television you know the way the process works. you can t have someone moved on without it going through a whole team of people. a line of command. why would this happen? i actually spoke to them the night before, or texted, happen? i actually spoke to them the night before, ortexted, eitherthe night before, ortexted, eitherthe night before, ortexted, eitherthe night before or the morning of i came out and said i will come out tomorrow sup he said that was amazing and brave. well done. i hope it goes 0k. he knew about that. he was never going to out me. we were still mates. and, i think, was never going to out me. we were still mates. and, ithink, at was never going to out me. we were still mates. and, i think, at the time it was written that the sun was going to out me with some aid they wouldn t, be it was illegal. all these things started to grow and he got bigger and bigger. these things started to grow and he got biggerand bigger. he these things started to grow and he got bigger a
every bank has that type of profile. washington mutual was sold to j.p. morgan chase, right? it was. this has been sold to j.p. morgan chase. how big can it get before there are concerns about it being too large. j.p. morgan chase was the largest bank before this, and will entrench itself after that. jamie dimon, the ceo of j.p. morgan chase had a call with reporters earlier this morning and faced the question, j.p. morgan chase just got bigger, don t you think that increases the eyeballs and scrutiny in washington, d.c. and his talking point was we re big, and we re not apologetic about it. he was basically saying j.p. morgan chase because of their scale, they re able to lend to businesses or able to lend to governments, able to lend to the imf, the world bank. don t you want that coming from the largest economy in the united states, a u.s. bank. that was his point. also a private bank. i don t know. seems like it s i listen, i have no idea. i m going to rely on you as the
deposits in those banks. the common shareholders and the bond holders, that s another story. neil: i have to ask you, a lot of people say this had the same feel when bank of america had to scoop up merrill lynch. a great idea at the time, but it was done under great pressure and a strong arming move. it worked out. not to disparage that. this also was facilitated by the government to get j.p. morgan chase to buy republic. and jamie dimon, who is legendary, savvy at this stuff, he got a good deal. that bank got bigger. i m wondering what the prospect is for other smaller size banks that might run into this in the future? well, if the last four cases are any indication, they ll find and exit strategy for these banks if it comes to pass.
cocaine, we take away all the demand and that s the problem. no one is going to stop doing cocaine. so we have to figure out a new solution. you have to play these guys off each other. three big ones. it looks like cinaloa is the top dog. you have to cut a deal or work each other off of them with the mexican government. the mexican government tried to cut a deal with one of them but the other two got bigger. gulf controls this area and they have disintegrated. if you re going to start throwing missiles of these guys, that s a possibility, that s what senator lindsey graham wants to do and there s house resolution same the same thing. that say that you lob a missile into one of these things, how do they respond? he saw the imprint they have in the united states. what if they blow up an apartment complex in phoenix? then you are dealing with