stories about him disparaging the men and women of the military, calling them suckers and losers. he doesn't seem to care about the facts of january 6th coming out. he was reported by two people i was talking to at the time to care very much about the material covered by stormy daniels. these are things that get right up into his stuff. >> reporter: absolutely. get him respond. look, we've got opening statements that i believe just are literally that commercial break, the judge announcing saying, quote, we're going to have opening statements on monday morning. this trial is starting. and donald trump, he has tried to avoid this moment. his legal team has fought on his behalf, his most -- defense lawyers will try to do to avoid these moments, to avoid these circumstances here. and yet even -- just here in the last 30 minutes, his team trying to put forward several pre-motion motions in front of the judge to which the judge snapped back saying, quote, i have handed down decisions,