i hate to correct you. you keep saying we. yes, i do. i get so mad because it can never be because it s the right decision it makes sense. because we read and we think an we don t like big taxes. no, we get gassed up and go woke . [laughter] oh, my gosh. and you know what the other sid is going to do here, don t you. they re going to say, see, the republicans and conservatives are all aggressive with that testosterone and they re all just mean and then there s goin to be this anti- male thing, as if there wasn t already.
states of america under joe biden. but again, circle back jen. whileto she s refusing to apologize to the border, officials were recently cleared. mbalmber all those allegations that they were whipping migrants? yeah, they ve all been cleared. take look, we ve been told that the mountain border patrol officers accused of whipping migrants have been notified. they will not face criminalwh charges. so when isen the president goin> to apologize to them? t there is a process and an investigation has gone to the department of homeland security. i don t have any update on that. the president a said that they were whipping people, whichpl would be a criminal offense and they ve been told they real not going to be criminally and there was an investigation into that . and i ll let the department of homeland i security announce any conclusion of that investigation. so much for let being innocet until proven guilty and joe biden s united states of america. it was reaction. texas governor greg a
everybody gave her a standing ovation. we come with the public have been silent it s this minority that is just so loud that they are literally silencing the res of us who are just kind of goin along with our lives. here s the bottom line, it is criminal privilege right now. they re is a war on cops, you r absolutely right, but it s time to end it. the way to end it is with governors that talk out of both sides of their mouths. the governor says on the one hand i m not going to change th bill laws in we re going to kee letting the criminals out, but i m going to work with mayor adams. she s got to go. she picks one side or the other. as for who the new governor is, hopefully we will put him out o office. we have got to find tune into the individual. the judge, there is a particula judge who continuously lets out these young people who have gun crimes over and over, three times letting them get out with
know and later date. and you weren t going to answer the question and i knew i d waste time asking you that question. we appreciate you taking the time and very articulately goin over the issues of the day. we appreciate the 45th president . please set your dvr and never miss an episode. let not your heart be troubled, she s up and inches next, laura ingraham,. you waited until the very en to ask that question? he thought for a moment, okay, tonight s the night, going to trigger all the federal electio restrictions and announced on hannity. laura: you would ve taken up the first part of my show. a excited to hear the conversation, but i didn t want it to take a little bit of my time.
just blown over and i m overwhelmed and i could hear the emotions in her voice. and and she says, yeah, we ve got a match. and said, this is how it happened. and i m goin wow. just like on tv, huh? [laughter] and goes, yeah, it does happen. diane then called brittani, who was in boston with sister, jennifer. i said jodi called, and she s got a match. she s like, they know who the guy is. i m like, what? she goes, it s a dna match 100%. i m like, who is it? she goes, justin hansen who you ga you remember giving that tip to her? i m like, yeah. she says, it s 100% match. i m like, well, holy crap. i was like, my prayers were answered. so i called jodi. and i m like, you have no idea how thankful i am for for you solving this, jodi. she goes, no. you did it. i said, no, you did. she goes, you have me the name. i was all, but you acted on it. hansen was arrested while out shopping. for the marcell sisters, it was h