Fighter has crossed Rs 150 crore in India, and now aims to make the most of the open week ahead. Having said, it was made on a mega budget and has likely missed industry expectations of becoming a Rs 300 crore film.
As the Republic Day release of 'Fighter' draws closer, the Hrithik Roshan-led action entertainer has seen its advance bookings soar past the remarkable Rs 4 crore mark. With buzz around the film increasing by the day, fans have been making sure to prebook their tickets to make sure they have a spot to catch in on all the action on the big screen, on opening weekend. 'Fighter' promises a high-octane cinematic experience, available in various formats such as 2D, 3D, IMAX 3D, and 4D.
mumbai, fans of bollywood actor salman khan burst firecrackers inside a movie theatre during the screening of his film ‘tiger 3’ in malegaon in maharashtra’s nashik district, police said on monday. the incide