good to be indicted. and i hav been involved in a lot o campaigns, and i have never ha one of his campaigns heard anyone say, boy if we coul just get indicted this is goin to be great for our prospects. it is, i think, a sign of ho low the republican party has sunk. and donald trump, this i donald trump s republica party. but, as i was listening to what you are saying, yo think of this rhetoric as of witch hunts and the calling fo the arrest of his opponents. tearing down the media, tearin down our judicial system and our legal system. those are th hallmarks of authoritarian and extremist movements that w have seen in history. and it i playing out exactly along thos lines here in the united state with these followers of trump. so, i continue to you thin that we are in a very dangerou time are you at all surprise senator that all of trump supposed rivals in the 202 race, ron desantis, chri christie, glenn youngkin, just
and, for the most part, they have put aside their daily lives and they really do the best that they can now the attorneys on both side will have an opportunity t what we call, endure the juror to ask him questions beforehand, to make sure that they can kee an open mind and be impartia and fair but for the judge, judges know that, unfortunately this i part of the job. to keep an eye on everything and to see weather threats ris to such a level that they ca have some action but i think that, primarily, the judge in this case is goin to be looking out for th interests of the parties and the jurors judge vance, there is a allegation by the trump kincad that they cannot get a fai trial. for those who are unfamiliar with new york, these are different counties, manhatta is a different county than the other boroughs, staten islan is another county as well. this was a manhattan distric attorney tell me about the commonalit of this and the likelihood o getting the venue changed.
understand. when brag started, he suggeste that the case was not ready. do you believe that is true an what specifically can you tell us about the strength of the evidence that you handed off because you did a lot of wor before you left office, even i there was not an indictmen issue. i brought mark pomerant into the office in 2021. i think very highly of mark an fought very highly of march. and, ultimately, as what mr. bragg had said, ultimately, mr bragg decided that information and the case that mark was presenting him after i left in january of 2022 was not a case he felt comfortable goin forward on at that time. and that is his prerogative as the district attorney, just as it was my prerogative when i was distracted tierney t pursue evidence and further se of an indictment that i felt
one of the important variables that is filled in next week, ron. but it strikes me that there was really one other different that might be operable and important here, which is tha it was a surprise what you all arranged, that plea agreemen that was arranged with spiro agnew. the day that he appeared i court in october 1973, nobod knew and you tell us this in grea detail and it s a better par of the drama nobody knew that agnew is goin to be there in court that da and that he was going to pla in that nobody knew he was going to resign. nobody knew either side of how that plea agreement was goin to play out in open court that day. and when i looked again toda at that footage of his supporters being so upset, his supporters in congress sayin nobody s gonna have faith in america anymore, and their supporters in the streets, there were so rabbit, they los the words, they were furious about this - i wonder if there had been fou or five or six days warning,
the perceived strength of th case, obviously, is the thin that creates the leverage on a defendant in this case, that they don t think you ve got great case if they don t think the penalty is goingo too much less pressure on them to consider any sort of ple agreement. and i think that s one of th big opening questions here nobody has seen the indictment nobody knows the strength of the case against trump including trump. and so that will be, i think one of the important variables that is filled in next week, ron leibman. but it strikes me that there was really one other different that might be operable and important here, which is tha it was a surprise what you all are arranged, that ple agreement that was arrange with spiro agnew the day that he appeared i court in october 1973, nobod knew and told us this in grea detail and it s a better par of the drama nobody knew that agnew is goin to be there in court that da and that he was going to pla in that nobody knew he was going to resig