he couldn t drive. i didn t really have eyes fo him in that moment - you are just a mess yes and charlie still could not believe what he was hearing. it really didn t set in until i saw the house and then it all came crashing down. his home was a crime scene. the house was taped off and there were people going in and out of the house a lot of neighbors around. like everything you see on tv. you never think it s goin to be? you owe no. it s surreal very much so what is that lost feel? like yeah, i can t put it into words it was tremendous it was awful i immediately called mark an babbling on the phone, i couldn t even speak. mark was charlie s uncle, lynn s brother after the initial shock
does it now mean that you charge them all with effort now the detectives lay a trap we triedd to play cat and mouse. we re getting reall paranoid about being - one are you wired will they catch their prey? you hold your breath, the world s gonna stop this. you never think it s goin to be you. oh no no. the young man is right in fact, this is the kind of thing that just doesn t happen to anyone. no, never never would ve thought i would ever see anything like this. no, not here. not in this neighborhood, in this house but certainly not, surely not,
don t have to reach that far back in history to know how it plays. you can just go to these las midterms where this was th same thing that they wer selling in the midterms. it di not work for out out for them. you have a lot of voters who just felt that they, in general, had become too extreme, that there was overreach in a cas of issue such as abortion. a the same time, there is goin to be all of that. and the there is going to be the other big story that we are watching today, which is, at least on possible indictment of the former president i wonder from your vantage point, how that scrambles the equatio going into 2024. well, look. i think, in part, you mentioned, oh, they make this extremist message. bu maybe, to be honest, that is actually we are so much of the party is. what seemed so extreme, to sort of mainstream america, who just wants to mak sure that the communities ar safe, you have a decent job, clean air, clean water, a good job so, the more that the are just talki
i think that xi jinping has made it very clear he s goin to do what he wants to do. i mean, he announced to th world by speaking to the communist, the chinese communist party that he intend to invade taiwan i don t think our rhetoric i going to ultimately influenc his behavior what i think has worked very well is the bide administration calling out china and saying they ar thinking of supplying weapon to russia. that was a well planne intelligence dump on our par to expose what is going on behind the scenes in china so far, the effect has been to make the chinese pause, to hol back, to not actually be s willing to support the russians the biden administration s handling very well the way they are doing this is by exposing what is going on i china. how concerned is the beltwa about this meeting i think there is concer because we don t want to see t
and it down by jack smith in the coming months. before i let you go, i want to pivot to what has been goin on the president called for stronger penalties for executives of failed banks what is your sense of where th administration thinks this all goes from here there are nerves about contagion effect what they don t want is fo anyone to think the government is coming in to bail out bad managers and risk takers and investors who were playing wit other people s money that s one thing president biden said he will not do. he plans to have accountability he was there as vice president during the last time we had financial crisis like this he kind of felt like he ha expressed it since then. the bankers got off easy the people who were responsibl didn t have to pay a price