stop fake documents. back to you. jon: kelly, thanks. faisal shahzad faces charges of terrorism and attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction. according to attorney general eric holder, he not only admitted to the bomb plot, but is providing valuable information to investigators. will we see him tried in federal court? judge napolitano is with us to break down some of the options. plus up to the minute updates including the suspect s far-reaching cyber footprints. you can find it all on, it s your online news source. jane: we ve got some major developments to tell you about on the massive oil spill in the gulf of mexico. we learned that bp has managed to cap one of the three leaks, and at any time we expect to see a barge heading out to sea carrying 100-ton containment
jon: happening now , in the top box, gruesome new details emerging in the death of university of virginia lacrosse player yeardley love. court documents reveal a scene of violent rage. the suspect, george hugy, telling police he kicked in her bedroom door and shook her and that her head repeatedly hit the wall. we ll have much more on the case next hour. middle box, somali pirates hijack ago russian-owned oil tanker bound for china, they are warning any rescue attempt will put the 23-member crew in danger. bottom box, folks in thailand putting politics and protests aside today to honor the country s ailing monarch on the 60th anniversary of his cornerration. coronation. three college students will think twice before they try this again. all three jumped from the edge of a dam, into a fast moving creek in rosswell, georgia, and soon found
tragic outcome. jon: the suspect s attorney, george huguely excuse me, says george huguely did not mean to kill his ex-girlfriend, but new details could make defending his client much tougher. our legal panel debates. woman ] with my diabetes. i make my efforts count. so i switched to the freestyle promise® program. a unique program that gives me. the support i need, free. free ss to a certified diabetes educator. so i can ask about diet and the insulin i use. i got a free meter. and test stridiscounts. so i can spend more on what i really want. i count on the freestyle promise® program. make it count for you! only the freestyle program gives you discounts, support, and more. enroll today.
the united states, so that we can stop these attacks. i mean, we d be having a very different discussion today, jon, if these guys, or the guy on christmas day and the guy at times square, if they had been a little bit more competent and plane had come down and there had been a successful explosion on times square, you and i would be calling for a major overhaul or review of our intelligence activities. the only reason we don t have that is because these guys were incompetent, some people were very observant and we were lucky. jon: and there are cities, namely madrid, mumbai, london, where luck has not held out. exactly. jon: congressman pete hoekstra on the phone from grand rapids, thank you. jane: we re also learning more interesting stuff about shahzhad s ties to pakistan, he was raised in what s described as a comfortable home and the suspect has been back we re told to visit pakistan, it looks like at least ten times,
purpose. jon: congressman, thank you. jane: want to take you to the white house where robert gibbs is talking about the suspect in the times square incident. let s take a listen. there are many, many mechanisms that would allow you to prevent somebody from flying which is what happened in this case. the cbp takes a locked manifest that s required to be filed 30 minutes before a flight with people that are on the plane. that was checked against that list, and the individual was removed from the plane. are there consequences for an airline that doesn t keep someone who is on a no-fly list off an airplane? i would point you to dhs on that. i don t know the specifics on that. yes, sir. two questions. one on the court and one on the oil spill. on the supreme court, can you tell us how the meeting went this morning? i don t have a readout on the