concerned about who are supports these institutions. and that s what this upcoming election is going to be about. you re going to hear a lot more of that rhetoric framed and reframed in a way that tells america that we ve now become less than our full potential because of these others. you see it in the transgendered conversation, you see it with the crt conversation. you see it in a number of areas where the narrative is being set up. the frustration i have, nicole, as i m sure you and a lot of other folks have, is we are aren t pushing back. we can t count on the leadership inside the gop to push back on it because that are perpetuating it. so the onus is on the american people at the end of the day to decide whether or not this is where they want to go and how they re going to set the future. right? now we see with the gen-zs and
gen-zs has run away from it. millenials ran away from it. there is an extraordinary opportunity to make more money doing that than a lot of jobs you would get with a four-year degree. yeah, you re seeing it hasn t happened quickly enough, but you are seeing community colleges actually partner with businesses in the community to determine, what are the jobs that are needed? they actually go out and recruit students and train them for those jobs, in cooperation with and, frankly, with the full support of the company that wants to employ them. what s happened here, joe, is higher education got fat and happy. capitalism is working right now. people are voting with their feet. if higher education doesn t adjust, if they don t look at the crazy amount of costs that are actually being put upon kids today, the debt load that they have to take to become a doctor
they re backed by a generation that for whom gun safety, freedom of choice are huge issues, maybe single issues, like anti-abortion was for so many years that generation is taking hold in 2024, they will be 40%, the gen-zs and millenials are the potential electorate by 2028, they ll be a majority the next years after that, they ll be 60% these extreme actions, just as you say, they re going against the tide of public sentiment when you have a force like that, it is a reaping whirlwind you probably can t hold back at the same time, you know, what excites me about what happened in nashville is that nashville has a history. this is where history begins to really give lessons and perspective. that was one of the first sit-ins in 1960 in february after greensboro it was an extraordinarily successful campaign. they were trained. they went to workshops they were peaceful they were arrested it kept going on at a certain point, something