melissa murray in for mehd hassan for nearly half a century it was an obvious, clear norm if you wanted to be th president of the united states you had to show the american public where your money came from it was a norm that began amazingly, with richard nixo during the watergate scandal i 1973, when nixon released hi tax returns to fight off accusations of corruption. in fact, it was nixon s ta filings sparked one of the mos famous quotes in america politics i look on this kind o examination because people hav got to know whether or not their president as a crook, am not a crook, i have earne everything i have got. since then, every america president has released their tax returns or a summary o their taxes. well, all but one. and, you know which one. and you know why, or, at least his explanation of why i will absolutely give my return but i am being audite for two or three years, so, cannot do it until the audit i finished, obviously. it is under, i i will revisit
good as anybody s gas. but, i do think the house ha set a marker and, if the choose not to bring prosecution, the bar is goin to be that much higher t explain why they are not bringing one against donal trump. on the political and it is n secret that there are more and more republicans these days wh are looking around and wondering if there is somebody else because this guy has so much baggage and we are risking losing the 2024 presidential election if we go with donal trump, just as this one exampl with the taxes what is he going to do is he really going to be abl to stand in front of even hi base of people, and especially people in the middle who could go either way, still, and sa no i am not going to release m tax returns as time, i m going to do the same thing i did las time after, two weeks ago in new york the trump organizatio was convicted on 17 counts related to criminal tax fraud.