unfold quickly, before we go, no should they, will they carlos, we ve been saying fo years, will ex be the thin that makes the gop believe donald trump wasn t for all? and it hasn t happened yet will this report be the thin that does it well, steph, i don t know i it was a coincidence but today, mitch mcconnell for the first time in years now, explicitly, in an intervie with nbc news, went at donal trump, and said that he s goin to actively oppose donal trump s candidacy in 2024. so, look, i don t think it s the kind of thing where we r gonna say, of, there it is today, they re trump-ing donal trump. but i think it s happening little by little i think that s good for th country. i also happen to think tha that s a good thing for th republican party well, we ll soon find out leigh mcgowan, carlos curbelo, thank you so much for joinin us tonight when we come back, as we close out the year, how did democrac fare in 2022, and what s gonna look like in 2023?
good as anybody s gas. but, i do think the house ha set a marker and, if the choose not to bring prosecution, the bar is goin to be that much higher t explain why they are not bringing one against donal trump. on the political and it is n secret that there are more and more republicans these days wh are looking around and wondering if there is somebody else because this guy has so much baggage and we are risking losing the 2024 presidential election if we go with donal trump, just as this one exampl with the taxes what is he going to do is he really going to be abl to stand in front of even hi base of people, and especially people in the middle who could go either way, still, and sa no i am not going to release m tax returns as time, i m going to do the same thing i did las time after, two weeks ago in new york the trump organizatio was convicted on 17 counts related to criminal tax fraud.
opportunity is, probably, goin to be true for other witnesses and that is something that the can get a lot of straight out of the mob playbook. we are going t continue not just to focus o this report but in the comin months, consequences consequences, consequences. eli, it has been almost 24 hour since the report came out. break it down for us, what has the reaction been from the white house, from the hill, an from trump world we are not hearing a whol lot out of joe biden s white house. they are content to jus let this play out in the background, or the foregroun really, in terms of the media. and they will go on doing thei own thing. they like the contrast and they don t feel like they have to be the one to draw it. at the same time the white house has, whe trump s made posts on to social, when his people have gone ou and done they have drawn lot of attention to some thing which is glaringly anti-democratic. this whit house likes this contrast. the president, the people who ar
flooding some snow melt leading to, tha coupled with falling rain, cut leading to flooding. anywhere from 2 to 3 inches ar possible for places like eureka, medford, and eugene, portland, seattle. yesterda with an ice storm so, this warmer weather leading with th snow melt and additional rainfall, will not be grea with flooding concerns if you re worrying about the snow melt? - up the lower elevations no quite as much, but still i would be something that will impact folks there, with the cooler weather working in an the flooding concerns and th snow we ve really got it all goin on across the country richard. it s been a busy wee weatherwise. in terms of all this weathe reminding me of a traditiona normally is to watch a christmas story. i think it s definitely switch year from planes, train and automobiles.
cage. there is what it is. this is that this is the whole thing hollywood directors are trying to get ahead of what the think the next backlash is goin to be. to bring up love actually again. what he s insert himself this i important. even if i was in a room, it would become of love handles actually. stick with me he chided it because he says it wasn t diverse enough. he gets backlash coming. that s what spielberg is doing. if you remember and et he went out on has owned and edited the guns out of the nwt. that s what he is doing the new version of et. it s not even called phone home. it s a whole different movie. the thing is, i have to say tha the problem with jobs the shark