Monday, 12:28, 08/03/2021
VOV.VN - Vietnamese women typically spend an average of 20.2 hours per week doing household chores, in contrast to men who only spend 10.7 hours on such tasks, according to data revealed by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Vietnam.
Vietnamese women spend an average of 20.2 hours per week doing household chores (Photo: Hoang Manh/Dan Tri)
“Close to one fifth of men did not spend any time on these activities at all,” ILO stated.
A new research brief conducted by ILO Vietnam indicates that the impact of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has served to exacerbate existing inequalities, whilst also creating new gender gaps.
A new research brief shows that the COVID-19 pandemic has not only exacerbated existing inequalities but also created new gender gaps, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) in Vietnam has said, calling for a change in the mindset of not only every man but also every woman to influence their economic behaviour and achieve gender equality in the labour market.
this number right now? we re still many, many months away from 2020. how much weight do we put into this? i mean, what i would put into weight in it, it s been consistently bad, consistently bad among a number of key groups. i mean, look at this fox news poll. among women, he s running a 39% approval rating at this particular time. that is terrible. this is all-time record gender gaps. but more than that, take a look how he s doing among suburban women. 39% approval rating. suburban women tend to decide electi elections. in 2018, democratic house candidates won so big among suburban women and that helped flip the house. one other group i point out, whites without a college degree, women, that particular group, that should be a strength for him. he s only running a 50% approval rating among them. these numbers are all indicative of a president who s in major trouble at least at this point before his re-election. i mean, catherine, the power of the women vote is undeniable and the pr
and lyndon johnson. she offers deep insights. the answer to my gps challenge this week is d. according to the world economic forum s 2018 global gender gap index, no countries have achieved gender pairity as they define it. it measures gender equality across four pillars, political empowerment, educational attainment and health and survival. the top seven countries in the rankings, iceland, norway, sweden, fibben land, nick raug ga, rwanda and new zealand have closed 80% of their gender gaps. with current trends it will take 202 years to achieve economic gender pairity around the world. thanks to all of you for being part of my program this week. i will see you next week. no matter what i wore, i worried someone might see
the last few days. e. jean carroll, the most serious allegation we ve heard against this president. without question. it s a rape allegation. exactly right. these numbers do not take that into account. but will they? i know you look at numbers. but i ve never seen anything it s the focus of the closing tonight. me and the team, we re equally confused by this. she is credible. there are going to be points of corroboration that are stronger and weaker, but it s not getting the kind of play they did earlier. have we accepted this is who he is? donald trump has had one of the largest gender gaps, look at the exit polls. clinton won among women by 13 points, trump won among men by 11 points. that s the largest gap ever recorded in an exit poll dating