On August 11, the Lok Sabha, during its final session of the monsoon season, passed amendments to two Goods and Service Tax (GST) laws with a voice vote and minimal debate. These amendments relate to the Integrated Goods and Services Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2023, and the Central Goods and Services Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2023. New GST Rules 2023: Amended GST Law Provisions on Online Gaming, Casinos, Horse Racing To Be Effective From Today.
The Kerala High Court recently held that Input Tax Credit (ITC) cannot be denied to a purchaser merely on ground of non-reflection of the transaction in the GSTR-2A Form. Remanding the matter back to.
The centre will establish 31 state benches for the GST Appellate Tribunal, which aims to expedite the resolution of GST-related disputes, , goods and service tax, appellate tribunal, grievance redressal mechanism, tribunals, taxation
Consumers can sign up for this mobile application and upload invoices by simply clicking the image of the invoice or by uploading previously saved invoices from the gallery.