for year in anbar. to see the kaychaos is tragic. >> to have the connections, political connections you have, you still considering entering the race? you said you would announce may 28th. >> absolutely. i'm making an announcement next thursday in new hampshire. and you know, i have thought in the past about it. and i thought this -- this time. if you believe you have the ability to lead, to bring people together across party lines or we're not just trying to shoot at each other but trying to come together as americans, and you have the ability to run a complex government. in these times, i think we have an obligation to run. >> exit in new hampshire, may 28th? >> may 28th. you're welcome to come. >> you'll be making an announcement. >> i will be making an announcement. >> what are the banners going to be seeing about this? >> i don't know that we have banners. this is a grassroots operation. >> i want to play you sound in bloomberg's interview conductation focus group with