each other but trying to come together as americans, and you have the ability to run a complex government. in these times, i think we have an obligation to run. exit in new hampshire, may 28th? may 28th. you re welcome to come. you ll be making an announcement. i will be making an announcement. what are the banners going to be seeing about this? i don t know that we have banners. this is a grassroots operation. i want to play you sound in bloomberg s interview conductation focus group with
professor. they are both professors. same school it s like an independent film. one could be jeff daniels, the other could be philip seymour hoffman but he s dead. he did pay a lot of attention in virginia, but in other congressional districts he tried to knock off the chairs in those districts. he got beaten. he wanted the whole of virginia to have a grassroots operation. he went after chairmen in somebody else s district. that s something you don t do but he was not paying attention to the people who vote in primaries. and his top lieutenants were defeated, so he was left with no real grassroots presence and a lot of people said to him let bygons be bygones. make peace with the grassroots party. he didn t do that. if he didn t go with the strategy of going to war, his
professor. they are both professors. same school it s like an independent film. one could be jeff daniels, the other could be philip seymour hoffman but he s dead. he did pay a lot of attention in virginia, but in other congressional districts he tried to knock off the chairs in those districts. he got beaten. he wanted the whole of virginia to have a grassroots operation. he went after chairmen in somebody else s district. that s something you don t do but he was not paying attention to the people who vote in primaries. and his top lieutenants were defeated, so he was left with no real grassroots presence and a lot of people said to him let bygons be bygones. make peace with the grassroots party. he didn t do that. if he didn t go with the strategy of going to war, his
jeremy peters in the times details a new $50 million by bloomberg to challenge the nra on gun control. it will be called every town for safety and be bank rolled by the former mayor himself. unlike his efforts which largely consists of buying tv ads it s a grassroots operation to rival the nra. when asked if his own person season that a big mayor from new york could undercut those. his quote was i don t know what your perception is of the name blackberg around the country, he said every place you go, you re a rock star. people yelling out of cabs, hey, way to go. and on the way of tackling obesity and he s telling people if there s a god when i get to heaven. i m not stopping to be interviewed. i m heading straight in. i ve earned my own place in heaven.