respect, they cut off ou microphones, wouldn t let us talk on committees, making hostile remarks in elevators, had a member yell at me an tell me i am effing disgrace that s alicia s, they see us a not worthy of being unequa colleague. to go back to the firs question, is because the speaker s house ethics told us that if we are appointed the may not see this, may no allowed to be seated, that i another attack on ou constituents and community voice. so to come back here wil definitely be challenging bu it is something that is wort it to speak from our district, fight for my district, that is what this was about at the end of the day, 70,000 people in the most diverse districts that s what led me to the well and i know that my colleague as well speaking for our peopl and so no matter what we hav endured here we know it s goin to be worth it for this ne south that we are trying t build, a south that is based o a multi racial democracy, huma rights, based off of a futur
santos yes, in marjorie taylor greene, who barked into bullhorn for about five minutes, and that was it. that was it, that was the whol thing. nobody else. lindsey graham didn t come u there and cry, saves that fo television for donald trump. it was a wonderful test, i think, of americas resistanc to donald trump now calling fo death and destruction. it doesn t tell us what s goin to happen in the plan. i would think that in southern state like that, ther might be a better turnout fo donald trump there were 600,000 trump voter in new york city it s toda that resisted the impulse to g anywhere near there. and also, the people that came out january 6th, not hotbed of trump support. in the past, people have bee willing to travel.
sideshow performer, or d lis hangers on, it tells you something when one of the most famous established politicians who actually made their wa down to the park was georg santos yes, in marjorie taylor greene, who barked into bullhorn for about five minutes, and that was it. that was it, that was the whol thing. nobody else. lindsey graham didn t come u there and cry, saves that fo television for donald trump. it was a wonderful test, i think, of americas resistanc to donald trump now calling fo death and destruction. it doesn t tell us what s goin to happen in the plan. you would think in a souther state like that there might be a better turnout for donal trump.
that being said, feather cracks in this could people start looking a this and say, well, at the end of the day i want to b president, as a result, i want to use this upcoming possibl trial against the former president? and then people really start doing the math of when and how to do that i think that question is one that we re going to continue t have to ask. obviously, the prosecution was pushing for and the prosecutor pushing for a trial to start i january. former president trump s lawyers are saying they want t do that more in late sprin nexteer. so something to really watch i how this timeline plays out. what we do know is it s goin to be all of this is really happenin in the middle of the 202 presidential campaign. especially because forme president trump has alread announced he is running fo president. so, he s already in the middle of his presidential campaign will dealing with not only these problems, in, new york but also the host of other legal problems we ve bee covering
him in this indictment, becaus he wants to claim the malone defense, that i didn t do this because of the 2016 election, was paying all this money and was doing this because didn want melania to know that i ha been a scoundrel that does the defense, it s no about the campaign, it s about her. the problem is, into parts o the indictment, you have the claim that, let s see if we ca put this off until after the election because then, if lose, which i think i m goin to lose, i don t have to pay so guess, what melania is goin to be there after the election using his cheapness against