But we are talking about quick warm up. It is 70 in the city, 59 in allentown, there is the 10 degrees temperature difference, clear, calm, you wake up, step outside, maybe little cooler, around the city. Look at these numbers coming in from the north and western suburbs, kutztown, 58, hazleton, 54, mount pocono, 50s, this morning, little cooler there. Mid to low 60s to the south, six off in woodbine, brigantine at 67. There is the 72 in lawn neck. Last few days for the pool. Take advantage of today, though, definitely. In fact, the next few days, grab the sunscreen, hat, sunglasses, 62 to 67 this morning, but quickly warming up, into the 80s by this afternoon. It is clear, nice, center city. We have the rip countries being there, at the shore, mainly southern new jersey, south jersey, watch for that, especially, the next few days, cool start, but warming up nicely this afternoon. Of course this weekend, well, we will see if the temperature warm up continues. Also looking at some rain
So general, it will now make a left turnout over the delaware. It will, it is on a Training Mission it will go up and practice air to air refueling, and, fuel in flight and then it will go and do some Transition Training practicing take offs and landing. We are watching major tim goodwin. Piloting it from our air force reserve, at maguire dixon. There is no way his last name is goodwilly. Goodwilly, sir. Midair. It can be refueled in midair. That gives us unlimited capability to go anywhere in the world. We can get behind a number of airplanes, transfer fuel, we do not have to land. That allows to us transfer the ocean. That makes our air force and our nation great. How much training goes into being able to fly that thing. Your basic pilot qualifications, about a full year to get your wings, and then another three months to get your qualification in the c17. And then you upgrade all the way to instructor and evaluate or in the weapons system. So over your time it will take five years t
Yes, this happened right around 3 00. Now it is after 7 00. And we warned you, that this wasnt going to be clear any time soon. Because it is a fatal crash, and they do investigations, to wonder why someone lost their life. You can see the troopers in the highway now, and one taking pictures, one taking measurements, further up around the bend, block by the median. You can see him, where the westbound traffic is surging. And inbetween, youll see, red evidence markers, also see debris, from a Harley Davidson motorcycle, that had maybe just a minor collision, with a white acura. Now ill show you a video and see first of all the Harley Davidson there is was a larger model, and this was riding with a second motorcyclist, who was not involved in the accident, who is 31 years old, immediately called his dad to come out here, and we got right out here, as well, with we heard it from police, why we were at headquarters this morning, and the father told me, what the son told him, and a woman dr
Who lost both legs to diabetes. Homeless for years he now has roof over his head but not much else. Im still panhandling but thats only to supplement my income and its hard its practically always near the end of the month. Reporter right. When his ssi check comes. Walk further youll meet peter welch whose homeless and makes no excuses. Failures in my life have come because of decisions and things ive said and cup and i see that happening in this country far too often. Reporter homelessness is up in the city this year. Panhandling is well according to Homeless Services director liz hirsh puts it down to one key element. Take wild guess. This is the opioid epidemic. Some of the folks youre seeing may not be homeless. They may be panhandling out here for money, but, um, yeah, its a big hairy problem. Reporter thats the up tick hyped you and liz another that the demographics prove it more young people for instance. Now, if you meet valerie who is homeless and has a history of opioid abuse
Office. Joining me is jeff okeefe and sarah clip. I am pleased to have both of them here. Let me begin with you, tell me what happened . The trump administration, the president , and other key leaders were saying they had the votes, and in fact, they did. Was it difficult to pull this off . Absolutely. They have been trying for weeks, charlie, and they did it today by the skin of their teeth. The magic number was to get it over 215, 216 which they barely did. They called the vote shortly thereafter. No democrats voted for this. Article conservatives dont ardent conservatives dont think the bill went far enough. They decided they had to do it on thursday and they did it. It is a significant achievement, whether you are a fan of this president or republicans or not, there is no denying the house pulled off something many thought they could not do. This is the first major legislative achievement for House Speaker paul ryan, who has been on the job a little over 18 months. Certainly of cou