it s not true, and it s a sign of just how desperate and out of touch the right wing has become. joining me are former pennsylvania governor ed rendell and jess mcintosh. thank you both for being here. thanks for having me. our pleasure. jess, how important has the abortion issue been in the virginia race? look, i think women s issues, women voters have been absolutely critical in virginia. because they have a candidate who is literally the human embodiment of the republican war on women. we saw in 2012 historic gender gaps. more women turned out for democrats than ever before in history. and it was because they were rejecting a buffet of terrible policies that roll back the clocks on women s rights and opportunities. and ken cuccinelli has accepted every item on that menu. that s why we ll see even more women turning out today. governor rendell, it s been a major problem with the gop, the
i m here with nalini, and joss mcintosh, the communications director for emily s list. why does this problem exist, why does this gap exist, and is it fixable? absolutely. it is true that historically democrats come out in smaller numbers in midterm elections, but we have never played with this hand before. we were dealt something in 2012 that we frankly have not seen. we had historic gender gaps. more women turned out that was the one demographic that you left out. 10 million fewer women voted in 2010 than in 2008, and that was one of the big reasons why we saw the republican wave. those women, and i work for an organization that only works to elect pro-choice democratic women. that s all we do. our membership quintupled over the 2012 cycle. that is an astronomical level of political engagement and we need to take it through. here s the question, though. why was it there was such a dip between 2010 and 2012. and nalini, you work on
that s next week prosecutors say they want to talk to them again. so this story is staying in the headlines regardless of ken cuccinelli s strategically timed efforts to distance himself from it. the head to head match-up between mr. cuccinelli and his opponent in the race is looking worse and worse for ken cuccinelli with each new poll. the political report has now moved this race from a toss up to leans democratic. the latest poll in the races from purple strategies, they have ken cuccinelli losing by five points. but look at this. this is really interesting. this is one of the biggest gender gaps i have ever seen in a governor s race. there s a five point split between ken cuccinelli and terry mcauliffe, but look at the split with women. cuccinelli is losing virginia women by 18 points. and if that gender gap persists, it does not matter what else happens in the campaign. that is fatal for the cuccinelli campaign and the democrats and progressives know it and they are doing everythi
corruption. that s next week pross say they want to talk to them again. so this story is staying in the headlines regardless of ken cuccinelli s strategically timed efforts to distance himself from it. the head to head match-up between mr. cuccinelli and his opponent in the race is looking worse and worse for ken cuccinelli with each new poll. the political report has now moved this race from a toss up to leans democratic. the latest poll in the races from purple strategies, they have ken cuccinelli losing by five points. but look at this. this is really interesting. this is one of the biggest gender gaps i have ever seen in a governor s race. there s a five point split between ken cuccinelli and terry mcauliffe, but look at the split with women. cuccinelli is losing virginia women by 18 points. and if that gender gap persists, it does not matter what else happens in the campaign. that is fatal for the cuccinelli campaign and the democrats and progressives know it and they
won t vote for men who yell. there s a side to christie that reminds women of their worst boyfriends. in his race for governor in 2009 he won male voters by a wide margin but women went for his opponent governor jon corzine. this is a particularly startling figure when you add in the fact that corzine had the personal warmth and communications skills of an unconscious flounder. you know, that s interesting because i don t see it. the new quinnipiac poll that came out this morning has chris christie up 58 to 30%. and among women, there is a gender gap. yeah. it s on chris christie s side, nicole. 56 to 34, women for chris christie. if that s the case, then women in new jersey right now, like their boyfriends screaming at them because women that s one of the biggest gender gaps i have ever seen. and it comes in a state that