Supreme CourtSupreme Court Seeks Data Of GST Arrests, Says Citizens Harassment Won t Be Allowed Due To Any Ambiguity In Arrest ProvisionsCase Title: Radhika Agarwal v. Union of India and Ors.,.
Supreme CourtInterest-Free/Concessional Loans To Bank Employees Taxable As Perquisite : Supreme Court Upholds Rule 3(7)(I) Of Income Tax RulesCase Name- All India Bank Officers Confederation Vs The.
The Allahabad High Court has held that proceedings under Section 148A of the Income tax Act, 1961 are summary in nature. The Court held that at the stage of passing order under Section 148A(d), the.
The Kerala High Court has held that the expenditure that was incurred by the appellant/assessee by way of addition to buildings and electrical fittings on leasehold premises was in the nature of.
Delhi High CourtAssessee Can t Be Obstructed From Availing DTVSV Act Benefits Even When Limitation Period For Appeal Hasn t Expired: Delhi High CourtCase Title: PT Bukaka Teknik Utama Versus.